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would like your opinion on small warehouse grow

Hello fellow ICMagers, I have 7 friends with dr's rec's and would like to get a collective grow together. I'm in Sac county, CA so I can do 84 in veg and 42 flowering. I don't have that kind of space at my house so I've been thinking about renting a commercial or industrial space and do it there. I know I wouldn't need a huge space so I think it would be manageable. I'd like to know what everyone thinks about this and about any issues that may arise. I have 2 small grows under my belt and people that are very helpful. All opinions are appreciated.
What you're talking about is a business, and it's going to have to be run like a business to run properly. Have fun but study hard as you have a long road ahead of you.
I'm not trying to be a Troll, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you guys can get everything accounted for. You have:

Commercial rent (put aside a minimum of 4 months)
Electrician to create a custom box (if necessary)
Gas and Electric
Yada, yada, yada

One of you is going to have to draft a business model because if you guys were planning on "worrying about it as you go" then your shit out of luck. Plus, I think the plan is great but regardless of your letters of recommendation, anything over 99 plants in one location (even in California) is considered a Felony and they don't give 2-shits about your illnesses.

Meaning that you can have up to your 99 plants in one location (if they are all in bloom for example) but if you were trying to veg another 24 in the next room, while 99 are blooming in the same commercial property, then those 24 would have to be vegged at another location because 99 + 24 = 123. OVER THE LIMIT. 99 plants is 99 plants no matter how you look at them. THAT INCLUDES CLONES AND DRYING PLANTS ALSO. A plant is a plant.

So it's time to rethink the gameplan a little and then stick to your course of action. If that means you have to get 2 different locations, and pay two seperate rents because your plant restriction is pushing over 99 plants in one area, then you have to account for those expenses in your business idea. If your a "ride or die" guy and you want to play with fire, be my guest. I like your idea and I didn't mean to ruin your day but you just saved yourself a court date.


Freedom Fighter
I think the plan is great but regardless of your letters of recommendation, anything over 99 plants in one location (even in California) is considered a Felony and they don't give 2-shits about your illnesses.

Do you have a source for that?? Because that is not what our Lawyers have said at all--
To my knowledge, 99 is only a number for the Feds...but even they do not always take it on-- I know of 2 separate grows personally, that were over 700 plants...local LEO busted them, but the Feds never got involved--


Hello fellow ICMagers, I have 7 friends with dr's rec's and would like to get a collective grow together...
...I have 2 small grows under my belt and people that are very helpful. All opinions are appreciated.
Seems like a great opportunity for a bust to me.

No offense or anything, and I could be wrong, but the fewer people involved = the better.
Especially if you don't have every last detail down-pat yet.
Do you have a source for that?? Because that is not what our Lawyers have said at all--
To my knowledge, 99 is only a number for the Feds...but even they do not always take it on-- I know of 2 separate grows personally, that were over 700 plants...local LEO busted them, but the Feds never got involved--

My source or my suggestion is this: Why don't YOU grow over 100 plants, get busted, and then tell me the outcome of your trial. Until then, I'll stick with 99 plants as a maximum. Although there are cases that have beaten over 100 plants (somewhere in the history of marijuana) I'm not going to take that chance. And if you're going to tell me that your buddies with two seperate grows with over 700 plants didn't get them a felony, then your full of shit my friend!


This is the bullshit meter - I pushed it twice for both of your buddies and their story -


If local police were involved then they ripped out all the plants, charged them with probably 1,000 plants (cause they love to exaggerate things) and your "buddies" are sitting in jail right now. Regardless of where you live, no state is going to be THAT relaxed where you can just have 700 plants and kick your feet up. ESPECIALLY ON TWO DIFFERENT OCCASSIONS - COME ON MAN, I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA!!!!!! You think people are that stupid??

Although you might have homies that have 700 plants, 700 is a shit load of plants. They knew they were FUCKED right when they got caught, no if-ands-or buts about it!!



The same BS account?

Not too unlikely... (have you ever actually heard a kotton mouth kings song?)

But really, it is possible that some of the police have just stopped trying to win the mj cases...


Overkill is under-rated.
Plus, I think the plan is great but regardless of your letters of recommendation, anything over 99 plants in one location (even in California) is considered a Felony and they don't give 2-shits about your illnesses.

Eric Holder has said that the DEA will no longer pursue medical MJ patients that are abiding by state laws. Since California effectively has no limits anymore, it would be hard for them to argue what is illegal or not.

I read a couple days ago that the San Francisco county DA had to throw a shitload of MJ cases out, because they need a jury trial and your doctors testimony before they can even determine if a MJ case is prosecutable. Nobody has the time or money for that, as DA offices have had huge budget cuts and layoffs the last couple years. They can't afford to chase anything smaller than the cartel grows anymore, IMHO.

In short, over 99 isn't automagically a felony anymore, hasn't been so since late last year when Holder was instructed by Obama to leave MMJ be.

Not that there haven't been any raids since then, but on paper that's what the rules are.


Overkill is under-rated.
Hello fellow ICMagers, I have 7 friends with dr's rec's and would like to get a collective grow together. I'm in Sac county, CA so I can do 84 in veg and 42 flowering. I don't have that kind of space at my house so I've been thinking about renting a commercial or industrial space and do it there. I know I wouldn't need a huge space so I think it would be manageable. I'd like to know what everyone thinks about this and about any issues that may arise. I have 2 small grows under my belt and people that are very helpful. All opinions are appreciated.

If you only have two small grows under your belt I'm gonna say you' aren't ready for a warehouse yet. Run a 4k-8KW grow first, and get to a popint wherte you can turn out a reliable and large harvest of great herb every run, then double it, and repeat. Going from a small grow to a big one is a surefire recipe for disaster and very, VERY expensive to boot. Figure on spending about $1500 per kilowatt of light you're gonna run for a new grow, most of your small-scale equipment won't be re-used.


Active member
Hehe, ON PAPER, the rules say 99 plant limit, anything over = mandatory minimum 5 years in federal prison.

As far as i'm concerned, Holder said it verbally not on paper...it seems to me as if the FEDs do what they want, regardless of what they've been 'told'

but i could be wrong

to be safe, 99 is a good magic number.


the more I read about this Dream of "going big", that WE all have ,me too) the more I lean towards staying small , for many reasons ,the main one would be working twice as hard and making half the $$. too high of an overhead rent,transportation,labor,risk increase ...too many people ,too many variables
just my opinion ,I'm a loner , seen too many "partnerships" go up in smoke..and destroy friendships
some people can make it work ...but there is more risk
good luck


There are many instances where collectives have been busted with far more than the 99 plants and have gotten off completely, do your homework.
The People Vs. Urziceanu confirms that you can most definitely form a co-op and grow more than 99 plants and have a legal defense. The defendant was charged with growing between 192-300 plants, due to the collective, the court held that the Sb420 law to be applied retroactively and the case was reversed. Please study the law, people on here will give erroneous info all the time.
That being said, I still wouldn't grow more than 99 plants just on principal. No need to go to the feds... You shouldn't have a hard time getting a warehouse, just have your story straight and be professional. Pay all your bills on time and get everything professionally installed. Have fun!


Overkill is under-rated.
I think that the DEA would only get involved if the state found you guilty of cultivation in excess of 99, which means your state paperwork was NOT in order. If you lose that, you lose BIG. Keep your shit tight and get current copies of all recs on the wall, along with copies of signed collective agreements from all members, and any lawyer can get you off.


Living with the soil
I did 5 years because I had over 99........they took my land,cars,everything,and a $15.000 fine for a cherry on top. Almost went federal and would have got 2 years with downward departures and would have got to keep my land,but would of had a $80.000 tax fine. The State pissed and moaned about wanting my case so they could get some recognition for busting the county grower who buried a school bus. I have Always had large gardens,but there is risk!!! Think about doing 5 in prison and weigh the costs involved with your freedom and the potential to gain from having over 100 plants.
Eric Holder has said that the DEA will no longer pursue medical MJ patients that are abiding by state laws. Since California effectively has no limits anymore, it would be hard for them to argue what is illegal or not.

I read a couple days ago that the San Francisco county DA had to throw a shitload of MJ cases out, because they need a jury trial and your doctors testimony before they can even determine if a MJ case is prosecutable. Nobody has the time or money for that, as DA offices have had huge budget cuts and layoffs the last couple years. They can't afford to chase anything smaller than the cartel grows anymore, IMHO.

In short, over 99 isn't automagically a felony anymore, hasn't been so since late last year when Holder was instructed by Obama to leave MMJ be.

Not that there haven't been any raids since then, but on paper that's what the rules are.

I disagree, a memo from E. Holder does not mean "on paper thats what the rules are". It means nothing has changed in terms of the law, and now we have more grey area then before. It means federal law is the same as it has been for years...but now people they think they are okay to go big. In the second video link, you can see the CO DEA agent (about 2:30-3:00min in) in charge of the state say specifically that Federal hasnt changed one bit. In my neck of the woods we have what I consider to be a big fucking mess, and based upon what we are seeing:


http://www.9news.com/video/default....uana bust/49906872001/50183015001/66406798001

I dont see it ending soon. As a matter of fact...and I am going to piss a few idealist off with this comment...I am concerned about things going backwards due to the push/pull of this crazy "war on drugs" and the ease with which propoganda is disseminated by MSM. Yes, I am concerned that CO may get a new ballot initiative to reverse Amendment 20 in CO, and that 5-10% that voted for it previously, may vote the other way this time. This would be enough to reverse the state amendment and it all starts all over again. LOL, I cant wait to see what people flame me with, but its my opinion.

Time will tell, and I know I want all the shit to end, but those DEA guys gotta put kids through school on their 100k incomes, Jails need revenue from 850k people a year busted for Cannabis, not to mention, FDA, big pharma, tobacco, and alcohol financing the road blocks.

I dont think its time to go over 100 plants. I dont even think the guy in the video had over a 100...but he pissed off enough people (I know the backstory too so dont get started with why he got busted...different thread. I just want to highlight the federal stance which is what some of the debate in this thread is about) that the DEA felt they had to make an example of him.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
it really dosent matter how many plants you have. i got in trouble with 110 plants a few years ago, it was in the newspaper, tv, all that great stuff. shit, they raided me with reporters!.

local leo slapped my hand, and told me not to do it so big next time. no charges, no anything. but they did take what cash i had on me($880), and stole a rolex that was gifted to me.

i know a kat who got busted with 4 50 light warehouses and a 100 light warehouse with 2000 plants and got 2 years, non federal.

my point is, the plant count dont matter for shit, its all on the local leo and what they want to do.

danimal7 has a good point. im very content going from my several 50 light warehouses to my 3k verticals.

there are just to many people who want to go big, but dont have the slightest clue how to do it right. especially people who have 1 or 2 grows under there belt, 3 or 4 friends who think they know how to do it and think they will be millionaires instantly. these are the people dumping all there equipment cheap as shit on craigslist to pay there mortgage and try to recoup there loses because they fucked there crop up. the op fits in this category....


Freedom Fighter
My source or my suggestion is this: Why don't YOU grow over 100 plants, get busted, and then tell me the outcome of your trial. Until then, I'll stick with 99 plants as a maximum. Although there are cases that have beaten over 100 plants (somewhere in the history of marijuana) I'm not going to take that chance. And if you're going to tell me that your buddies with two seperate grows with over 700 plants didn't get them a felony, then your full of shit my friend!

This is the bullshit meter - I pushed it twice for both of your buddies and their story -

If local police were involved then they ripped out all the plants, charged them with probably 1,000 plants (cause they love to exaggerate things) and your "buddies" are sitting in jail right now. Regardless of where you live, no state is going to be THAT relaxed where you can just have 700 plants and kick your feet up. ESPECIALLY ON TWO DIFFERENT OCCASSIONS - COME ON MAN, I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA!!!!!! You think people are that stupid??

Although you might have homies that have 700 plants, 700 is a shit load of plants. They knew they were FUCKED right when they got caught, no if-ands-or buts about it!!

I never said they didn't get a felony....although it is still under Appeal--
Here is what I was talking about dude--

But over 99 was never an "Automatic Felony"-- Just ask WAMM--
You shouldn't call someone a liar...when you have no idea what you are talking about--


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Going from one or two small grows to a warehouse grow with a bunch of your buddies sounds like not such the greatest idea.

Small grow vs warehouse is like running a lemonade stand vs Grocery store. It's a whole other world and then you add 6 more Chiefs to your program....:dunno: I think you are, at a minimum asking to loose a ton of money, maximum losing your freedom because of the terrible security.

You are rolling dice at the coldest table in the casino if you ask me.


Freedom Fighter

The same BS account?

Not too unlikely... (have you ever actually heard a kotton mouth kings song?)

But really, it is possible that some of the police have just stopped trying to win the mj cases...

WTF are you talking about??
Uhh...yeah, I know most of Suburban Noize Artists personally--
BTW...c'mon to Cali for a Kings show (I have been to most of them since 99)...I'll introduce you--
But trust me....I'm no Yummy....That was just Lame--
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