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Worm castings


ICMag Donor
in theory yes. but a worm farm cost nothing and makes composting kitchen waste easy :D


Oh, im not arguing on the basis of the cost of running a worm farm, but at this point in time even spending a tenner on some red wrigglers is not about to happen, nor is buying castings.

But i could do with trying to make so ACT tea this weekend if i can scrounge the stuff together.

Also, most importantly, at this time of year in Scotland, earth worms are throwing up huge amounts of castings, when i come in from outdoors, the tread of my boots is packed tight with them, though this isnt how i was thinking of collecting them.


put some wet cardboard out, and see if you don't get some composting worms.

manure piles too.

Thanks ill try that. But in the shorter term ill try making some ACT from earth worm castings.
I have an EC meter so i can test the dissolved solids which will be interesting anyway.


ICMag Donor
mosstrooper : worm bins cost nothing buddy :D

-Tupperware container with a lid (old ice cream box)
- Punch some some air holes in the lid
- Place a layer of moss and leaves in box
- Add some worms
- Keep in a dry place, that isn't too warm.
- Feed worms kitchen scraps and old newspaper.

Every few months sive the contents of the box, separating waste materials and worms from the worm-casts you want :D

Hope this helps

dL :joint: