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World's Farmers Feel The Effects Of A Hotter Planet

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M.J. Budsworth

New member
so we stop breathing? or breathe less? and fart less? a couple billion people should just be killed off so the earth doesnt get 2 degrees warmer in 10,000 years? i get your point we should reduce carbon emissions, but carbon taxes and regs are the way to do this?

I think big oil and big government pose more of a threat to the environment than we do driving cars...like i said unless we all drive electric cars we would still be pumpin co2 in the air

im not going to defend carbon emissions i just see it as impossible to do...how many billions of us are pumping co2 and methane into the atmosphere via our bodies...while i do agree with all of you on not polluting the air or atmosphere how can we heat our homes without making co2? windmills and solar panels cant power a modern economy. Sure they can help ease the pain but we cant eliminate this threat....

in no way am i advocating people not care about the worlds future

mad librettist

Active member
im not going to defend carbon emissions i just see it as impossible to do...how many billions of us are pumping co2 and methane into the atmosphere via our bodies

that's not a big deal. Methane from cows (too many damn cows), and methane from rice are both avoidable without asking people to stop breathing and farting.

the more our food system is based on the sun, rather than fossil fuels and extracted minerals, the closer it gets to carbon-neutral.

Also, there is a concoction made from A. niger, called Beano. For your personal issue with gas that might be just the thing.


Active member
It is NOT that simple.

It is that simple. But true believers really do think polar bears are in danger and the ratios of the gasses in our atmosphere are not in constant flux. The fact that CO2 has NEVER been at a CONSTANT level in our atmosphere is over whelming to true believers.

The fact that New York was under a mile of ice a few thousand years ago doesn't register. Actual emails of the IPCC folks describing how they have a problem because they cannot show warming trends doesn't register. The fact that NASA has been caught red handed either fudging data or intentionally making up data doesn't register.

What does register to simple minds is a photo of a polar bear on a tiny ice floe.

Pathetic really.

mad librettist

Active member
What does register to simple minds is a photo of a polar bear on a tiny ice floe.

lol I though that was photoshopped.

none of what you just said actually dispels any fears over man made climate change.

So it's in constant flux... I think that's sort of the point, isn't it. The flux is fluxing too fluxing much.

Dense, dense, backwardsman,

The fact that CO2 has NEVER been at a CONSTANT level in our atmosphere is over whelming to true believers.

In fact, I am underwhelmed. Nothing is constant in any complex system. Entropy is always at the door, huffing and puffing - that's a law of thermodynamics. Which you probably also feel is just a cult, but whatever. I am overwhelmed by the beautiful story of how our CO2 got here. Think about it - it's like mineralized carbon. Before life, it wasn't in the air at all. Microbes invented the atmosphere and CO2 plays an important role. We get all the carbon in our bodies from C farted by bacteria and made into sugar by plants. Without CO2 in the balance it's in with the other gasses, our world would be much less hospitable to us.

You aren't teaching me any science. You aren't overwhelming me. And the LEEDS emails are not at all damning in context. They show 1) scientists are humans and they have normal professional rivalries and 2) the system of peer review keeps things honest. None of what you are saying is a revelation because you are repeating a packaged soundbyte product. There's a disgusting fat man and a chorus of preachers of selfishness and carelessness cheering you on. Both of them are tuned into you, to see what you want to hear. And they give it to you, and you buy the stupid fucking gold investment swindle kits they swear can only make you rich.
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What is really pathetic is grapeman crying about cooling earth temps but cant produce any evidence what so-ever. Zip, nada, fuckall, nothing, a bit like grapemans iQ level.

Piers Corbyn owns weatheraction.com
oh goody goody! that must make him right.

He accurately predicts the weather and did so with the Russian heatwave and consequent bush fires and the Pakistan floods. Also the extreme cold winter North America and Europe just went through.
Wow, he could see the effect of a strong la nina that caused all of the above. Scientists had been watching the la nina develope over a period of time while your hero was pilferring their info.

He was mocked. Not any longer.

He isnt selling snake oil as his business revolves around accuracy.
Snake Oil.

Without the earths magnetosphere protecting us the suns rays would have fried everything on the surface. To say solar fkn rays have not contributed to our warming atmosphere is an impossible statement and a classic example of double-speak.
Ok so the sun has been here for about 3.5B years, you claim the sun is continually heating the earth causing the rise in temps we are seeing in the last decade? The only unsettling solar storms (CME) would fuck our earth no doubt, but CME influence on our long term weather is zero. Ive seen tools trying to blame the sun activety for our warming, pity our sun has been in a quiet period for about 10 years blowing a hole in that theory. I guess you twits want to blame things you cannot change instead of the actual cause of GW. Stick with your snake oil buddy, you might be able to use it for fuel oneday.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Grapeman I'm waiting for you to state that sea ice is not melting.

I want to hear you tell everyone that polar bears' habitat and hunting grounds aren't melting... or maybe just a reason why that doesn't threaten them.

I hear you insulting anyone reading the thread who doesn't agree with you, but I haven't heard you give any reason why.

I would call you a pathetic narrowminded child... but that wouldn't be original.

What does it take for you to quit dancing around and refute those facts.. perhaps even with real science?



Active member
Grapeman I'm waiting for you to state that sea ice is not melting.

I want to hear you tell everyone that polar bears' habitat and hunting grounds aren't melting... or maybe just a reason why that doesn't threaten them.

I hear you insulting anyone reading the thread who doesn't agree with you, but I haven't heard you give any reason why.

I would call you a pathetic narrowminded child... but that wouldn't be original.

What does it take for you to quit dancing around and refute those facts.. perhaps even with real science?


Sea Ice is ALWAYS melting. Even during the ice ages, sea ice was melting. Just forming faster then melting. I won't even get into the fact that scientists just discovered the fact that ice is being formed UNDER the sea at a massive rate in the Antarctic. At a rate that makes all their scare science to date BS.

So now that man is out of his cave with real time information for the last 30 years, true believers think this is something new or something that has not happened over and over again in the history of our planet. Vain and self important comes to mind.

Still haven't heard the facts on polar bear populations over the last 30 years from you. I guess the fact that they are at an all time high since man stopped hunting them had everything to do with their previously dwindling numbers, and had nothing to do with habitat or carbon.

But the photo has a remarkable effect on 3rd graders and the small minded posters here. Keep it up!

Canada??? LOLOL


Ummm. No.
The planet is cooling and has been for almost a decade.

If so the planet is cooling for more than a decade, how come there has been no elfstedentocht (11 cities skate tour) since 1997 in the province Friesland.How come the people on Greenland can cultivate potatoes and some other crops while this wasn't possible 15 years ago???

Namaste :plant grow: :canabis:

M.J. Budsworth

New member
lol I though that was photoshopped.

none of what you just said actually dispels any fears over man made climate change.

So it's in constant flux... I think that's sort of the point, isn't it. The flux is fluxing too fluxing much.

Dense, dense, backwardsman,

In fact, I am underwhelmed. Nothing is constant in any complex system. Entropy is always at the door, huffing and puffing - that's a law of thermodynamics. Which you probably also feel is just a cult, but whatever. I am overwhelmed by the beautiful story of how our CO2 got here. Think about it - it's like mineralized carbon. Before life, it wasn't in the air at all. Microbes invented the atmosphere and CO2 plays an important role. We get all the carbon in our bodies from C farted by bacteria and made into sugar by plants. Without CO2 in the balance it's in with the other gasses, our world would be much less hospitable to us.

You aren't teaching me any science. You aren't overwhelming me. And the LEEDS emails are not at all damning in context. They show 1) scientists are humans and they have normal professional rivalries and 2) the system of peer review keeps things honest. None of what you are saying is a revelation because you are repeating a packaged soundbyte product. There's a disgusting fat man and a chorus of preachers of selfishness and carelessness cheering you on. Both of them are tuned into you, to see what you want to hear. And they give it to you, and you buy the stupid fucking gold investment swindle kits they swear can only make you rich.

typical i think i know it all answer coming from who else but somebody named Mad Liberal and right under his name says it all

shit talkin no degree havin, anime avatar havin mean person who thinks he smells methane coming off lakes!

well maybe in canada lakes just smell like ass:gday:
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weed fiend
Not a single celeb-denier has an education in climate science. Besides, deniers deny the science anyway.

A third grader can deduce that a mean temp increase is a sign of warming, not to mention glacial melt.

I wonder when the photoshopped "temp stations" will turn into photoshopped glaciers.

Seeeee... no melt here. :biglaugh:


weed fiend
Do you have a degree in climate science? How do you know your not being fed shit sandwiches that you just gobble right up?

Great question. You obviously go for non-scientific info that the polluters, advertisers and a percentage of the population that's duped puts out.

Just like the guy next door that didn't believe we landed on the moon. When the rover would orbit behind the moon where we didn't have the technology to visualize, the close caption on the TV screen read, "Simulation of actual rover".

The neighbor would scream, "See, they're admitting it's all fake right there!" :biglaugh:

M.J. Budsworth

New member
Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming


posting so peeps can make an opinion on it... in no way does posting this make me agree with the following article

Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on. No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.
A compiled list of all the sources can be seen here. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C -- a value large enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year's time. For all four sources, it's the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.
Scientists quoted in a past DailyTech article link the cooling to reduced solar activity which they claim is a much larger driver of climate change than man-made greenhouse gases. The dramatic cooling seen in just 12 months time seems to bear that out. While the data doesn't itself disprove that carbon dioxide is acting to warm the planet, it does demonstrate clearly that more powerful factors are now cooling it.
Let's hope those factors stop fast. Cold is more damaging than heat. The mean temperature of the planet is about 54 degrees. Humans -- and most of the crops and animals we depend on -- prefer a temperature closer to 70.

Historically, the warm periods such as the Medieval Climate Optimum were beneficial for civilization. Corresponding cooling events such as the Little Ice Age, though, were uniformly bad news.

Interesting stuff El Gato thanks for sharing bro! ;)

Disco FYI i believe in gravity, the moon landing, and sliced bread....and do not thump bibles....i dont think disbelief of global warming is grounds for telling someone they dont believe in science...

Do i believe that co2 is as big of a deal as a g dubber? No i cant say i do.

But i am far from a person who disregards science as a whole.

I just dont believe the scientists of today know as much about the way climates work and are effected to the extent everyone seems to believe they do.

Humans are not perfect and are far from knowing exactly to a tee how everything works.
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Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on. No more than anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But now, that evidence has been supplanted by hard scientific fact. All four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS) have released updated data. All show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously.
A compiled list of all the sources can be seen here. The total amount of cooling ranges from 0.65C up to 0.75C -- a value large enough to wipe out most of the warming recorded over the past 100 years. All in one year's time. For all four sources, it's the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, either up or down.
Scientists quoted in a past DailyTech article link the cooling to reduced solar activity which they claim is a much larger driver of climate change than man-made greenhouse gases. The dramatic cooling seen in just 12 months time seems to bear that out. While the data doesn't itself disprove that carbon dioxide is acting to warm the planet, it does demonstrate clearly that more powerful factors are now cooling it.
Let's hope those factors stop fast. Cold is more damaging than heat. The mean temperature of the planet is about 54 degrees. Humans -- and most of the crops and animals we depend on -- prefer a temperature closer to 70.

Historically, the warm periods such as the Medieval Climate Optimum were beneficial for civilization. Corresponding cooling events such as the Little Ice Age, though, were uniformly bad news.

Interesting stuff El Gato thanks for sharing bro!

I do not know if you noticed but that was posted in 2008 and there was also an update added at the bottom of the article.

Update 2/27: The graph for HadCRUT (above), as well as the linked graphs for RSS and UAH are generated month-to-month; the temperature declines span a full 12 months of data. The linked GISS graph was graphed for the months of January only, due to a limitation in the plotting program. Anthony Watts, who kindly provided the graphics, otherwise has no connection with the column. The views and comments are those of the author only.

If there was a drop in global temps in 2008 everyone here would have heard about it. The fact is global temps actually increased in 2008, 2009 ,2110, and I am willing to wager in 2011, we will see the same.



WOW!!! If people are the problem why can't I hunt em? Save a tree whack a porkypine? Save the planet,plant a gasbag!! I'd say start with cops n snitches,but you know what a slippery slope that is. Can't we all just get along??? Frackin Hippies ROFLMAO


Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming
Thanks for that floored bit of info, it fits in well with a lot of other stuff in this thread.

The year 2008 tied with 2001 as the eighth warmest year on record for the Earth, based on the combined average of worldwide land and ocean surface temperatures through December, according to a preliminary analysis by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C. For December alone, the month also ranked as the eighth warmest globally, for the combined land and ocean surface temperature.

Twelve-month long drop in world temperatures wipes out a century of warming
Interesting stuff El Gato thanks for sharing bro!

You sucked up that rubbish info pretty fast!

So how does that work?

Hows does one year of false cold weather wipe out a 100 years of warming which is still peaking? Sounds like people clutching at any piece of rubbish reporting and running with it in an attempt to prove their argument.

Disco FYI i dont think disbelief of global warming is grounds for telling someone they dont believe in science...
No but in your case you cannot accept any evidence by scientists, only crackpot bloggers with no eveidence what so-ever, quite sad really.

But i am far from a person who disregards science as a whole.
Just climate scientists?

I just dont believe the scientists of today know as much about the way climates work and are effected to the extent everyone seems to believe they do.
Who cares what you believe, you are wrong.

Humans are not perfect and are far from knowing exactly to a tee how everything works.

No one is claiming that, and stating that doesnt undermine the work the scientists have achieved.

When you cant/wont accept basic facts such as the warming trend we are in, then its pretty clear your just a troll.


Well-known member


Active member
Not a single celeb-denier has an education in climate science. Besides, deniers deny the science anyway.

A third grader can deduce that a mean temp increase is a sign of warming, not to mention glacial melt.

I wonder when the photoshopped "temp stations" will turn into photoshopped glaciers.

Seeeee... no melt here. :biglaugh:

While we disagree often here disco, this is your dumbest post to date. Celebrity deniers? LOL No such thing. But there are hundreds of celebrity proponents of GW, brainwashed and dumb as nails all. Ted Danson comes to mind. It was sometime back in the '90's that this great scientist claimed our oceans would be dead in a decade. Hmmmm. Or how about that giant thinker Cameron Diaz? Or Paris Hilton who wants us to just leave our "fridge" doors open.

The naysayers have picked apart what you call science over and over again. The fact that you are blind to any of this just proves that GW is a religion, and has little to do with science.

Hal Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara explains the fraud of the science and the funding complicit in the perpetuation of the scare.


You can find the letter he send in a few American newspapers also, but this was swept under the carpet by most in our media because it didn't fit the template for the lower IQ masses.


weed fiend
While we disagree often here disco, this is your dumbest post to date. Celebrity deniers? LOL No such thing.

Lord Monkton (sp?)

??? Coleman Weather Channel

The add sales guy you referenced earlier


But there are hundreds of celebrity proponents of GW, brainwashed and dumb as nails all. Ted Danson comes to mind. It was sometime back in the '90's that this great scientist claimed our oceans would be dead in a decade. Hmmmm. Or how about that giant thinker Cameron Diaz? Or Paris Hilton who wants us to just leave our "fridge" doors open.
Plain and simple, celeb deniers aren't scientists.

The naysayers have picked apart what you call science over and over again. The fact that you are blind to any of this just proves that GW is a religion, and has little to do with science.
Those are pretty weak arguments.

Hal Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara explains the fraud of the science and the funding complicit in the perpetuation of the scare.


You can find the letter he send in a few American newspapers also, but this was swept under the carpet by most in our media because it didn't fit the template for the lower IQ masses.
Why put all your eggs in a rogue basket? I get the impression you never consider the idea that mean temp is increasing. IMO, you think it's all a scam because you can't get past the impulse that somebody's gonna try to tell you what to do.:)

I've read the denier stuff for years, grapeman. There's probably no single denier tactic I haven't seen dispelled by the folks that comprise peer review. You've been here long enough to see your links countered by h3ad's. (Those threads are still here.) No need to reinvent the wheel in this one.

Here's a tip. Instead of leaving just the link, excerpt the onus that compels your reasoning for posting the link.
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