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15 x 12 room...


New member
starting a new 12'x15' room and am taking on all ideas...

as of now im looking towards a hybrid SOG / Semi-vertical grow...

that basically consists of normal trays but elevated slightly like mountain peaks around the lights to take advantage of sight lighting.

ascii picture?:

lights: * o * o * <-5x600watts
plants \___/\___/

im growing sr-71's pk vegging only 1-2 weeks so probably about 15 per 3x4 space so round 75..

this is just the back 4 x 15 part of the room (starting first)

the rest of the room will be turned on with the next set of clones in about 4 weeks to aim for a once a month 4-5 pound harvest...

also, im doing a drip system with sunshine mix #4 in 1 gal pots and supernat nutes. so far no probs at all just looking for cool ideas.

well.... i welcome all CREATIVE advice...and non-creative too i guess
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id break the room into two parts, and do a flip flop, this way you can run a consistant wattage 24/7 and look a lot less suspicious to the power companies..

now, doing a dual room design brings in a LOT of problems ive found.

if you do a sealed room:
-need some way of selectively filling each room with CO2 (I believe that CO2 is bad for the plant during night cycle; could anybody verify that?)
-same goes for Air conditioning, though its not really too bad if you are keeping your temps a tad lower than what they say for CO2 (1500PPM = what ~85F you want the room temp at?)
- Dehumidifier, has to be on for both rooms at all times, since night time is when the humidity rises the most.

so now how do you satisfy all these conditions with two rooms?
(sealed grow rooms)
If you interconnect the rooms, the temp / CO2 levels could end up messing up the plant during the dark cycle, and if you dont interconnect them, then you are looking at a LOT of money for dual everything (2 dehumidifiers, 2 ACs, 2 CO2 Generators, etc.)

prolly a bad idea for your setup, but its what I'm working on currently. 4x400W CMH bulbs (well 8x400W CMH bulbs, but 1600W consistent)


New member
hey green tea thanks for the new idea.

i hadn't even put a flip flop room my radar. i do like the thought of the meter running lower and steady than big spikes.

it does seem like double the work though when you think about keeping 2 zones steady on opposite cycles like you said..

also i'd need to first add the partition and 2 doors inside the room and that would eat up a decent chunk of space.

sounds like a great idea though if you have a larger space than me or are building from scratch.

luckily i'm in a pretty medical mj friendly area so long as i pay my bill and keep the neighbors happy i should be cool.

thanks for the feedback


Active member
stadium , two rooms one 6x12 for flower and the rest for veg and clones. if you want top production for your space and if you did it right you could have two flower rooms with flip flop and still have room for shelves for clones and drying.


^^why does everyone here says what I have to say just before me haha! 3 room total, thats what I would do. You need a veg room for that size of production.


New member
hey gottt it,

yeah i read through your grows-- nice work.

i'm almost definitely gonna steal your ratcheting tie down idea to raise the lights.

not sure why i would want to do a smaller setup though..

im starting out with 5 x 600 over 4x15 along back of room and (half way though flower) then going to add a ~8x6 tray on the left and a ~8x6 tray on the right and over those im "probably" going to put 2 1000watters each on a rail...

this would put my room in a kind of horseshoe shape with a 3 foot by 8foot walk way in the middle...

my grow limit is 200sq foot of canopy so i'd be getting about 156 sqft with that room and then use the other 44sq foot for my veg/clone room which is in another separate room.

josey whales,

i also like the stadium idea too which is why i'm kind of staggering my plants in peaks...

as for a straight up stadium grow, the main reason i'm not starting off in that direction is mostly because i don't have a ton of experience setting it up and people who i know that do em say its more work in the beginning and end....

also i have just about all the hardware i need for a standard top down lighting grow.

i have thought about doing shelving at each end of the room to hold a few extra plants that would take advantage of stray light.

thanks everyone for the feedback -- seems like there aren't enough big grows on here! yet.


New member
nano said:
^^why does everyone here says what I have to say just before me haha! 3 room total, thats what I would do. You need a veg room for that size of production.

hey nano,
your post came while i was replying to the other 2

just to touch on the veg room, again i'm only going to veg about a week from clone and flower at about 6-8" so they're going to go from aero to redcups for a week then into flower... my goal is between 1 and 2 oz per plant.

so my veg area doesn't need to be quite as large as some other folks who flower more mature plants.


True. Well then make a small cabinet for your rooting clones hehe. Thats what i have, 48x24x72 cab, 3 shelves so i can put 4 cloning racks high, 4 per row ( i use RW or peat pucks). I put 1 48in T5 per shelf which is plenty for cuttings to root, and a small computer fan on top just to help exhaust a bit of heat. If I do them in RW cubes, 98 cuttings fit per rack, times 4 per row, times 4 row, which makes 1568 cuttings haha. But dont worry, it was never that full at once, the max i had in one shot was around 750 clones at different rooting stages.


New member
nano said:
True. Well then make a small cabinet for your rooting clones hehe. Thats what i have, 48x24x72 cab, 3 shelves so i can put 4 cloning racks high, 4 per row ( i use RW or peat pucks). I put 1 48in T5 per shelf which is plenty for cuttings to root, and a small computer fan on top just to help exhaust a bit of heat. If I do them in RW cubes, 98 cuttings fit per rack, times 4 per row, times 4 row, which makes 1568 cuttings haha. But dont worry, it was never that full at once, the max i had in one shot was around 750 clones at different rooting stages.

wow 750 clones is still a lot.
did you use them all or give some away?

i'd like to see whatever setup you needed them all for.

thanks for the feedback


220 clones were kept for my ebb and flow setup, and the rest were sold to a guy a know who has multiple setups in different houses.


New member
sounds good nano...i love clones.

so a few more posts and i guess i can post pics of my current grow...

right now only got a 1200 watt half purple kush and half hksk but still rockin out with my cock out :joint:

lets have a contest.


classy grass
Hey code, I'm watchin this one...

Finished a HK/SK & SR Purple Kush grow a couple months ago. 2 1000's, 15 or so a light. After fully rooting the clones in soil, (some, as we know, don't have many roots to begin with) I vegged for almost a month. The hindu skunk were much bigger, yielding 20-30g a plant against the PK's meagar 10g avg. The PK's take forever to veg, but do better topped. I'm running a table of hindu skunks again now, as it was a great smoke with a good yield that I think can be improved upon yet.


New member
fisher15 said:
Hey code, I'm watchin this one...

Finished a HK/SK & SR Purple Kush grow a couple months ago. 2 1000's, 15 or so a light. After fully rooting the clones in soil, (some, as we know, don't have many roots to begin with) I vegged for almost a month. The hindu skunk were much bigger, yielding 20-30g a plant against the PK's meagar 10g avg. The PK's take forever to veg, but do better topped. I'm running a table of hindu skunks again now, as it was a great smoke with a good yield that I think can be improved upon yet.


im doing 14 1 week veg PKs under 1 600 and 4 HKSKs (and 1 SourD) under the other 600..

the HKSKs and SourD were given to me and are about 4foot each now (sour D a lil more lanky)...

i expect 1-2 oz per PK and between 3-5oz per HKSK

im doing this grow in a smaller area and im hoping to finish up in my new 12x15 room so i can add 1 more 600 and get a lil more bulk.

thanks for the reply fisher15

love to hear other SR-71/Bluesky growers experiences...like i say, what a difference a strain makes...


New member
current grow of purple kushes at 4.5 weeks flower

and last grow's purple kush harvest

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New member
thanks gottt it

looks like your screens are paying off.

seems a lil plant porn is what people really wanna see tho so im happy to oblige...

ill come back soon with some HKSK pics too from the other half of the grow...they're looking donkey dick good.

new room coming soon.