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Wisconsin Medical Marijuana Legislation


Happy New Year Jimih2, between me and you, we should try and make sure this thread gets bumped with info once a day....

I got one for today in the Medical MJ news straight from Wisconsin.

Join Madison NORML, WI NORML and IMMLY for a medical cannabis benefit with Ifdakar and Jacob Green at the High Noon Saloon!

Ifdakar is proud to be a part of this benefit to support the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act. It's about time that our state's otherwise law abiding citizens are able to receive the medicine they so desperately need. In addition to Ifdakar headlining the event, Jacob Green from Milwaukee.
In addition Madison area musician David Sewell (Willy St. Coop) will play a short solo set of acoustic country, bluegrass and delta blues music between Ifdakar and Jacob Greene.

State activists including Jacki Rickert, Gary Storck and others will be speaking during breaks in music.

There will be an informational/vending table for Madison NORML/WI NORML/IMMLY.

found it on the various blogs and websites....good luck folks...

Peace on earth and call your legislator!


Legislative leaders cool to legalizing medical pot

Legislative leaders cool to legalizing medical pot

Associated Press - January 3, 2010 11:05 AM ET

MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Legislative leaders in Wisconsin are cool to the idea of legalizing medical marijuana.

In separate interviews, neither Senate Majority Leader Russ Decker of Weston nor Assembly Speaker Mike Sheridan of Janesville expressed support for the proposal.

Decker says more work needs to be done on the bill.

And Sheridan says he needs more information before he can take a position.

Sheridan says lawmakers have to be careful that legalizing marijuana for medical reasons doesn't become a "slippery slope" toward full legalization of pot.

Backers of legalizing medical marijuana say it will help the chronically ill deal with pain. But opponents including the Wisconsin Medical Society say there are better and more effective alternatives.



Bullshit! Easy question to ask, do you support medical marijuana or marijuana used for medical reasons....enough with the political bullshit.....

Ask em those questions, if they do care or support it, then we can talk about bill design, but if you do not support it, let us know!

Our job is to start calling these legislators out. NOW! Take a stance and quit pissing in our ears, we know it is not raining!


Yeah i agree, I caint get a yes or no anwswer from Rep, Sent a dozen letters. We have to know where they stand!


Bullshit! Easy question to ask, do you support medical marijuana or marijuana used for medical reasons....enough with the political bullshit.....

Ask em those questions, if they do care or support it, then we can talk about bill design, but if you do not support it, let us know!

Our job is to start calling these legislators out. NOW! Take a stance and quit pissing in our ears, we know it is not raining!

^^^ RIGHT ON! ^^^

We know we now have the public majority in WI.

So we need to know who stands where.

Just a matter of time before majority rules.

We can expidite the process by knowing which politicians believe that their personal opinion weighs more than the majority.

If this is what they know: :dunno: THEN THEY GOTTA GO!



Heres is a list What you can do:

Please call your representative and senator. If they already are sponsors or co-sponsors, please thank them. If they aren't, let them know you are disappointed and ask them to support compassionate medical marijuana policy. If you live in the district of any committee members, please contact them and ask that they vote for the JRMMA when the committee votes on the bill sometime after the holidays. Please contact IMMLY at [email protected] with any information on your contact with the legislator. We need to develop a network of calls and contacts to make sure legislators support this bill. We need to know who says they support it and who is against. Let us know about fence-sitters who may just need more info. This goes for both committee members as well as all lawmakers. If they are against, ask for reasons why. If you can provide any info on a lawmakers position whatsoever, please let IMMLY know at [email protected]

Here is a list of the committees and members:

Health Committees and Members from combined public hearing on JRMMA on Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2009 who must now debate JRMMA and vote on it in committee:

Wisconsin State Senate Committee on Health, Health Insurance, Privacy, Property Tax Relief, and Revenue

Senator Jon Erpenbach (Chair)

Senator Tim Carpenter (Vice-Chair)

Senator Judith Robson

Senator Julie Lassa

Senator Mary Lazich

Senator Ted Kanavas

Senator Alberta Darling

Wisconsin State Assembly Committee on Public Health

Representative Chuck Benedict (Chair)

Representative Sandy Pasch (Vice-Chair)

Representative Kristen Dexter

Representative Penny Bernard Schaber

Representative Patricia Strachota

Representative Leah Vukmir

Representative Scott Newcomer


Strachota, Newcomer, Dexter, Pasch, Benedict and Schaber are the assembly people to focus on.

Carpenter, Lassa, Lazich, Robson and Darling should be a focus in the Senate.

above are all committe members...

also your local senator and asemmbly person should get a call.

heard this stuff through the grapevine...i mean cannabis plant....


Excellent Video

Excellent Video


The Union: The Business Behind Getting High

Execllent but long video to forward to decision makers. You can also find shorter parts and clips here: http://www.youtube.com/results?sear...d+getting+high&search_type=&aq=0&oq=the+union

The complete history of mj prohibition and the current "war".

Every myth is dispelled - watching this video and taking notes will give you all the talking points you need to debate and refute any and all claims opponents are standing on. Good stuff!

Time for laser focus people - our opponents actually are making it easy for us by taking public positions on silly, easily refuted, Reefer Madness myths.

So read all the news articles; and see who is defending their position with what myth. Then blast them with a call, a letter, and email that directly responds to their quoted position.

You could start our something like this: " I saw (on the news, in the paper, on the internet, etc) that this (their position) is how you feel about this bill, and you feel this way because (whatever myth they are standing on)

I can understand why you would feel that way. In fact I have met many people who have based their position on all the misinformation and lack of facts on the subject.

I would like to help you see things more clearly by helping you better understand exactly what is true and what is false about mmj.

Let's start with the points that your are basing your assumptions on: BOOM! GO GET "EM!

That's my definition of laser focus. I feel an educated, informed, call or contact with specific rebuttals to their personal position/beliefs is more productive and beneficial then the ole "Yeah this is so&so and yeah I am in favor of this mmj bill, and I want you to pass this thing and yeah thanks man".

Great ammunition for lobby day 1/20. Hope to see a lot of you there.



Buddy, I love it, sounds like some passion in those words...that is exactly what needs to be done.

Also, "INFORMAL RECOMMENDATIONS" for cannabis use comes from doctors all the time, now physicians need to partake in the democratic process and call not only their legislator, but each committee member and follow that up with a written letter. This is not only a civic duty, and when I read the Hippocratic Oath, it is part of the duty as a physician.

Urge your doctor, physician or treatment specialist to do something, TODAY!


Saw this on the Immy site this morning....maybe a good way to pay tribute to a veteran and cannabis activist...and why you are down there, lobby your legislator to vote YES to the JRMMA!


There will be a memorial tribute at the State Capitol on Jan. 20th for Mary Powers and other patients who ran out of time before the law could be changed to protect them. [FONT=MS Sans Serif, Arial]The memorial will be immediately followed by a Medical Cannabis Lobby Day for AB554/SB368 the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act. Those who cannot make it to the Capitol are asked to call in as well as recruit others to make legislators phones ring all day with calls of support for the JRMMA. [/FONT]
[FONT=MS Sans Serif, Arial]The program runs from 12-1pm in the second floor rotunda and will feature Jacki Rickert, Gary Storck and other advocates along with singer-songwriter Rick Harris doing a solo acoustic version of his song, "Legal Medicine Blues". Visit your State Assembly Representative and State Senator after the program.[/FONT]
[FONT=MS Sans Serif, Arial]Please come to the Capitol and help pass the Jacki Rickert MMJ act Wed. Jan 20th![/FONT]

[FONT=MS Sans Serif, Arial]Medical Marijuana Lobby Day & Memorial for Patients [/FONT]
[FONT=MS Sans Serif, Arial]Host: Is My Medicine Legal YET? [/FONT]
[FONT=MS Sans Serif, Arial]Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm [/FONT]
[FONT=MS Sans Serif, Arial]Location: State Capitol rotunda, second floor.[/FONT]

[FONT=MS Sans Serif, Arial]Memorial program and lobbying for Jacki Rickert MMJ Act[/FONT]

Be part of history? yeah! BE PART OF HISTORY!


Sorry to report the legislators only give political answers unless you really engage them, that is part of the problem also, as buddydro mentioned we have to push a little more and find out why they are not supporting it, we need answers and help from friends and family to light up the phones, let the committee members know also.


Easy as eating chesse!

Easy as eating chesse!

I see this from time to time and what a great idea! No doubt utilized in other causes also.


Who Are My Legislators? http://www.legis.state.wi.us/w3asp/waml/waml.aspx Call and leave your legislators a voicemail this weekend. "This is ..... I am a constituent. I support AB554/SB368, the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act. Please vote for this bill. Here is my contact information. Thank you, goodbye." Click. It is that easy!

I would imagine it would be easy to let other people know to do this also, anyone agree?

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