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Women's Rags: A word to the wise



I don't mind at all when Hubs sees a pretty girl and looks. If he doesn't look,that means he's dead.:2cents:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Believe me she is smiling and knows your tonque is planted deep in your cheek :)

h^2 O

what do you guys expect, all these magazines are written by over-the-hill 30-something never going to have children/don't want to get married/I'm a succesfull woman types...JUST LIKE that horsefaced girl with the curly hair from sex in the city...Sarah Jessica Horseface
The magazines are shit and it's sad to think of the wasted paper and ink that goes into these piece of shit worthless garbage


I have to agree with this, women really do need to realize that guys dont really care what you are wearing 99% of the time. If you are just coming over to hang out please just dress like it.

My girlfriend is the worst... she will not come to see me without dressing up and putting on makeup etc. She is so insecure it is insane.

And she has to be one of the best looking girls out of all of the girls I know, literally guys that did not know we were dating would be like man dude check her out i would love to get with her, and I would be like hahah yea me too man shes my girlfriend.

Girls are insecure, especially at our age. End of story.


what do you guys expect, all these magazines are written by over-the-hill 30-something never going to have children/don't want to get married/I'm a succesfull woman types...JUST LIKE that horsefaced girl with the curly hair from sex in the city...Sarah Jessica Horseface
The magazines are shit and it's sad to think of the wasted paper and ink that goes into these piece of shit worthless garbage



Active member
haha i saw that shit at walmart today and it made me laugh...its the one with hurt ass Fergie on the cover right?

haha #1 thing we think abuot while having sex = "fucking you from behind and pretending you are someone else, preferably a super model " HAHAHAHA


Active member
jimbean - your gf sounds a lot like my ex - really had nothing going for her other than her looks. Ergo, they spend a lot of time on the makeup and finding the right bra etc. I eventually got sick of her shit, told her to fuck off in a truly epic way - I'm talking like billboard sign epic, and last I heard she married some loser because he had the same last name as her favorite actor - and she had a miscarriage and they're unable to have children. Jokes on you, you fuckin' little retarded whore

Haha some good posts in here...haha sarah jessica horseface that bitch does look fucking towed up. i would yell at my girl if i ever caught her watching sex and the city.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah.....if I could get back all the time I have spent waiting for some lady to do her hair, put on her war-paint and preen all her other bits........I would probably be in my mid thirties instead of my late forties......

These days I prefer a gal that can just quickly shower (5 mins) and hit the road with me.....

Guys usually do think on a pretty basic level where women are concerned, we ain't all that complicated in that regard........and those magazines are nothing but TAT to try and sell more stuff to women that will delay their men even more......

....good thread...


ICMag Donor
Yeah.....if I could get back all the time I have spent waiting for some lady to do her hair, put on her war-paint and preen all her other bits........I would probably be in my mid thirties instead of my late forties......

These days I prefer a gal that can just quickly shower (5 mins) and hit the road with me.....

Guys usually do think on a pretty basic level where women are concerned, we ain't all that complicated in that regard........and those magazines are nothing but TAT to try and sell more stuff to women that will delay their men even more......

....good thread...

hehehe I just love that Gypsy!! Sounds sooo brit! thanks for the chuckle :D

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