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Would you kill animals that were destroying your plants?

Just what the title asks, if you put out 100 clones and came back a week later,saw coon tracks all around, and 25 plants pulled out of their holes and dead what would you do?


trap it and relocate it if you can would be the most politically correct thing to do.

Last year I had a doe and fawn getting into one of my gardens and did some pretty serious damage on more than one occasion. I did everything in my power to stop them from getting in, they still kept finding a way though....I tried to scare them off, threw rocks at them, and even shot them with a BB gun square on the ass cheek and nothing to this day has had any lasting effect on them. I never could bring myself to kill an innocent animal because I invaded its habitat and put my plants there for personal gain. Im building fort knox fence this year and if they still find a way in im not sure what im gonna do but Im not gonna kill anything out of my own selfishness.


Active member
Should of used cages. Never had a animal get past a cage. 3" to 4"cage keeps deer out as well.
I'm 51,10yrs into my second marriage,and 2 kids in elementary school. Did 2 yrs for a grow from 98-2000, lost my house and 1st wife at that time. This spot is ideal with a creek not far, last year i put out 300 clones and ended up with 7 plants total because of this same pack. I got no car and it's a 2 hr commute to the spot. Not trying to be a baller just trying to get my kids out this fucked up neighborhood.

Sat X RB

Man, my choice was NOT to kill. I figure I gotta be smarter that those animals.

I was troubled by possums (dunno whether you have them where you are). found out these tree climbers won't climb up anything unsteady so loosened my fence and added an overhang that was floppy. stopped them even during a drought when there was little native feed.

learn in detail about the habits of yr animal enemies ... there must be a way!


High country cat herder
If I were guerrilla growing in the woods, I'd be happy that it was animal rippers and not the 2 legged variety! ;) I'd harbor little or no ill will against the animals.

That being said,...

I had a Raccoon that wiped out my corn crop in my backyard in the middle of suburbia last year,.... Only grew about 25 stalks,.... didn't get a SINGLE ear of corn.

Doing more gardens this year,... if the fucker comes back, I've got a nice new .22 cal air rifle and low light scope that'll deal with him!!!!


Yes I would. as a last resort. Fencing in the ground to keep them from digging out the plants stops most of the problem.

coons are rotten little bastards. Coon hunters around here are the corn farmers best friends


pure dynamite
I'd first try to avoid or relocate them, killing would be the last option. And I try to avoid it when possible.


Active member
I would make me a coon hat. I don't like to kill an animal and not utilize it. the dogs would get the meat. no poisons. but I am a hunter anyhow.i have had rabbits wipe me out before. I managed to bag a few but they were winning the war so I abandoned the spot after trying everything mmmmmm rabbit. you can go the haveaheart trap route but transporting them live animals and relocating them might be illegal. check your laws. if its public land you need a hunting liscence to mess with wildlife


If you put up a fence correctly you won't have to kill any animals. I understand if it would give away the stealth option and not be a possibility. If I really needed the crop I would probably set up a trap first, if that didn't work I would probably shoot the bastards lol