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World News, possible History in the making. this is almost an actual battle.

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weed fiend
It's this simple - a small, rich cabal spends the necessary money to buy the system. It just happens to go against the rest of our interests.


Active member
Relax everybody...take a deep breath.

Change is coming anyway, whether anyone likes it or not.

The economic oxygen is being sucked out of the atmosphere by a global tornado of debt. The Fed , IMF and ECB are busy sticking toothpicks up the ass of hollowed out straw-man banks and their broke-ass client nations in a last ditch effort to prop them up.
In the end it's only paper anyway, but the problem really lies in the fact that even healthy sensible, productive companies rely on that paper as well. When their production suffers then scarcity will create a stagflation with price increases without growth.
The worst of both worlds.
The whole thing is gonna crash but this time it will take decades to recover because the wise, all-knowing Govt. has us to bankroll this entire mess. Taxpayers get the delightful task of being the teenage enema nurse to an engorged terminally ill patient.

Maybe the lost generation will learn the lesson that thin air 'money' fractional banking is a doomed enterprise that can only last so long before it implodes.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
omg check out all that space cash!


watch the full episode. http://www.southparkstudios.com/full-episodes/s13e06-pinewood-derby


3rd-Eye Jedi
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

everyone's to blame

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah


Active member
Don't forget that Ghandi's trick only worked because the Brits are sentimental and were somewhat sensitive about bad PR. Machine-gunning the locals was perceived as 'not quite cricket'. 'Dreadfully messy business, that'.

The Soviets would have just made him disappear. End of Ghandi-ji.

By that time the Brits had found out that 'nation building' is a damn sight more expensive than any trade monopolies offsets.
The original 'privatized gains at the expense of the public purse'.

Another Great Idea by the Smart People in charge.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I support the protesters but not the violence, vandalism and theft. A few bad apples give the whole idea a black eye.

agree :tiphat:

OWS are just a bunch of anarchist, communist thugs that need to go away. As for any body still endorsing these groups........maybe they are just as crazy as the people in the streets lighting flags on fire.

sorry, but you apparently don't have clue...

this comment is very ignorant and you do not understand the problem. Nobody is rooting for communism. They are there to combat the global corporatism that has stolen our democracy and destroyed our capitalist economy.

Corporatism is just a form of Fascism.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Hash Zeppelin again.

Except half the tea party does not understand the constitution because they think they should Christianize the government and make the drug war even more harsh.

Basically both of them are full of angry stupid people that are clouding the big picture. Our Democracy is broken. we need a constitutional convention, but that in it's self may trigger a civil war.

bingo, the tea party is way off base...

Relax everybody...take a deep breath.

Change is coming anyway, whether anyone likes it or not.

The economic oxygen is being sucked out of the atmosphere by a global tornado of debt. The Fed , IMF and ECB are busy sticking toothpicks up the ass of hollowed out straw-man banks and their broke-ass client nations in a last ditch effort to prop them up.
In the end it's only paper anyway, but the problem really lies in the fact that even healthy sensible, productive companies rely on that paper as well. When their production suffers then scarcity will create a stagflation with price increases without growth.
The worst of both worlds.
The whole thing is gonna crash but this time it will take decades to recover because the wise, all-knowing Govt. has us to bankroll this entire mess. Taxpayers get the delightful task of being the teenage enema nurse to an engorged terminally ill patient.

Maybe the lost generation will learn the lesson that thin air 'money' fractional banking is a doomed enterprise that can only last so long before it implodes.

i agree economic collapse is looming...

i can only hope it breaks govt financing so badly the people rule again... ;)


Active member
lol, you have NO FUCKING CLUE GP73LPC......How's it feel when somebody says that to you?

You support a movement you don't understand one bit. You just can't condone a movement but not it's violence when they are perpetuated by the cause of the movement. I will repeat this again, they have MURDERS, RAPES, Racists, Thiefs. That is the movement whether you get it or not. That is like saying I like Snoop Dog but think all his songs about drugs and bitches are not good. What does that leave left of Snoop Dog? Just like OWS, take away their violence and what exactly is the message?

Your so in tune with all this, why don't you give us OWS message. Please do.

Keep in mind they have now

Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.
But let me guess, this is just a small number of the group. More than 1,500 arrests in the OWS moment. Small number huh????????
Anybody have the figures on how many people got arrested during the Tea Party Movements? O that's right, ZERO!!!!!

Please give me the answer to what they are trying to achieve when all they do is destroy and effect the 99%, not the 1%.

And I am clueless, lol. Just patiently awaiting this answer. Please answer all questions, unless you can't or don't have a clue. Also, maybe you could tell me what part of my comment was wrong and how........


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
lol, you have NO FUCKING CLUE GP73LPC......How's it feel when somebody says that to you?

You support a movement you don't understand one bit. You just can't condone a movement but not it's violence when they are perpetuated by the cause of the movement. I will repeat this again, they have MURDERS, RAPES, Racists, Thiefs. That is the movement whether you get it or not. That is like saying I like Snoop Dog but think all his songs about drugs and bitches are not good. What does that leave left of Snoop Dog? Just like OWS, take away their violence and what exactly is the message?

Your so in tune with all this, why don't you give us OWS message. Please do.

Keep in mind they have now

Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.
But let me guess, this is just a small number of the group. More than 1,500 arrests in the OWS moment. Small number huh????????
Anybody have the figures on how many people got arrested during the Tea Party Movements? O that's right, ZERO!!!!!

Please give me the answer to what they are trying to achieve when all they do is destroy and effect the 99%, not the 1%.

And I am clueless, lol. Just patiently awaiting this answer. Please answer all questions, unless you can't or don't have a clue. Also, maybe you could tell me what part of my comment was wrong and how........

wow, you need to chill a bit...

first of all i said 'you apparently don't have clue...'

i didn't say 'you have NO FUCKING CLUE'

and when someone on the internet says that to me, it affects me very little... i'm not gonna sit here and fret and worry about someone calling me a name or telling me i'm clueless... have some pride in yourself man...

the movement is not about a few thugs that have obviously been in the crowd. i have seen plenty of interviews with some very clean, intelligent, educated people in that group.

you sound like newt gingrich... 'go get a job, but take a shower first...' i am sure a lot of those people wish they could get a job in todays economy...

you opinion is laughable to me. you think everyone involved in the movement is a criminal, which could not be further from the truth. and if you were paying attention i said i DID NOT CONDONE the violence... and of the 1500 arrested how many committed violence and how many were just disobeying authority...

i don't condone racism or throwing condoms at catholic girls either. but that's not what the movement is about. the movement is about a fair fucking chance to succeed in this country. the middle class is disappearing and the poor ranks are growing, while the rich get richer...

the rich have seen their income grow at an enormous amount in relation to what's left of the middle class and let's not even talk about how the poor are doing.

as far as shutting down the subway or or the Oakland docks... Boohoo... that's fucking terrible isn't it..., lol !!! it's called civil disobedience and sometimes you gotta get the motherfuckers attention that are in charge. The 1% control the world and the world is about fed up with their bullshit laws where they always prosper, but a college grad today can't get a job.

i mean let's face it... look at elections. whoever has the most money wins, so in reality the rich motherfuckers in the world decides who gets elected. we live in a SICK, FUCKING GREEEDY society.

now i would like to keep the conversation civil and i am sorry you took offense to my comment. don't take the world(internet) so seriously... and if you wanna get ugly, bring it, i can get ugly with the best of them...

btw, Snoop Dogg's music sucks IMO... ;)

peace :tiphat:
It kinda reminds me of Prop215! Hey BS or I mean Bullfrog you voted against that huh! Cmon now we know we need change! Occupy is only round1 of a title fight! So keep up your cuase whatever that may be! I will support Occupy! Allways!


Active member
Wow more hate.....Why from you now strawbrrygirl? I voted yes for 215, what does that have to do with anything? Answer this strawgirl, Change to what is my question? I say restore America to it's original views. What are you hopping the "change" will be? Or are you happy as long as it's not America anymore? You will be happy when somebody starts to "dictate" what you should and should not be doing. Look at the last 10 revolutions and tell me which of them didn't end it thousands or hundreds of thousands of people dying. Can you even name 5 of the last 10 revolutions? I will be waiting for these answers strawgirl.

GP73LPC - you failed to answer almost all my questions. Shows you have no answers. The only answer you could muster up is how me saying you don't know anything makes you feel. How about answering some questions about the conversation we are having.

the movement is not about a few thugs that have obviously been in the crowd. i have seen plenty of interviews with some very clean, intelligent, educated people in that group.

Funny, if somebody in a nice suit tells you it is ok, then it must be. I will continue to judge people and/or movements by their past and their merits, not what the pretty face on the tv tell me.

you sound like newt gingrich... 'go get a job, but take a shower first...' i am sure a lot of those people wish they could get a job in todays economy...

Ouch, that really did hurt. I hope I don't sound like Newt, and can you please show me where I said anything remotely close to "get a job, but take a shower first." I strongly dislike Newt, for the record. His favorite president is Woodrow Wilson, the very first progressive. Just not my style.

you opinion is laughable to me. you think everyone involved in the movement is a criminal, which could not be further from the truth. and if you were paying attention i said i DID NOT CONDONE the violence... and of the 1500 arrested how many committed violence and how many were just disobeying authority...

When did I say that? I believe in not backing a group of thugs, no matter how peaceful they TALK! Talk is cheap, but words and actions show everything. I believe the OWS movement has millions of supporters, and they only have 1500 arrests, i get it. However, when you have the group, and their leaders, talking about bringing city's to their knees by racking up huge debts by creating horrible messes. Who will pay for all the clean up????? O yea, the people with jobs. SNAP!
Also if you could read, one letter in front of the other, making words, then sentences. I said and quote, "You just can't condone a movement but not it's violence when they are perpetuated by the cause of the movement." Get it now? If not, remember, letters make words, words make sentences, sentences make statements.

as far as shutting down the subway or or the Oakland docks... Boohoo... that's fucking terrible isn't it..., lol !!! it's called civil disobedience and sometimes you gotta get the motherfuckers attention that are in charge. The 1% control the world and the world is about fed up with their bullshit laws where they always prosper, but a college grad today can't get a job.

So in your own words, you do condone the violence. Glad we are on different sides of this thing, because I tend to be more peaceful. So screw the doc workers that got sent home with no pay. Screw the people riding the subway who couldn't get to work. O wait, it's ok to screw all these people if the big dogs take notice. Screw Oakland city hall, what do we need that for anyway? Horrible man, horrible.

i mean let's face it... look at elections. whoever has the most money wins, so in reality the rich motherfuckers in the world decides who gets elected. we live in a SICK, FUCKING GREEEDY society.

That is true to an extent, I will give you that. However the most powerful voice in America is the voice of the people. However America is more divided than the people in charge right now. Proof and point, you and I right now. Not to mention Srawgirl throwing out insults with nothing to add to the conversation. BIG DIVIDE.

Not to mention this isn't the first attack from straw girl for no reason concerning OWS, but she has not said anything constructive that is backed with facts. I am just saying my opinion, which I can back with facts.

"we live in a SICK, FUCKING GREEEDY society."
Preach on brother, this is very true.

now i would like to keep the conversation civil and i am sorry you took offense to my comment. don't take the world(internet) so seriously... and if you wanna get ugly, bring it, i can get ugly with the best of them...

btw, Snoop Dogg's music sucks IMO... ;)

peace :tiphat:

I made my points, then basically told everybody that the conversation was good and both sides made their point. Then you come in with the I don't have a clue thing. I had to defend my self, and will always do so.

Now, if you want to continue the conversation, please answer all my questions from two posts ago, until then, I have to believe you are the one without a clue.


Active member
You guys have to understand I agree with the OWS "said" movement. I agree wall street is out of control. I agree banks are out of control. I agree that politiions are out of control.

The main differences are:

OWS = Revolution

Me = Restore America to its original values.

Because revolutions lead to mass deaths, and dictatorships. America has blessed this planet for over 200 years, and the world is a better place for it. America is far from perfect, but unless somebody can tell me a better plan, I still am for America.


OWS is a violent movement, period. If I had to choose between the Tea Party and OWS, I would go with the Tea Party purely based on the fact that they can conduct them selves in a civil matter.

Can you guys imagine if the tea party pulled the same shit as OWS.......Holy god hell would break loose.


Jesus fucking Christ frogg i thought you had game I don't agree with all you've said but you said it better then most.
"America has blessed this planet for over 200 years, and the world is a better place for it. America is far from perfect, but unless somebody can tell me a better plan, I still am for America."

World is a better place for it?

First ask the real americans then ask the Blacks then the Mexicans you ran out of half the south now we go international and this is where it gets good folks
the People of Bikini atoll, the People of Vietnam, the People of Liberia, the People of Colombia, the People of Cuba, the people Nicuaragua, the Palestinian Holocaust victims, Iraq, Afghanistan, I'm stoned and thats all that comes to mind but the list is fucking endless....
and this is the peach they put most of those "Evil" dictators that they took it upon themselves to rid the world of in power in the first place.

Fuck you!! "blessed the world" my arse. Its that sort of shit you spout that makes the rest of wary of Americans although I liked most I've met.
Last edited:


shut the fuck up Donny
OP gets the 2012 Q1 award for most misleading thread title on a stoner forum.

You will receive your cookie in the mail shortly.


Active member
Elsweeto - I am having a very hard time understanding what you said. Is English your second language?

You start by saying, "First ask the real americans" but you never state what to ask them. Sorry man, I just don't get what you are saying.

Maybe blessed is the wrong word, but can you name another country that has done more good for the world than the United States?

The question is not, can you name a country that has done less bad than the United States. Get the difference? Every country has it's sins.

Also, did you forget a coma? "Palestinian Holocaust victims" You believe their are Palestinian Holocaust victims?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
simmer down and stop hating on each other. use that energy to educate people about how they are living in Corporatism and not capitalism. educate them on how communism is not the answer to fix corporatism. taking the money out of government and going back to a true capitalist system is how to fix America.

When government is large and powerful in the market then corporations want to buy that power. when it is small and can do nothing for your corporation negative or positive then there is no appeal to buy it. Problem solved. Small government, not for sale. easier to hold people accountable as well


Ye I posted a rough draft; check the edit.
Tell me about these great goods youv'e done?
Ireland for instance gives more per capita then any other nation on earth to charitable causes so allowing for scale...
Where does the vast bulk of the blessed U.S money go?
Oh Yeah that's right Isreal, and what is the Isreali government perpetrating on the Palestinian People? military attacks, sanctions on medical goods, ghettoising communities, denying education; food, water, I'd say it amounts to a Holocaust.
Most countries do less bad it would take to long to list them


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
GP73LPC - you failed to answer almost all my questions. Shows you have no answers. The only answer you could muster up is how me saying you don't know anything makes you feel. How about answering some questions about the conversation we are having.
Now, if you want to continue the conversation, please answer all my questions from two posts ago, until then, I have to believe you are the one without a clue.

okay let's review...

lol, you have NO FUCKING CLUE GP73LPC......How's it feel when somebody says that to you?

i answered this one, read my post...

You support a movement you don't understand one bit. You just can't condone a movement but not it's violence when they are perpetuated by the cause of the movement. I will repeat this again, they have MURDERS, RAPES, Racists, Thiefs. That is the movement whether you get it or not. That is like saying I like Snoop Dog but think all his songs about drugs and bitches are not good. What does that leave left of Snoop Dog? Just like OWS, take away their violence and what exactly is the message?

i answered both of these also, read my post

Your so in tune with all this, why don't you give us OWS message. Please do.

Keep in mind they have now

Thrown condoms at Catholic school girls
Have murders
Have rapes (not to mention they claim they are taking care of those issues in house, with out the law. In other words, if you get rapped be quite because it effects the movement.)
Closed down NYC subway
Closed Oakland docs
Ran sacked Oakland City hall.
Had OWS yelling at Jews to go home
Vandalize the biggest jewish settlement in NYC and the USA with antisemitism vandalism.
But let me guess, this is just a small number of the group. More than 1,500 arrests in the OWS moment. Small number huh????????
Anybody have the figures on how many people got arrested during the Tea Party Movements? O that's right, ZERO!!!!!

ok, i missed the question in pink, the one in red i adressed...

Please give me the answer to what they are trying to achieve when all they do is destroy and effect the 99%, not the 1%.

And I am clueless, lol. Just patiently awaiting this answer. Please answer all questions, unless you can't or don't have a clue. Also, maybe you could tell me what part of my comment was wrong and how........

i see a question in this part of your post, but you have a grammatical error and missed your question mark...

but with that said, i answered that question too...

so i answered 5 of your 6 questions in my original reply to you...

maybe you need to learn to read and comprehend ;) :moon:

and then....

I believe in not backing a group of thugs, no matter how peaceful they TALK! Talk is cheap, but words and actions show everything. I believe the OWS movement has millions of supporters, and they only have 1500 arrests, i get it. However, when you have the group, and their leaders, talking about bringing city's to their knees by racking up huge debts by creating horrible messes. Who will pay for all the clean up????? O yea, the people with jobs. SNAP!
Also if you could read, one letter in front of the other, making words, then sentences. I said and quote, "You just can't condone a movement but not it's violence when they are perpetuated by the cause of the movement." Get it now? If not, remember, letters make words, words make sentences, sentences make statements.

You guys have to understand I agree with the OWS "said" movement.

what are you, bi-polar?


Active member
simmer down and stop hating on each other. use that energy to educate people about how they are living in Corporatism and not capitalism. educate them on how communism is not the answer to fix corporatism. taking the money out of government and going back to a true capitalist system is how to fix America.

When government is large and powerful in the market then corporations want to buy that power. when it is small and can do nothing for your corporation negative or positive then there is no appeal to buy it. Problem solved. Small government, not for sale. easier to hold people accountable as well

I just spent too much time out of my life trying to say what you just said, hats off man. :tiphat:

This really was my point everybody, and that OWS doesn't really portray this. (in my opinion)

Ye I posted a rough draft; check the edit.
Ok, got it now, except the "the Palestinian Holocaust victims".

Elsweeto;4929 Tell me about these great goods youv'e done? [/QUOTE said:
Strait up, without the United States, many countries could not feed themselves. We subsidize the worlds crops. Right now farmers in Mexico can't produce corn at the same price as the US sells it to the rest of the world. That price is helped out by the tax payers in the United States. (even the very rich) We give about $30,000,000,000 a year in foreign aid. Face it, if that 30 billion dollars went away, a lot of countries would have a very hard time.

Think about it, when a huge earth quake or natural disaster happens, who has their check books open at all times? America.

Not to mention the Western way of life that America has spread through the world. I know some points of view would think that is a bad thing. However, freedom is hard to come by in history. Experts have estimated that 25 billion people have lived on the Earth. Only 5% of those 25 billion people are believe to have freedom during their life. Freedom is not the rule, but the exception. America spreads freedom. ( I know it's not perfect, but talk to people women in the middle east about freedom)

Another thing, how about helping stopping Germany from taking over the world.
Ireland for instance gives more per capita then any other nation on earth to charitable causes so allowing for scale...

That is awesome. I did not know that, thank you.

Where does the vast bulk of the blessed U.S money go?
Oh Yeah that's right Isreal, and what is the Israeli government perpetrating on the Palestinian People? military attacks, sanctions on medical goods, ghettoising communities, denying education; food, water, I'd say it amounts to a Holocaust.
Most countries do less bad it would take to long to list them

Dude, show me hard facts on these claims. Start with "ghettoising" communities and denying education and food and water. Other wise it is bull shit. You really think Israel is at fault, and not "Palestinians" at all? That is a another argument, but lets just agree to disagree.

BTW - you are very very wrong about Israel being where the most foreign aid goes to. They are not even in the top 20. Where did you pretend to pull that fact up? Maybe the same place you pulled out "Isreali government perpetrating on the Palestinian People? military attacks, sanctions on medical goods, ghettoising communities, denying education; food, water, I'd say it amounts to a Holocaust."

Here is a link to show what the US foreign aid is and how much is given to who. Please read so you can stop spreading lies.

Comparing the war between Israel and Palestinians, and the Holocaust is disgusting.
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