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would like your opinion on small warehouse grow

there are just to many people who want to go big, but dont have the slightest clue how to do it right. especially people who have 1 or 2 grows under there belt, 3 or 4 friends who think they know how to do it and think they will be millionaires instantly. these are the people dumping all there equipment cheap as shit on craigslist to pay there mortgage and try to recoup there loses because they fucked there crop up. the op fits in this category....

Very well spoken! I couldn't agree with you more on this one Krunch ~ check the thread I wrote. 12,000 peeps read it, it's right down this alley!



Just grow enough to cover yourself and the 7 friends. Grow each plant bigger. May take longer, but at least you are not putting yourself at risk to be made an example of.

I've grown plenty of bud from 50-60 plants more than enough to supply 8 people. Start studying hydroponics, cloning, and vertical lighting. Combine that knowledge and you'll hit the weight you need with a limited plant count.


i think it would make sense to have a smaller amount of plants (right within the limits at all times) but definitely two spots.

you would need one for drying and curing (dead plants) and storage and one for vegging and flowering plants (live plants)

if your gonna have a staff i would also consider them partners as well. so would it make sense to have some dried amounts at different places so that everything stays within limits? and if you have somewhat of a collective and all "staff/partners" are under that collective then no one can really be touched via the rules/laws in place.

of course i would think that it being a business, everyone involved would have the proper paperwork as though they themselves were growing, and that's how it would be on paper, but specific people would hold specific amounts (on a need be basis of either dried or live plants) and in the event that live plants need to be moved for whatever reason, the staff would already have paperwork in place so those plants could go to those specific places where the dried plants were and still be within the limits right?

i like to solve problems and this seems like this is something that can be solved and not only stay within but well under the limits in certain aspects of the rules. of course teh DEA dicks are gonna do what they are gonna do, as wrong as they are, but if all is said and done in court and everything is as it should be then.

matter of fact, wouldnt it make even more sense to have , say 3 ppl, in total to a collective (but they all have the same credentials)? 1 person can veg 80 - 90 plants, another person can flower 80 - 90 plants and on person can dry 80 - 90 plants. if cuttings had to be taken then they would be clipped at the veg spot and then taken away to the flowing spot (i know they have some bullshit as to what is considered a live plant, and there was something about roots being involved, so if thats true then no roots, no live plants!) if there is a consistent sale ratio then at no point in time will any one person of the collective be over the limits and all monies would be split three ways.

i would think that the smaller the amount of plants that be worked with the bigger they would have to be grown out. meaning to say that you'll always stay under the plant amount at any one spot BUT the only spot that may get a lil hectic is where the drying/curing plants would be stored.

just thoughts people, just thoughts


it really dosent matter how many plants you have. i got in trouble with 110 plants a few years ago, it was in the newspaper, tv, all that great stuff. shit, they raided me with reporters!.

local leo slapped my hand, and told me not to do it so big next time. no charges, no anything. but they did take what cash i had on me($880), and stole a rolex that was gifted to me.

i know a kat who got busted with 4 50 light warehouses and a 100 light warehouse with 2000 plants and got 2 years, non federal.

my point is, the plant count dont matter for shit, its all on the local leo and what they want to do.

danimal7 has a good point. im very content going from my several 50 light warehouses to my 3k verticals.

there are just to many people who want to go big, but dont have the slightest clue how to do it right. especially people who have 1 or 2 grows under there belt, 3 or 4 friends who think they know how to do it and think they will be millionaires instantly. these are the people dumping all there equipment cheap as shit on craigslist to pay there mortgage and try to recoup there loses because they fucked there crop up. the op fits in this category....

im curious as to ask with that many plants were you some who grew for others and legit with it? and why, if indeed, the rules state on thing would you go above that? thats if your were growing legit?

were on line so let me just say im coming at you humble cause i really want to know, not trying to be a smart ass about it.

The Phoenix

Risen From The Ashes
the more I read about this Dream of "going big", that WE all have ,me too) the more I lean towards staying small , for many reasons ,the main one would be working twice as hard and making half the $$. too high of an overhead rent,transportation,labor,risk increase ...too many people ,too many variables
just my opinion ,I'm a loner , seen too many "partnerships" go up in smoke..and destroy friendships
some people can make it work ...but there is more risk
good luck
Listen to this man, words for the wise. With 2 grows under your belt, your not ready for that yet IMO anyway.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

sounds overly risky and no matter how many people you grow for legit
you can only burn so much quality weed yourself. if you legally can't
turn a profit then why have 7 or even 70 patients? growing for three
patients ought to leave you w/more than enough discretionary weed.



Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
im curious as to ask with that many plants were you some who grew for others and legit with it? and why, if indeed, the rules state on thing would you go above that? thats if your were growing legit?

were on line so let me just say im coming at you humble cause i really want to know, not trying to be a smart ass about it.

it was my grow. the caretaker rules have changed, cant grow for other people. i had 90 something plants and my boy needed to get rid of 15+ plants and i took them, made my plant count over 100.
i was growing legit. whats legit and what not? its in the eyes of the busting party, right?
the cops dont give a shit how many plants you have. they give a shit that you have a 40k suv and boat in your driveway, 100k in cash and pounds of weed hanging around. if you get busted and look like you dont have a shitload of money and dont parade new shit around, there not going to be as hard ass as the kat with all brand new shit. i know this as a fact.
the shit i could post on here of stuff that has happened to me in this growing game, would blow anyone's mind and make a great book! alot of the shit is too crazy and no one would believe it happened......


Overkill is under-rated.
i think it would make sense to have a smaller amount of plants (right within the limits at all times) but definitely two spots.

you would need one for drying and curing (dead plants) and storage and one for vegging and flowering plants (live plants)

Sorry man, not a smart idea. Your plan would involve not just tranporting a carload (or more) of fully-vegged plants, but also fully flowered stinky ones! I can't imagine driving with one, let alone hundreds of smelly plants. Quick way to go to jail for something stupid.

Safer way is to have one mom/clone op, and a pair or more of veg/flower combo grows. That way you only transport trays of clones, which are vegged, flowered, trimmed, dried, cured and packaged in foodsaver bags at the op. Minimize transport risks and you'll last much longer in this game.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

make this your first priority:

what size grow will keep me OUT OF JAIL?

that's the size ya go with.



Sorry man, not a smart idea. Your plan would involve not just tranporting a carload (or more) of fully-vegged plants, but also fully flowered stinky ones! I can't imagine driving with one, let alone hundreds of smelly plants. Quick way to go to jail for something stupid.

Safer way is to have one mom/clone op, and a pair or more of veg/flower combo grows. That way you only transport trays of clones, which are vegged, flowered, trimmed, dried, cured and packaged in foodsaver bags at the op. Minimize transport risks and you'll last much longer in this game.

i hear what your saying, but (and maybe i shoulda asked this in the beginning) as long as its and official grow, doesnt the dried product have to be transported to where ever the dispensary is?

and, i know it would be PIA but as far as transporting, but i was thinking along the lines of making frequent trips with small amounts of plants.

but let me back up and ask this question, in the realm of legit grows and growing for dispensaries and other people, the buds have to move dont they? so as long as your are in the realm of legitimacy they cant hassle you for taking the plants or rather buds from where they are to where they need to be correct?


it was my grow. the caretaker rules have changed, cant grow for other people. i had 90 something plants and my boy needed to get rid of 15+ plants and i took them, made my plant count over 100.
i was growing legit. whats legit and what not? its in the eyes of the busting party, right?
the cops dont give a shit how many plants you have. they give a shit that you have a 40k suv and boat in your driveway, 100k in cash and pounds of weed hanging around. if you get busted and look like you dont have a shitload of money and dont parade new shit around, there not going to be as hard ass as the kat with all brand new shit. i know this as a fact.
the shit i could post on here of stuff that has happened to me in this growing game, would blow anyone's mind and make a great book! alot of the shit is too crazy and no one would believe it happened......

i know, i have always wanted to be comfortable, but nothing outrageous. take some trips that the fam and i normally take, but use the loot to make things a lil more comfortable, get better equipment, get a better second hand car, i mean things i would literally need.

growing up in the BX and HARLEM (right when the nicki barnes era ended and alpo and those guys were on the rise) i kinda saw that game shit for what it was. i knew i couldnt go that route because they always made it seem like, you "had to have" this, that and the third to "be".

i always liked the guy that gave us kids money and drove a nice car (and by nice i mean a cool paint job and maybe some rims, things that that particular person could afford if he wasnt hustling to begin with) and they always had a legit job. the cats with the barber shops, garages hair salons and things like that, always threw the block parties; those are the ones that are still around to this day and still in it!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
as a current warehouse grower, there are all sorts of issues you will probably encounter

The first being

1. Finding landlords that are willing to put their property out there for you

2. Security in said bldg, people will find out

3. Staying up to code, electrical...what if you have a neighbour, can't be burning down there business too, because you had no electrician

4. The amount of work. It is insane, how much needs to be done. I spend upward of 8 hours just watering feeding. That does not include transplanting, moving adjusting, topping etc

5. smell

6. Nearly impossible to keep bugs out

you will never know if it is a good idea till you try, but I suggest you really do your homework

Just to give you an idea i spent 10k in electrician bills this year and 12k in equipment

Good luck whatever you decide to do


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
let him fail.
cali don't need more half-assed growers, we need less.
and this is coming straight from a half-ass who wants to be a whole donkey.