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would you donate a part of your liver to a friend




I erased the original message because its too disturbing for me to read mean or callous comments.

But once again I thank all the people that were kind and sensitive to the matter.

much love


Just this guy, ya know?
Can't they cut part of the liver out like half and it will still function and regrow even? If that is the organ I'm thinking of, yeah I would do that if they were a real friend. Some people are friends when it is convient, ya know. But yeah I'd like to think I would.
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Well-known member
All operations involving anesthesia are dangerous, I'd wait a bit to see if he's sincerely able to overcome the alcohol problem otherwise, what's the point?:tiphat:


Well-known member
Well I know I'm fucked.dr told me I got less than 10 years to live.im 31.i wouldn't expect anyone to give me their liver.id probably turn it down.but I would feel happy knowing I had a friend that would do that for me.


Seed Whore
Well I know I'm fucked.dr told me I got less than 10 years to live.im 31.i wouldn't expect anyone to give me their liver.id probably turn it down.but I would feel happy knowing I had a friend that would do that for me.

Ignore what the doctor said about that.

Just don't drink anymore, eat good foods, exercise and you'll get more than 10 years.


My oldest friend... 40 plus years.. his liver is shot and he has a year to live without a transplant.
he is 50
Being an aclcoholic puts you at the bottom of the wating list.

My liver is pretty clean.

would you donate yours?

I thought long and hard about the same question, though my friend had managed to quit drinking for years. Livers are in very short supply for transplants, and so the eligible recipients don't move to the top of the list until their failing organ is about to kill them, then they get a bump to the top of the list.

One night, Steve had a massive stroke, and made the question moot. ultimately a blood clot in his brain killed him, instead of his failing liver.

Sadly, another friend just lost his daughter to an overdose. Her father is an orthopedic surgeon who regularly uses tissues from cadavers. He worked with the doctors to keep his daughter's heart and lungs functioning long after she was brain-dead, so that they could harvest every useable tissue. Somebody got a liver, and I hope it was not too late.


Well-known member
For a good friend I definitely would.
But there would be a strong condition: stop drinking immediately or fu*k off.



Well-known member
depends. do you mean a biopsy to take a sample of a healthy liver to regrow?

or do you mean losing a chunk of your own and hoping it completely regrows?

First one, sure for a really good friend and their life is no longer abusive to their organs. Second? Fuck off. (caveat there would likely be one or two instances when i will say yes.. but this ain't one of them)

if he is an alcoholic, he won't heal well, chance of infection is extreme. And then there is rejections.. are you willing to lose part of your liver with the chance it will never work in his body? a real concern?


Well-known member
if it was part of my liver, and it gave them a chance at life, sure. would not have to be a friend either. total strangers are human too. this is why i am an organ donor...:)


Just this guy, ya know?
I seem to have completely glossed over the alcoholic part. I'm with Koondense, they would have to put forth a solid effort to quit drinking.


Well-known member
I see so many tossers get transplants, then need another because they carried on caning it. I'm sure a dead donor didn't offer their bits to have them used that way.

Perhaps loan him it. For his own use. But if he kills it, then that's your liver he has killed, and you get paid as such.

Someone will write it up I'm sure.

I know drinking will do this. So it would be my own fault. Why would I get a transplant at all? Obviously knowing drinking would do this, wasn't enough to stop me, so I need a different kind of lesson. Time spent on the bottom of the list, while doctors did their best to put people before me. Making my suffering time as long as possible, until near death, when I might only just get one by the miracle of a car crash. Combined with the person ahead of me dying as they waited. So I actually face death. Not just progress along a cue until my turn. Which seems quite repeatable.

I understand you feel bad for him. But he has to suffer. To learn. He played his dice, and they are still rolling.

I would donate for my offspring or partner. He should be looking towards his own family. How would mine feel if I died sooner due to my donation. My friend means little to them, but they need me. I know my friends and family wouldn't even ask. Non given terminal diagnosis have shared the fact.

I hope they can save him at the last critical moment. No sooner. It feels like not offering is chucking your own dice, but it's not. His are still rolling, and will keep on rolling. He chucked them, so it's for him to see how they land. If you join the game, you could actually stop him getting the message, by saving him. Only to see it all happen again. At which time they will see what happened, and you won't be able to help.

Doing nothing, isn't doing nothing. Not saving him, could be what saves him. Non of it is certain enough to start gambling your life, to save someone that gambles with theirs.

Don't feel bad. He knew what he was doing. A good friend would man up and refuse your offer anyway. If this is truly his end, don't let it be a part of yours.

Dog Star

Active member
How can you give peace of liver... arent liver is transplated like hole organ???

I sees you can survive whithouth one kidney but giving liver can only those
who died already..

Question and theme of a thread sounds a lot of stupid..


How can you give peace of liver... arent liver is transplated like hole organ???

I sees you can survive whithouth one kidney but giving liver can only those
who died already..

Question and theme of a thread sounds a lot of stupid..

Last I heard, a piece of liver is only good if you have onions and a frying pan.
My liver story...
My friend was on a train with another friend. They were talking and then one friend did not answer, just stared at other friend. Turned out he died of liver failure from years of abuse. You die very suddenly if your liver fails. The name is not a coincidence.


where does it end though? You get a reputation for being generous like that and next thing you know your friend with a small dick comes calling.


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
a tough and interesting question. if the friend truly quit and i believed he would continue to do so then yes i would but if i had doubts he wouldnt maintain sobriety the i would not as it wouldnt be much different than lending him my car after he totaled his own. im a registered organ donor and i checked every possible option when i filled out the forms. i figure it will be nice to know my passing can possibly bring health and happiness to someone suffering.