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would you give a cat Cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

would you give a cat Cardiopulmonary resuscitation?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 67.4%
  • No

    Votes: 14 32.6%

  • Total voters

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
well after much thought, I came up with the answer .........................no

NEW BEDFORD, Mass. - A lucky cat owes one of its nine lives to a firefighter who revived it with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.

Al Machado rescued the cat from a burning apartment Tuesday, telling The Standard Times of New Bedford that he saw immediately that it needed air.

Machado began performing mouth to mouth on the animal as he carried it outside.

Video shot at the scene shows Machado bent over, breathing into the cat's mouth several times.

The cat, a tiger angora, was revived and resting comfortably soon after.

No humans were injured in the fire.

A man and woman whose last known address was the building that burned were arrested and charged with arson, authorities said.

Two other cats died in the second-floor apartment, but two dogs there were saved with the help of oxygen from paramedics and animal rescue personnel.

Pets on the other two floors - including a ferret and even some frogs on the first floor - were all saved.

Asked what it tasted like to give mouth-to-mouth to a cat, Machado laughed, grimaced and said: "Like fur."


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Cant say that I would. I could never pass CPR in high school. I always killed my dummy by shoving the breast down down to the spine. So I think I would crush the cat.


Well-known member
not to be an asshole (that i really am)but I think we have enough cats running around i personaly dont like cats so NO I WOULD NOT


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
I understand someone not wanting to lose their "baby" (cat,dog, bird, whatever). Would I do it - HELL YES!!!


Active member
y not. i would cup my hand around its face or somthing so u dont actually have to touch it.i seen that on my local news too.


Well-known member
Theres nothing wrong with giving a pussy a little cardiopulmonary resusitation.


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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Sure. Doesn't even need to be my cat. I've mid-wifed enough kitties and puppies, pulling them out and cleaning off the mucus wrap ... Kissing a kitty is nuthin'.


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
as long as it ain't no Hood rat ass cat....for sure...why not....wait what am I voting on again?........

Space Toker

Active member
well my mom just died on aug6 of an unexpected coronary, I mean she had congestive heart failure but also seemed to fool even the doctors this latest round that she was going to pull out of it, telling me and my bro to do things as if she was going to be just fine. Now my bro sells his soul to the highest bidder, the devil that is my materialistic, well to do greedy and selfish aunt. My mom and my aunt did not see eye to eye on a lot of things, and although she had a closer relationship with my bro than me, he seems all too eager to sell his soul to my aunt regardless of what my mom would want. And she saw it both ways. So it is a mess. My aunt is an aggressor and he sides with her right or wrong to save the peace whereas I fight for my rights, but no one including my mom agrees with that so I am left out in left field even though he agrees with me in private and in principle. So I am screwed no matter what even though I am entitled via an old will to 50 percent of everything. But there is talk of a lawyer that "already understands things" and can undo the already done, I don't know how true it is. My mom was very secretive and did not want to discuss such matters, but I have to believe she did not want anyone screwed. well anyway, she died of a coronary under unexpected circumstances, she had congestive heart failure but was getting better and even the doctors did not expect her to die. It was a complex relationship but I know she did not want anyone screwed and now it seems I am. She wanted to be resusitated if it stood a chance at a normal life but not if she was to remain a vegetable, so I am still left wondering what went on when and if anything could have made a difference. She was closer to my bro, but he was/is a kissass that will sell out to the highest bidder and I at least was honest throughout and I got to believe she respected that, but now kissing ass wins no matter what and so I am screwed? Well anyway....


Active member
chuckyoufarley said:
not to be an asshole (that i really am)but I think we have enough cats running around i personaly dont like cats so NO I WOULD NOT

There are too many humans running around too...


Active member
So the question is? Would i blow into a pussy? fck yeah.

I have a cat story just like this. At a friends house and; long story short...

The silly bish put a load of washing on and didnt notice the kitten had jumped in. Done a full cycle in a front loader.
She wnt to get the washing out and saw the cat in there. Freaked out started screaming n crying. Her mom went down to check wtf was going on... started screaming n crying aswell.
Im fully baked and thinking all sorts of shit, so i go investigate. They are frozen with fear for the kitty. So i had a look, could just see ass n tail sticking out of the pile of clothes.
I knew the kitty was proper fcked but i thought i saw it twitch so i pulled it out and stuck it on the floor. Stared at it for 15 secs, wasnt moving or breathing so i just pushed on its guts a lil. It ewwwezd some goop from its mouth n moved.
So i took it upstrars n got it warm. They called their "cat lady" friend n she said give it mouth to mouth so they did. lil fcker survived. minus a few teeth, claws n lives.


Cannabrex Formulator
JWP said:
So the question is? Would i blow into a pussy? fck yeah.

I have a cat story just like this. At a friends house and; long story short...

The silly bish put a load of washing on and didnt notice the kitten had jumped in. Done a full cycle in a front loader.
She wnt to get the washing out and saw the cat in there. Freaked out started screaming n crying. Her mom went down to check wtf was going on... started screaming n crying aswell.
Im fully baked and thinking all sorts of shit, so i go investigate. They are frozen with fear for the kitty. So i had a look, could just see ass n tail sticking out of the pile of clothes.
I knew the kitty was proper fcked but i thought i saw it twitch so i pulled it out and stuck it on the floor. Stared at it for 15 secs, wasnt moving or breathing so i just pushed on its guts a lil. It ewwwezd some goop from its mouth n moved.
So i took it upstrars n got it warm. They called their "cat lady" friend n she said give it mouth to mouth so they did. lil fcker survived. minus a few teeth, claws n lives.

And this is why some mentally deficient turdfaces should not have pets.....fookin' twits.


Active member
Yeah you soon work people out. Needless to say i dont visit them anymore. The whole family are a pack of nug nugs. Seriously, its a medical emergency and all they can do is cry? wtf at least a minute or two went by before i got down there... :bashhead:


no wuckin furries!
i found a little kitten years ago....he was alone but too young to be without a mother ...at the time i lived at my mums house ...so brought him home...got some powdered kitten milk and proceeded to feed him every 4 hours for i dont rember how long...he grew up and was a wicked little orange cat..we called thomas

years later...think he was about 4?...he was sleeping on my mums bed ....breathing...fine by the looks of it....was gona pick him up for a pat but my mum said give this cat a brush...it needs it ....so i left thomas asleep and brushed a cat...not long after my mum went to bed to lay down and started screaming thomas name....i thought what the fuck ? did he get up and now has his head stuck somewhere ? or something?...

i went running to find him dead on the bed?????....years before had also heard the story of mouth to "nose" on a cat from a burning building by a fire man...so i rushed in and did mouth to nose......poor little guy wasnt reacting(thought i saw some breathing but i doubt it)

we rushed him to the vet....and nothing...he said nope he's gone.....poor vet had to deal with me pushing past him trying to get to my cat and try again....but it was pointless.

man that was sad just writting that.....

years later my mum found anouther orange kitten and named him thomas...he no thomas thou just looks similar.....lol i wont call him thomas...i call him timmy lol....ahhhh he's a cool cat....and his life was saved when my mum found him...

i too would save most animals than a lot of humans around.HH. =]-~


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

As a supposedly compassionate species I believe we owe it to our pets to use all of our abilities to revive or rescue them as their lives are intertwined emotionally to us humans on many facets, this includes treating others peoples pets as well.

So YES S4L would do CPR and perform mouth to snout even on your critters.

In the heat of the moment (no pun intended) being level headed and saving a families pet while the rest of their belongings go up in smoke would mean the world emotionally to them, think about how you'd feel if this scenario went down at your crib, someone going above and beyond the call of duty to save that precious life. I know that it'd mean the world to me.