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Women that throw phones


Professor Organic Psychology
Here's an idea.. Grow some weed, then come to ICmag for advice about growing weed...

After you start that, stop trying to expect a bunch of stoners that don't really give a shit to fix your shit... That's what this place is for...


I don't expect anyone to fix anything of mine. I come to the toker dens to vent. I am not the only person on this site that types non marijuana threads. In fact I do grow and that is why I have so many problems controlling those around me. Growing with other people knowing is the most stressful and vulnerable position I have ever been in. If I were Not growing I would have taken these people in my life to task a long time ago. My girl's daughter even hinted at federal prison to me one time when I was scolding her. I am not a big player by any means, but I still don't want any problems. I come on here asking a question about people throwing and breaking phones. I did not come here to have anyone take me under their wing, but if anyone else feels the stress of trying to be a grower and other while in a chaotic relationship they are free to chime in. I don't go to threads and trash people that I don't agree with. I just ignore those for the most part.

el dub

huligun: You already know what you have to do. (Ditch the drama queen.) The trick is getting it done, and out alive and intact......

The way to get that accomplished, imo, is to make all your plans to get away before even broaching the subject with her and then make the break when there is ZERO drama going on. (Don't leave when she is mad.) Don't let her believe a single fight precipitated the split. Just get your shit together when she's not around, if possible and don't let her know where you end up.

Good luck.



Professor Organic Psychology
huligun: You already know what you have to do. (Ditch the drama queen.) The trick is getting it done, and out alive and intact......

The way to get that accomplished, imo, is to make all your plans to get away before even broaching the subject with her and then make the break when there is ZERO drama going on. (Don't leave when she is mad.) Don't let her believe a single fight precipitated the split. Just get your shit together when she's not around, if possible and don't let her know where you end up.

Good luck.


I know I am waiting for the perfect break where I can get away. I don't even care if I lose anything anymore. There is just no fixing this.

el dub

"..just no fixing this"....... I've been there, bruddah.

Took in a new g/f at my mountain retreat once back in the day who ended up being bad for me. We fought like crazy. Couldn't even go to dinner without having a blowout over the dumbest things. But I loved her. Every time she'd threaten to leave me, I'd talk her out of it. Hell, she tried to hitchhike down the hill on more than one occasion only to call me at the bottom asking for a ride back to my place.

Anyway, one day I called home and asked how things were going. She (again) told me she was leaving me when I got home. I told her to pack her shite. Two days later when I got home from the work trip, she got lovie dovie and told me she had changed her mind. I told her I hadn't.

An ex-g/f of mine had told me I could drop Suzy off at her place in the City (San Francisco) when I got tired of her. I'd arranged it all in the two days before coming home. I helped her pack her shite and carried it down the 63 steps on the side of the hill to my truck and then drove her ass into the City from the Santa cruz mountains, her stuttering and stammering the whole way and never looked back.....

Thank you Sharon.



Active member
My wife used to destroy stuff... back when we met.

Gotta hand it to her for keeping it to 'item' destruction, considering all the pent up frustrations she was going through.

Pushed her BIG ANGRY BUTTON one day as I was stepping out the door, can't even remember what the argument was about, and was saved by the door I flicked shut behind me... nearly got brained with a large 'heavy' coffe mug. LOL

Glad that's over. Took a few years but she finally finished figuring out most of what is wrong with society...and how it impacts her. That does WONDERS at calming a female down. LOL

Absolutely WONderful wife! I have yet to come across a woman that even holds a candle to her and.... lol I don't even 'see' other women any more, they just don't seem to 'register' in my vision. LOL

It's been over 7 years of daily work and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world... never could have even imagined such a wonderful relationship, before I ended up like this. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

p.s. High maintenence... LOL Yeah... when the pink frilly thing on the back of the boat is more costly and time-consuming than the boat... Something has got to change. :D
That almost read like you were giving her an excuse for her behaviour....society made me do it...lol.Way to be superior with your opinion of yourself vs. society :yes:


Active member
I only know one person who throws his phone, and he is male. and he does it because his phone keeps working
altough it could be he has gotten a new phone, but he used to have a pretty old phone and the older ones can take some serious abuse

lost in a sea

i used to destroy nintendo controllers too often through psycho moments of being beaten by the game,, that was when i was a young child,,

but then i learned that material possesions are obviously fleeting bullshit that the soul gets distracted with on its way to fulfilling its potential,,,, and that if i didnt want to be ruled by the consumerist nature of constantly buying new shit (that i didnt need to be buying) then i had better stop breaking my fucking stuff !! :)

tell your women that people kill each other over stupid shit like mobile phones every second due to the mess and corrupt backstabbing greedy plastic loving "western" world,,

that lack of respect imo reverberates through society through its shitty attitude of wastefulness and lack of general forsight/care(empathy?) while the world around the white walled shopping palaces is poisoned to protect and maintain the retarded people that just buy and buy and throw away and then buy the same shit!

sounds like they are spoilt rotten by a rotten system,, goddamn disposable throw away souls filled with worthless possessions that cant give your more life! ,,,, even if they seem aspirational in nature and as if they enlighten you with the fancy symbolism of the corporate logo/name and the alluring but genrally obviously facist design,, like fancy fucking handbags or stupid apple products and cars, trainers etc,, fashion in general is facist and sexist and i think it is used to also feminise men and masculinate women,, fashion is the height of human idiocy,, i say facist because alot of these corporations and their products remind me of communist posters,,

when things are bought for design over functionality,, what is the point of them other than to fill your soul,,, you have made a conscious decision to buy something that is technically worse, because it looks better! that dumbs your soul down,,, also money becomes more pointless because everything is thrown away more because of the sheep like conformist nature of design and fashion, so you might as well never use cash for future transactions with a total (obsessive buy & then) throw away society just get constant new shit with state lucifer credits from your apple ipad,,, scan left temple here please and you can come into the shopping complex!

total rant!! sorry i dont know you or why the hell they would do shit like that lol,,,


Active member
Had an ex like that. When her Irish was up and you saw those green eyes flashing and the nostrils flaring , take cover...incoming.

She had to go. Damn shame too. Her excessive emotional zeal ran the other way too, if ya know what I mean...Looks and a body to die for...but not literally.

Dunno what to tell ya...
For me, a grand piece of ass wasn't worth walking through a daily minefield.
Too many other moderately sane women out there.


All I know is this chick better have some kinda natural resources between her legs, cus it sounds like she comes with some serious baggage. Kick her and her meth head kid to the curb. It's the American way.

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