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Worst invention ever? What needs to go back?



This is my opinion on the worst invention ever ... What is yours?

The truth is cars are quite possibly the worst invention in the history of mankind. They are responsible for countless deaths, and serious harm and destruction to our planet. Cars enabled the mentality of this concrete jungle we live in today. Our cities have been built around them. Wars have been fought to ensure that your car keeps running. Countless lives sacrificed. As the population of the Earth continues to grow exponentially we will continue to need more and more farming land. Too bad any land that has had asphalt laid on it is scorched for life. No suitable crop will grow there again. Honestly if I had access to a time machine I would take out Henry Ford and his assembly line without thinking twice. No, he did not invent the car, but he is the one that brought it to the masses. He created the situation we are faced with today.

blue green

Internet porn........ sorry, i thought you said best invention ever. lol :)


Just to throw another one out there I think microwaves can pretty much burn in hell as far as I am concerned. I could probably do an entire PhD dissertation on the correlation between microwaves and the obesity epidemic in western nations.


:biggrin: lol to far back, im running outa time, but i aggree with it. no religion. boom.:moon:

mdk ktm

The idea of making MJ illegal, I would like to go back in time and kick some people straight in the sack. Or when my state denied MMJ a couple years ago, those cockfucks deserve a swift kick in the taint also.


Well-known member
Laws that allow or disallow medicines. WFT!? Surely the choice is mine..whatever.. And a swift kick in the nads, hard enough to sterlize, for those who are stupid enough to serve in a gestapo for the cabal that push the agenda that makes em billions and fucks our rights.

Kings and rulers etc. are also KUK inventions, we are all kings and queens just like any living creature...All equal in death, some get eaten, its life. Our leaders have removed us so far from reality that nowadays most inventions end up being completely frivolous as humanity happily stampedes towards the cliff..Hardly any really support themselves and are independent and most live in societies and cities that are nothing more than theoretical inventions by a right-wing Dr Eugen Fischer. He was a kuk inventor, what an asshole.

A 'one name GOD'. If we are all one, and god is all, then how can he/she/it hahaha have just one name. It is just logically absurd to me. GOD has many faces, more than there are sand particles or atoms...or quarks or words. Mine, is a face of god and so is yours. Namaste.

Money is a great invention, privately owned 'money printing presses' that loan the common trading tokens to all for use and hold all to ransom with suffering at their later profit are not such a good inventions. Its complicated... but simple and I cant describe it too well. But we all know what is shit about the invention, it does and can help us greatly, but is implemented to enslave us. Yeah not cool.

Uniforms.. The make weak men do stupid, inhumane and unjust things in the name of 'Authority'.


the cigarette, I win.

That would definitely save a shitload of lives. Maybe too many. Can we sustain life as we know it on this planet if you bring back all the people that would have been dead from cigarettes? I guess the same could be said for cars. Maybe this is why they don't release cures.

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