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World Health Organization: Swine flu could spread globally

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So let me simplify it for you non believers and resident genius.
Swine Flu is the genetic exchange between one form of flu.and another form of flu Biracial Flu.....or Bisexual....WHO KNOWS!!!! FO SHO!....
they make out and have a baby.
Morph into new resistant organism that takes on a new form and it is hard for the immune system to defend itself.

And it can set off a harmful immune overreaction in the body...."Cytokine Storm"
It can be lethal.
It will take 6 months for them to create a vaccine then it will go to highest bidder prolly.
sounds like you got it all figured out..... just seems hard to believe,because for this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments, it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those some pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs -- in Mexico! -- and spread it to others..... if the damn Mexicans would just started opening doors with their elbows we wouldn't be in this situation! damn


The Tri Guy
Its clearly the nurses fault for opening doors with their elbows then washing their hands rather than their elbows.


Active member
haha. Right on madre. I gotta run, I'll post more later. Really messed up though - it really IS an excuse for "ethnic cleansing" without a doubt. Asian people seem to be sponges for viral epidemics (no offense to asians, it's just how it is) - so I'm staying clear of any person of asian ethnicity until there's a vaccine.

Well I can't avoid asians as my two oldest granddaughters are half South Korean. But it is safer to kiss a pig than ANY of the grandkids currently and certainly my man as he is handling body tissue and body fluids as he runs the highways of Florida.. te he

He is a private contractor for a major lab in central Florida and runs labs from many clinics to the central processing facility.

So with all the nurses here in my family and body tissue and fluid delivery I am gonna have a hard time staying germ free.

But it is looking grim for those of us with the ability to understand the gravity of a pandemic flu alert LEVEL 5 soon to be put out by WHO! Second highest alert BTW.....prolly before midnight. Nurses are @ready! FO SHO! Even I would go back to help out.:yoinks:

Carry on guys......I am outta here for some more positive vibes.


Active member
Its clearly the nurses fault for opening doors with their elbows then washing their hands rather than their elbows.

LMAO!!!!!! I wash my elbows before I get down on them.....te he



Active member
sounds like you got it all figured out..... just seems hard to believe,because for this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments, it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those some pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs -- in Mexico! -- and spread it to others..... if the damn Mexicans would just started opening doors with their elbows we wouldn't be in this situation! damn

Yeah them damn birds better quit fucking them pigs.....
It ain't natural ya know????

Ya gotta "stick with your own kind"

SEE WTF happened????

First homosexual marraiges
NOW Birds fucking PIGS!!!!!
It ain't right and GOD IS PUNISHING US with the swine flu....or is it OBAMA'S fault?????
Prolly Arlen Spector and that is why he abdicated to the Democratic Party yesterday. I just knew there was a reason.....te he
Just like he brought out AIDS or was that the government to kill gay ppl....

I think it can be traced back to the Clinton administration. It is Bubba's fault!


Registered Med User
You are the one that is really a FOOL if you really believe an ALF is not rife with bacteria. Read and come back as you are too ignorant to teach anything.:moon:

Didnt mean to insultcha fool, I call all my folks fool fool. But what I was sayin was her job doesnt require touching the patients, she just has to ware scrubs cuz she works there. Im not just a fool, Im a MOTHAFUCKIN fool, quick ta bump sumthin come though in the old school.... Im so cool, like drumbs and gueetars, cutthoats they payin um how come cuz we stars!....huh?!? what?!?


Active member
Didnt mean to insultcha fool, I call all my folks fool fool. But what I was sayin was her job doesnt require touching the patients, she just has to ware scrubs cuz she works there. Im not just a fool, Im a MOTHAFUCKIN fool, quick ta bump sumthin come though in the old school.... Im so cool, like drumbs and gueetars, cutthoats they payin um how come cuz we stars!....huh?!? what?!?

Google infection control in ALF/ACLF. Does your wife TOUCH "ANYTHING" that the residents touch????? If she don't how can she POSSIBLY be doing her job?????

Then she is polluting you when she touches you because we nurses teach CNA's better than that so she is ignorant and a germy lady and glad I ain't sleeping with her. ENJOY her by all means. If you have no problem sharing pathological germs. Each to his own.:wallbash:


Active member

Cannabis Science Inc. Reports on Prospective Life Saving Treatments for H1N1Swine Flu and H5N1 Bird Flu in View of the Current Global Threat

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Cannabis Science Inc.(OTCBB: GFON - News),an emerging pharmaceutical cannabis company, reported today on the
current state of development of its whole-cannabis lozenge ...

Dr. Robert J. Melamede, Director and Chief Science Officer, stated, "The influenza virus has a unique genetic make up that, in combination with its replicative machinery, has an extraordinary capacity to mutate. As a result, the high lethality of some strains can be attributed to theresulting adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ARDS is caused by an excessive immune inflammatory response driven by Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) that leads to the death of respiratory epithelial cells and resulting organ failure. Endocannabinoids are nature’s way of controlling TNF activity. Existing peer reviewed publications haveshown that phytocannabinoids can prevent this cell death by mimickingthe endocannabinoids that nature has selected to prevent excessive inflammatory immune responses.”

Dr. Melamede, who is also a researcher and past Chairman of the Biology Department at the University of Colorado Springs (UCCS), cautioned,“Smoked marijuana will not effectively prevent the excessive inflammatory response, despite delivering the beneficial pharmacological agents, due to the irritating, pro-inflammatory nature of smoke. In fact, I believe it will make things worse and should be avoided by infected individuals."

ben ttech

Active member
IF they already have anti-virus available...
it means the virus was PREVIOUSLY IDENTIFIED...

which is in direct contention of the RESPONSE to it as im seeing here in california...

we are watching a katrinaISH response to a militarily weaponized vectors SUPPOSED suddend appearance...


Active member
Hey guys WEED really is a good med but it is not gonna take care of this virus.
They are scrambling to find a vaccine and no indiscreet government conspiracy is going on. Virus just have the ability to morph and change and that is evolutionary way of survival. Only the strong survive!!!
The reason the vaccine is so important is there are not antibiotics for virus....only bacteria.....and that is why vaccine is SO important. WHY do you think we don't have POLIO anymore......VACCINE.....and the vaccine DID hurt some.....BUT stopped a crippling disease WITH NO CURE.

So get real and quit reading anti government blogs about conspiracies.
We have a REAL potential problem in the world. Not to mention the Afghan War is gonna go over into Pakistan and spread very soon.

I have lots of REAL things in the world to worry about that are NOT government or corporate conspiracies.


Active member
How about a brick of Mexican swine weed.:nanana:

NO I am a high quality WEED HO darlin'.......granny is bad sometimes......now I can blame it on dementia and get away with more......expected in Florida.
Gotta laugh and have fun where you end up. I get to do Yoga with Hulk Hogan's mom........life is good for us demented old ladies.:woohoo:


Active member
LOL Bush has gone Pirate and we gotta blame somebody else now. W and Laura are hangin' out with those Park City Rich Snobby Blueblood Dallas set now.

We have a Pirate ship here and lots of pirates also for some reason that celebrate Jose Gaspar yearly with a big town celebration. We are a Pirate Friendly town.
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