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World News, possible History in the making. this is almost an actual battle.

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Bullfrog,I think you just want to fight!? Use this energy to what matters! Change something if you can!Trash,just trash! Wasnt hottie Sarah Palin in on Tparty? Was that a good example? I know low hangin fruit!!


Active member
One last chance GP73.....

Here is the Question.

If all OWS wants is" the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer..."

Then why do they.....
Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.

Your response which doesn't answer the question.

you see most people that support OWS or participate in it don't condone the things you have listed. if you can't understand this, then i sure as hell can't explain it to you...

Like I said, this IS WHAT OWS is doing. So answer the question, If all OWS wants is" the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer..."

Then why do they.....

The question wasn't, Does everybody that supports OWS or participates in condone what I listed. See the difference?


Bullfrog,I think you just want to fight!? Use this energy to what matters! Change something if you can!Trash,just trash! Wasnt hottie Sarah Palin in on Tparty? Was that a good example? I know low hangin fruit!!

But you start out with these posts:
It kinda reminds me of Prop215! Hey BS or I mean Bullfrog you voted against that huh! Cmon now we know we need change! Occupy is only round1 of a title fight! So keep up your cuase whatever that may be! I will support Occupy! Allways!
Bullfrog dont be foolish. Look at who we are talking about Pigs and feds!! They have been cuaght many times planting people!! They will do whatever they need for occupy to look bad! Just watch the debates. Look at what they do to each other for votes and they are on the same team! Modern American politics=Pro wrestling! I do not forget! I will not waste my vote on a federal level! Politicians are not scared of my vote! They are scared of me coming in the neighborhood! I will not be a part of the rigged system anymore!

Tea Party was set up by the republicans! So they are weak minded and not free thinkers! Enough said

Maybe a look in the mirror is in order.


Active member
GP73LPC - Now you neg rep me because you can't answer a simple question? That is very OWS of you.


weed fiend
GP73LPC - You are having a hard time answering the questions aren't we. Lets make it simple. What is OWS trying to say?

Economic opportunity for the middle class and working poor has stalled while the top is growing 275x faster. How many times faster would it take before you're willing to reconsider?

Trickle down economics is a failed policy and we're still peddling our opportunity away to the top. So much they don't have to

lend money

make things / provide services

employ people

Now all they have to do is sit on their money and rake in the interest. They bought their cap gains interest rate so that they can still afford to bribe gub to keep things this way.

Economic indicators suggest we're next door to the great depression. We have the greatest income disparity since 1929 and
business and banks have more capital than at any other time in our nation's history.

The idea they're waiting until the business climate improves, i.e. Republican president gets elected is a laugh. They're waiting on demand and that's not happening with trickle up economics. Trickle up is a giant albatross that sucks the crumbs off the table. They don't fall to us. If you're privy to statistics, there are none defending supply side.

... If all OWS wants is" the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer..."

Then why do they.....
Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.

And most important, How can you back a movement that does these horrible things?

These incidents are unfortunate but they're no argument for the status quot.

... the tea party has been going for over 3 years now. Zero Murders, zero rapes, zero arrests of any kind.

OWS 1 year, 1500+ arrests, 2 murders, and at least 6 rapes.

The teas party protesters ride in on air conditioned buses and sit in lawn chairs for a couple of hours. Then they go home.

Trash, just trash. :) I think it more has to do with the fact that the left has control of the media. With that control they just spread the word that the tea party are racists and "weak minded and not free thinkers." lol

I watch left leaning media and I don't get that sense at all. Except when a southern congressman calls the president a liar during a SOTU speech and a crowd of protesters shouts epithets while representatives egg them on from windows and balconies.

That said, the media portrayals I see of the Tea Party speak of a single thing... no spending.


Active member
These incidents are unfortunate but they're no argument for the status quot.

Why not? That is the OWS movement. That is what they do. They Occupy, Subways, Oakland Docs and City halls. That is the movement.

The teas party protesters ride in on air conditioned buses and sit in lawn chairs for a couple of hours. Then they go home.

O I get it, once you stay in a park for a while you have the need to start raping and murdering people. That clears everything up.


weed fiend
Occupying is indeed a tactic of the protesters. Isolated incidents of violence and or aggressive behavior isn't part of the OWS message.


Active member
Here are the facts, this is the movement. It is the stats quot of this movement.



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Economic opportunity for the middle class and working poor has stalled while the top is growing 275x faster. How many times faster would it take before you're willing to reconsider?

Trickle down economics is a failed policy

true and true...

I watch left leaning media and I don't get that sense at all. Except when a southern congressman calls the president a liar during a SOTU speech and a crowd of protesters shouts epithets while representatives egg them on from windows and balconies.

how bout this bitch and disrepect...?



Active member
Ok DiscoB, how much "Isolated incidents of violence and or aggressive behavior" is too much?

I feel like this is going no where. I guess you guys just go along with these kinds of things these days. Then rationalize them by saying things like this isn't the status quot. We just differ I guess.


weed fiend
We're only talking about tens of thousands of protesters since September of last year. Besides, nobody here condones violence.


Active member
If nothing else, who is going to pay for the $20,000,000.00 in damage and loss wages they have created during a huge economic down turn?


Active member
We're only talking about tens of thousands of protesters since September of last year. Besides, nobody here condones violence.

Who do you think the heart of the movement is? The people in the streets? Or the people talking about it on the internet? The OWS group are the people in the streets, period. They are causing violence. If nobody here condones violence, then why back OWS?


ICMag Donor
The last two pages or so is the exact reason why we don't allow political threads......... All people seem to do is get pissed at each other and see who has the most smartass comment....
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