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Would you date this chick?

Okay, I am going to freak you guys out... Although I never really wanted to date her, her stories kind of turned me on and she knows it. When she told me what she did she used details and slang. I feel terrible about it, but I was turned on. But getting turned on over the phone and going out with her are two completely different things. I think she might have some kind of control over me or something. I mean I sent her money and hash a few months ago, so you have to know that I was sort of interested. But it is different now that she is in the same neighborhood. If she turns me on again I don't know what I will do. And if I did do something with her... It it not going to be easy to run away or hide. I feel like I have had my life put into play and there is nothing I can do about it. She still has a nice body and looks pretty good.

Alright Designer, listen up!

First, let me ask you: What does your gut instincts tell you? It seems to me, you want to hit it, but can't deal with the drama. Well let me tell you...You can't have one without the other! In my experience, nearly all women in my life came with some kind of emotional baggage or another, some definitely more than others. It's just a fact. Early on, I lost alot of opportunities because I was afraid of the drama. I ended up regretting those decisions I made because I lost out alot of my youth, which is gone forever, and it is regret.

Let me give you some priceless advice: 1)You are young! 2)Get it on while you can get it up! 3) Fuck the drama, and live! 4) Remember a line in that Eagles song called Take It Easy: "We may lose, and we may win, but we will never be here again!"

Hope this helps you Designer!


Yeah I cannot take her to Mexico. I mean I could take her, but I would have to buy the plane ticket now. I don't think she would even want to go. There are too many unknowns with this one. We may just hit it off as friends and share crazy stories with each other. It is just hard for me to visualize two people like us sharing so much and not actually doing it with each other. Man that sounds weird just saying it. Of course we will eventually have no strings attached sex. It is inevitable. I just hope she don't talk me into taking some new drug.
Well sometimes your own mind can be your greatest enemy. You just to set a limit to some things. When it comes to funny drugs I don't know, or don't want, I always drew a line there man.
Bang her! You are in a good position acting not really interested. Keep that up for as long as you can until she is ready to do anything to get you.


Alright Designer, listen up!

First, let me ask you: What does your gut instincts tell you? It seems to me, you want to hit it, but can't deal with the drama. Well let me tell you...You can't have one without the other! In my experience, nearly all women in my life came with some kind of emotional baggage or another, some definitely more than others. It's just a fact. Early on, I lost alot of opportunities because I was afraid of the drama. I ended up regretting those decisions I made because I lost out alot of my youth, which is gone forever, and it is regret.

Let me give you some priceless advice: 1)You are young! 2)Get it on while you can get it up! 3) Fuck the drama, and live! 4) Remember a line in that Eagles song called Take It Easy: "We may lose, and we may win, but we will never be here again!"

Hope this helps you Designer!

Funny you bring up that Eagles song... it seems like me right now. I have a couple women out there, maybe half a dozen, that would literally kill me if they could. I know they would kill me and enjoy doing it.

My last girl friend said when we were breaking up, "How come everyone hates you? You make everyone so mad and so crazy they want to kill you." This one actually broke a broom stick whacking me with it and broke some valuable things. She said that if I kicked her out in the middle of the winter I would curse the day. Well I kicked her out in the middle of winter. I took her to family's house. They were not there and I just unloaded her shit on the driveway. Before I got out of there she yanked my GPS out of the car and swung it wildly on the ground and then swung it at me and hit me in the face. Broke my lip open. Crazy shit. All in broad daylight in public and she has a bench warrant in that town.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
who knows maybe she got busted and is trying to set you up. I would leave the tweek alone and find someone a bit more normal and level headed.

now if she is fucking hot then

take the hash to a hotel
grab a rubber
relive highschool lol
Well damn, that was one expensive lesson was it? If there's another storm brewing in the future & you think it's gonna get ugly, get your valuables out of the way dude! Iv'e been a target for projectiles & foreign objects before, now that I remember.


Active member
this thread and the last thread about the mexican trip sound like someones fantasies or something...mo.....no disrespect and if this is all true then best endeavors.

mdk ktm

My old self would go out with her and have some fun. Maybe score some dope or something and pound it for a few hours. But my new self would probably just be friends with her and try to keep things chill.

I vote smoke some b's and talk. It sounds like you need somebody to talk to. Don't just let her talk about everything, you also have things to talk about. She sounds like trouble, but sometimes that makes things more fun. I think I prefer a crazy woman over a chick that is lame as hell.

good luck and welcome back Yummy!


Active member
the name designer would be a good name for a website designer and a thread designer or maybe its just a name....i dunno, just seems to fit the bill


Active member
For the love of god, stay away.
I would even recomend you dont go get the hash. I love hash lol.. I can't believe i'm saying that.

But bro, messed up broads are.. destructive.


Overkill is under-rated.
Im torn, I do like an occasional soap opera on IC, but this chick sounds like bad news lookin for a paper route.

I'll freakin give you the hash she owes you to stay clear of her, lol. Womenfolk are kinda nuts.

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