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Would you get A WEED tattoo??


Rubbing my glands together
KB. A guy at one of the auto supply stores has that exact tat on his forearm. Was just him and myself so I asked him at the register how long he had the chem sig for thc on his arm and he freaked.
"You know what that is? No body knows what that means." Then he offered to sale me some really nice smoke for $5 a gram and then started writing his cell number down. . Dude didn't know me from Adam. Didn't take his number and told him I don't smoke cheap pot. But have a nice day!! Just can't deal with a guy that tries to sale me a cheap sack in less time it takes to ring up a quart of oil just cause I knew the meaning of his tat.lol
If you get it, have someone do it that can make it look nice. His was kinda crude looking really didn't look right but recognizable.

Or you could get like a 3d growroom design inked on your head. A front, rear, and side view of your room with a overhead view on the top that pulls it together.lol


Have thought of doing a full grow room scene on my back

But, Ive Always wanted the molecule structure of THC as a tattoo...

Better do it quick! Everybody and they mama is getting those right now.

I think tufmud dave should get this one!


plus anybody that sees a chem synbol on as a tat,theyr gonna KNOW it represents some kind of drug lol,mighth as well get the leaf while your at it


Active member
If your just a stoner then I say fuck it go for it. But if you have any business with growing I would keep tattoo's to a minimal especially weed tattoo's.
IMO Tattoo's to never get.... Tribal,Chinese Lettering/symbols, YOUR LAST NAME.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
Get a tattoo hell yeah... Weed tattoo.. easy, just put it high on your thigh or if youre a chick get it somewhere on the ass


I like posing ...flexing the guns and makin my tatties dance. Don't y'all get jealous now ok, we is all peacin heavy!



This thread reminds my of this random guy that walked up to me as I pulled up to my mothers house. He walked up and was like "yo check out my tattoo" he had a pot leaf and some other words which I don't remember tatted on his forehead. All I could think to say was gonna be hard to hide that man.


Freedom Fighter
At 51 I decided to get full sleeves-- I'll be 52 in a couple months, and I am about halfway through my left arm...right one is complete-- Full color, and the whole right upper arm is weed-- I can cover it with a t-shirt...but I usually wear slingshots or cut sleeves--
Fuck 'em!! :moon:


lol id never get ANY tattoo on my butt,thats kinda trashy lol,plus it dont look good,im surprised alot of you guys are against this,considering that weed is more tan just a hobby to alot of people,its a passion,and passions are a good idea to get tatted,when your 60 y/o,you can look at it and reminice about when you were young and smoking/growing pot.


Active member
Thats an easy question if you took all of 3 sec actually useing a cognitive thought process... Not everyone is legal an no one wants to lose freedom cause a cop used your ink as probable cause for stop an serch... Az


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
im surprised alot of you guys are against this,considering that weed is more tan just a hobby to alot of people,its a passion,and passions are a good idea to get tatted,when your 60 y/o,you can look at it and reminice about when you were young and smoking/growing pot.

Yo you, its a hobby....

For growers that have a family, house, and there life to lose from a bust, we DO NOT want to stick out, and have people notice that we are involved in weed....


Freedom Fighter
Thats an easy question if you took all of 3 sec actually useing a cognitive thought process... Not everyone is legal an no one wants to lose freedom cause a cop used your ink as probable cause for stop an serch... Az

So what you really mean, is for "You" it is a no-- But remember...not everybody is Illegal either--
My tatts might be a problem in a small town, of a non-med State....but here in So Cal, cops could give a flying fuck about weed tatts...or anything else, except Gang tatts-- Here in the IE, prolly a quarter of the Population are majorly tatted--

h^2 O

I'm passionate about the female genitalia but I wouldn't get it tattooed on my shoulder.

that reminds me, i want to paint a porn scene on the side of a van, maybe even someone else's, maybe even without their permission. Tom Green did it i think

edit yeah he painted

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