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Woman Killed with Tire Iron, Killer's Note: 'Go Back To Your Country'


This happend after Travon I think,
Weird nobody heard this one.......or is it weird?

A 13-year-old boy who police say was doused with gasoline and lit on fire last week while walking home from school is recovering from first-degree burns to his face and head.

The boy was just two blocks from his home in Kansas City Tuesday when two teenagers began to follow him and then attacked him, his mother, Melissa Coon, said.

Police have described the suspects as black 16-year-olds, while the victim is white.

"We were told it's a hate crime," Coon told KTLA.

"They rushed him on the porch as he tried to get the door open," Coon told KMBC. "(One of them) poured the gasoline, then flicked the Bic, and said, 'This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.'"

By lighting the gasoline, the second attacker "produced a large fireball burning the face and hair" of the boy, according to a Kansas City Police Department report obtained by KCTV.

"It was pretty bad stuff," Detective Stacey Taylor told the TV station, adding that police are concerned the boy may have suffered damage to his eyes and lungs.

Coon said her son put out the fire with his shirt and called 911 himself. He was rushed to the hospital and was treated for his injuries.

She believes the students also attend East High School with her son, and said he will not be returning to the school. She also told KMBC her traumatized family plans now plans to move.

"My 5-year-old came in and asked me, 'Mom, am I going to get set on fire today?'" Coon said. "I was in tears."


"Since the boy has returned home, reports are now saying that the suspects said, “This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy.” Sites such as The New American are saying this was previously edited out so as to not cause any racial controversy."


Active member
spastic gramps- youre right. If the u.s hits iran, we are fuuuckked. Check out who china gets their oil from, and who theyre indebted too...ding ding ding.


Active member
Ditto I'm black and feel the same way.

Well im black to , An we would have no domestic news reported with all the horrific shit thats goes on in different countries . Wrong it may be but most of that shits is cultural an aint shit u can do about it . But tired off hearing about that little aggin ???? yeah ok u sound like a real tool . Keep watching basketball housewives then .


Well im black to , An we would have no domestic news reported with all the horrific shit thats goes on in different countries . Wrong it may be but most of that shits is cultural an aint shit u can do about it . But tired off hearing about that little aggin ???? yeah ok u sound like a real tool . Keep watching basketball housewives then .

You hurt my feelings just let out a sniffle.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Well, considering the 943 women killed in Pakistan last year to mitigate stains on the family "honor", perhaps Crusader Rabbit's comment on misdirection has some bearing. I think that you need to open your mind to the possibility that not all crime against ethnic groups is perpetrated by conservative whites.


This is very true. When I think about it. It could have been Sharia law being carried out then covered up. I would be naive not to admit that. Also More than any other religion in the world at the moment the Muslims practice segregation. I know it is not only the kkk nazi's. Look at the riots in France over Muslims wanting to segregate. Usually it is the opposite. That superiority complex comes with every system of control though.


Active member
There have been plenty of "honor" killings in this country too. How there can be honor in the killing of a female family member is beyond me.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
As an alternative explanation, honor killing isn't very likely if this woman was married with five kids, including a seventeen year old daughter. They'd probably been in the U.S. a long time. Honor killings traditionally are for adultery or shaming your birth family. Adultery seems out of the question with her entire family including her husband grieving. A young unmarried woman who has an affair against the will of her parents, or who marries against their wishes, or refuses an arranged marriage might be a candidate for honor killing. But this women was happily married for more than seventeen years with a big family. No, her parents didn't hire a hit man.

And she was an Iraqi, not a Pakistani. Iraq under Saddam Hussein was actually a rather secular country in it's administration. Women could wear modern western dress and it was no big deal. Of course every possibility no matter how slim should be considered, but for us to jump on the idea of honor killing shows our willingness to apply a stereotype because Iraq is a Muslim country.


I love my life
Who gives a shit why someone murders someone else. If you kill then don't be surprised if people / society wants to put you down. All murder is a hate crime. Thinking some murderer is more deserving of punishment than an other murderer is crazy, a killer is a killer.



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Of course every possibility no matter how slim should be considered, but for us to jump on the idea of honor killing shows our willingness to apply a stereotype because Iraq is a Muslim country.

Not at all. I mentioned the possibility in reply to the stated inability to imagine the murder being committed by anyone other than a christian/white supremacist. As in the now closed thread, my point continues to be that people need to keep their minds open to possibilities beyond what they consider obvious, and not bend the facts to suit their premise.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sounds like a fake out note. Probably someone she knew and were pissed off about something that went on between them.


Sounds like a fake out note. Probably someone she knew and were pissed off about something that went on between them.
Nah man, I'm sure some evil white supremacist/redneck/KKK/evil white hetero/GUNFETISHIST planned the whole thing. Afterall, tire irons are the preferred tool of the assasin.

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