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World News, possible History in the making. this is almost an actual battle.

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GP73LPC - You are having a hard time answering the questions aren't we. Lets make it simple. What is OWS trying to say? What is their objective. How about that? Are all my question marks in line now, douche?


Active member
what are you, bi-polar?

When you only quote one line it seems that way. Let me repost what I said so you can read the entire thing.

You guys have to understand I agree with the OWS "said" movement. I agree wall street is out of control. I agree banks are out of control. I agree that politiions are out of control.

The main differences are:

OWS = Revolution

Me = Restore America to its original values.

Because revolutions lead to mass deaths, and dictatorships. America has blessed this planet for over 200 years, and the world is a better place for it. America is far from perfect, but unless somebody can tell me a better plan, I still am for America.


OWS is a violent movement, period. If I had to choose between the Tea Party and OWS, I would go with the Tea Party purely based on the fact that they can conduct them selves in a civil matter.

I think this is a very coherent thought, not bi-polar at all. You still don't get it or what?


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
GP73LPC - You are having a hard time answering the questions aren't we. Lets make it simple. What is OWS trying to say? What is their objective. How about that? Are all my question marks in line now, douche?

douche, real nice... i am gonna avoid stooping to your low level of name calling...

and since you can't read and comprehend i bolded and enlarged my original answer for you...

wow, you need to chill a bit...

first of all i said 'you apparently don't have clue...'

i didn't say 'you have NO FUCKING CLUE'

and when someone on the internet says that to me, it affects me very little... i'm not gonna sit here and fret and worry about someone calling me a name or telling me i'm clueless... have some pride in yourself man...

the movement is not about a few thugs that have obviously been in the crowd. i have seen plenty of interviews with some very clean, intelligent, educated people in that group.

you sound like newt gingrich... 'go get a job, but take a shower first...' i am sure a lot of those people wish they could get a job in todays economy...

you opinion is laughable to me. you think everyone involved in the movement is a criminal, which could not be further from the truth. and if you were paying attention i said i DID NOT CONDONE the violence... and of the 1500 arrested how many committed violence and how many were just disobeying authority...

i don't condone racism or throwing condoms at catholic girls either. but that's not what the movement is about. the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer...

the rich have seen their income grow at an enormous amount in relation to what's left of the middle class and let's not even talk about how the poor are doing.

as far as shutting down the subway or or the Oakland docks... Boohoo... that's fucking terrible isn't it..., lol !!! it's called civil disobedience and sometimes you gotta get the motherfuckers attention that are in charge. The 1% control the world and the world is about fed up with their bullshit laws where they always prosper, but a college grad today can't get a job.

i mean let's face it... look at elections. whoever has the most money wins, so in reality the rich motherfuckers in the world decides who gets elected. we live in a SICK, FUCKING GREEEDY society.

now i would like to keep the conversation civil and i am sorry you took offense to my comment. don't take the world(internet) so seriously... and if you wanna get ugly, bring it, i can get ugly with the best of them...

btw, Snoop Dogg's music sucks IMO...

peace :tiphat:


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
"Attack the position, not the person"

Ireland for instance gives more per capita then any other nation on earth to charitable causes so allowing for scale...

Ireland also has a 5% corporate tax rate, which is why it is a bigger haven for american corporations to keep more of their money than the caymans, and as a consequence move many jobs there.


Active member
ok, stick with me now. For the question you didn't answer.

If all OWS wants is" the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer..."

Then why do they.....
Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.

And most important, How can you back a movement that does these horrible things?


Active member
Does society at large not have murders and rapes?

You really just can't answer that question can you?

Let me give you an example:

the tea party has been going for over 3 years now. Zero Murders, zero rapes, zero arrests of any kind.

OWS 1 year, 1500+ arrests, 2 murders, and at least 6 rapes.

Just answer the question.

Edit: wrong person. Sorry, still waiting the answer.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
ok, stick with me now. For the question you didn't answer.

If all OWS wants is" the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer..."

Then why do they.....
Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.

And most important, How can you back a movement that does these horrible things?

some of the founding fathers had slaves. i don't condone that, but i condone the American Revolution, how about you?

Can you condone a movement that had members that owned slaves...?

you see most people that support OWS or participate in it don't condone the things you have listed. if you can't understand this, then i sure as hell can't explain it to you...

now i have answered all your questions. you don't agree and want to continue to be combative. if my answers are not to your liking i'm sorry.

maybe you should chill out like i said and smoke a little sumtin, sumtin...

we do both agree that something has to change or it's gonna break. oakland is an example of shit starting to break...

i am not opposed to going back to American values where corporations don't rule the fucking world, how do propose we get there without protesting in the streets. voting sure as fuck ain't working...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor

OWS 1 year, 1500+ arrests, 2 murders, and at least 6 rapes.


^I see a problem with the police hear. They have plenty of time and power to pepper spray kids but they were not able to stop rapes. I wouldn't be half surprised if it was an off duty cop or person hired by police to do the raping to instill fear.


Active member
^I see a problem with the police hear. They have plenty of time and power to pepper spray kids but they were not able to stop rapes. I wouldn't be half surprised if it was an off duty cop or person hired by police to do the raping to instill fear.

That is a big part of it Hash Zep. The police are really laying into the OWS at times. I believe OWS plays off this as much as they can also, even to the point of provoking the cops. However, the pepper spray incident doesn't help the cops out, lol. That was horrible! It may go both ways.

As far as staging rapist, I don't buy into that. I could see planting people to insight violence, but rape? I wouldn't put it past the powers in charge, but if I had to guess I would say no.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
you see most people that support OWS or participate in it don't condone the things you have listed. if you can't understand this, then i sure as hell can't explain it to you...

now i have answered all your questions. you don't agree and want to continue to be combative. if my answers are not to your liking i'm sorry.

maybe you should chill out like i said and smoke a little sumtin, sumtin...

we do both agree that something has to change or it's gonna break. oakland is an example of shit starting to break...

i am not opposed to going back to American values where corporations don't rule the fucking world, how do propose we get there without protesting in the streets. voting sure as fuck ain't working...

The British owned slaves too. Slavery was common around the world. Many of the slaves brought to america were already slaves when the Americans bought them from other African Tribes.

Th Participants in OWS want freedom. That is all they know really. What they don't understand is how to get it. Neither does the Tea Party. They think that they have been living in a Democracy but there has not been a real democracy for along time. most of the members of OWS have not experienced it. That is why they are confused. They are told that was they are experiencing is capitalism and democracy. It has been pounded into their head since birth. They have been convinced that this corporatism is capitalism and now they are confused and think they want to get rid of capitalism, but what they really want to do is get rid of corporatism. Some of them understand this. It is our job as citizens to spread this understanding to the people that think communism is the answer. Let them study the great leap forward.

Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth. The combination of both plutocracy and oligarchy is called plutarchy.


Confused and needs education.


actually know what is going on.



May your race always be in your favor
Seems the only way change in America is brought about is with upheaval and people in the streets. From the revolution through the sixties with civil rights and Nam, social change in America has only come when some one stands up and says this is Bullshit and it needs to stop.
The sad thing is that it takes violence in order to enact change, as a civilization we should be past the need for violence to make change. But as a species we are some violent motherfuckers that would be beating each other over the heads with clubs if that was all we had. Unfortunately the gubbmint has the biggest club at the moment. MY 2 CENTS.


Active member
You still haven't answered my question.....
If all OWS wants is" the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer..."

Then why do they.....
Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.

you see most people that support OWS or participate in it don't condone the things you have listed. if you can't understand this, then i sure as hell can't explain it to you...
Bullfrog dont be foolish. Look at who we are talking about Pigs and feds!! They have been cuaght many times planting people!! They will do whatever they need for occupy to look bad! Just watch the debates. Look at what they do to each other for votes and they are on the same team! Modern American politics=Pro wrestling! I do not forget! I will not waste my vote on a federal level! Politicians are not scared of my vote! They are scared of me coming in the neighborhood! I will not be a part of the rigged system anymore!


Active member
Bullfrog dont be foolish. Look at who we are talking about Pigs and feds!! They have been cuaght many times planting people!! They will do whatever they need for occupy to look bad! Just watch the debates. Look at what they do to each other for votes and they are on the same team! Modern American politics=Pro wrestling! I do not forget! I will not waste my vote on a federal level! Politicians are not scared of my vote! They are scared of me coming in the neighborhood! I will not be a part of the rigged system anymore!

Then why not the same with the tea party? Why no violence there? I do agree with what you are saying, just playing devil's advocate. I know for a fact the CIA and other fed agencies have been part of Libia, Egypt, Syria, Greece, Europe and the United States current situations. No doubt.

However OWS is creating their own violence as well, IMO.

Hash Zep
Do you really believe the figures in those OWS signs you posted? Here is a link on the 94% sign. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-m...-wall-street-protesters-sign-says-94-percent/
Their point is valid, but the figures are off.
O and there is that Communism sign, hmmmm..... But that can't be part of the movement right?


Active member
Tea Party was set up by the republicans! So they are weak minded and not free thinkers! Enough said

Trash, just trash. :) I think it more has to do with the fact that the left has control of the media. With that control they just spread the word that the tea party are racists and "weak minded and not free thinkers." lol


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
You still haven't answered my question.....
If all OWS wants is" the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer..."

Then why do they.....
Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.

i have answered your questions multiple times...

i'm done with you...

if you ever learn to read and comprehend then we might be able to debate...


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
Tea Party was set up by the republicans! So they are weak minded and not free thinkers! Enough said

i am a former republican and totally agree with you...

they eat up Faux News and blindly follow like sheep...

they care more about profit, corporations and personal wealth than the well being of other humans...
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