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would like an experts advice on nutes, which ones to use?

im using a three part (well two part veg (macro and micro) and one part flower)) nutrient set up from a hydro shop in los angeles that has been in business since 1961. this is my first hydro grow and where i bought the majority of my set up.

im only day 17 of veg, but can't complain so far...

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i am currently using the canna AQUA line with GH floralicious grow as an additive and to tell yall the truth they werent looking so hot before i added the additive..I used the GH line my last afgan grow

Ioni Botani

First time, KEEP IT SIMPLE! Lucas, 2 of the 3 part GH flora, Micro and Bloom @ a 1:2 ratio. In veg. keep it at about 4 ml micro and 8 ml bloom per US GAL. This will keep the ppm of your distilled or RO (reverse osmosis) water at about 400. Later on, when HID lights are added, bump it up to 5 ml 10 ml or even up to 8 ml 16 ml. Dont forget about half way through flowering, to reduce the Micro to start removing N from the leaves. This will give your nuggz a smooooth smoke. After you think youve gotten this down, (CHEAP and EASY) THEN invest more time, money, and efforts.
Bless and all the best.


I agree with Ioni, I have found that in DWC under a 600w the full 8:16 is way strong.

One thing I could also recommend is looking at sick plant guides and see what elements the plants could go def. in, make sure your fertilizer provides them. FoxFarm is missing molybedenum, doesnt have enough cal or mag either ( for RO water ), that is another benefit of the lucas.

You should also pick up some cal-mag plus no matter what just to have it on hand, you might want to use RO water or you may find your nutes do not provide enough cal or mag


wow guys thank you all so very much for trying help me. the thing is that I have tried almost everything that you all have said, but I did decide on gh 3 part( really 2 part). I do have a question though, how long do the gh micro and gh bloom stay good for? they were in a closed cabinet with temps no higher than 73F, so how long do these nutes stay good? I think that they have gone bad? im not sure but it smells like chlorine very strong. I got new nutes from store, I hope these are good. thanks again for everyone help.

Ioni Botani



The nutes are good just as long as they arent semi-organic. GH flora will stay good unless exposed to UV radiation or extreme heat....remember to shake :)

I agree with Ioni, I have found that in DWC under a 600w the full 8:16 is way strong.

One thing I could also recommend is looking at sick plant guides and see what elements the plants could go def. in, make sure your fertilizer provides them. FoxFarm is missing molybedenum, doesnt have enough cal or mag either ( for RO water ), that is another benefit of the lucas.

You should also pick up some cal-mag plus no matter what just to have it on hand, you might want to use RO water or you may find your nutes do not provide enough cal or mag

Lysol....do you find you need Cal Mag for lucas? I have some epsom salt on hand just in case....but this is my first go-round so Im still a neewb when it comes to that sort of ting :confused:
Do you find the taste and quality satisfying with Lucas and GH flora? Ive heard FloraNova gives better taste, but Im not about to change this late in the grow.....still just pondering...determined to see if Lucas pays off as much as Ive heard...
Oh the possibilties.

:::EDIT::: Mine smell like chlorine or chemical as well....that must be the nature of the ferts....esp. the Micro...Mmmm I can tell that shit is GOOOOOD! (Black.)


I just started using it a few weeks ago, if you are mixing in a 1:2 ratio and using tap water no additional cal or mag is needed, supposedly even if you use RO water you're str8 but it just depends on the strain, for every person who swears by it someone else needs supplements ( supposedly )

I suppose people who have problems might be using hard water micro and not realize it
Hey what's up man, looks like you've had a rough go with some of the guys...lol... Just take it with a grain of salt, most of the people here have good intentions, it just gets frustrating seeing the same questions asked over and over. I grow DWC...I use GH micro and bloom at the Lucas ratios (never had a problem with running 8/16 during flower) and AN overdrive. Calmag issues should be nonexistant with the lucas formula.


ok then if you say that all your micro nutes smell the same, then why at the hydro shop, we opened a few and yes they all had the same smell, but the pint that we opened had no smell at all. which of these are the good ones. im usin the one that had no smell, thought that the chlorine smell was a bad thing. why haven't I smelled this b4 now?

Ioni Botani

I dunno....just sniffed my micro....mines smells kinda like....vinegar and chlorine mixed.....YIKES. That would be mustard gas so im glad its not....but Im not so sure you have much to worry about. If you said the temp was controlled and no uv radiation then it should be good with GH flora series....Im sure different batches smell different...depending on freshness and the particular batch or what have you...thanks for all the other Lucas info guys...much props for the good info...

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