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Will you give up home growing for legalization?

Will you give up home growing for legalization?

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Active member

They cant stop us now, whats going to change that?
Im all for legalization, just dont try and regulate home production.. They dont regulate potatoes, echinacea, or roses grown on my property, why cannabis?

Some are forgetting that this is our plant. Nothing is going to change that, not prohibition or legalization.
Only thing that changes is they want to get paid upfront and legitimize taxing something that we all love and cherish. Let them tax the corporations that take on the commercial enterprise. Leave everyone else alone.


2 Legal Co

Active member
Please keep in mind that all this 'Regulation', and 'Fair??? Taxation', is but a smoke screen to hold our attention while the Corporations and the Rich, continue to collect the remaining assets.

Our Congress has been bought out by the Rich.

Hell, it's so blatant that 'insider trading' is not an issue (for a Congressman).


Would you give up you right to grow your own cannabis, in favor of full legalization?

First, I would say any "Full Legalization" includes home growing for personal use. Otherwise it is only a partial legalization.
Second, why only those choices? Life is seldom that simple.
I favor a full legal taxed and regulated Cannabis industry, with the right to grow at home for personal use. To me they are not contrary, they are both our goals. I refuse to choose between them.

St. Phatty

Active member
There's nothing complicated about it.

For 160 years it was legal to grow and to consume Cannabis, in the US.

That worked.

Jail 1 million people for non-violent drug possession ?

WOW, can't believe I live in a nation that does that.


So true... full legalization is the only goal.... partial is only a step....

2 Legal Co

Active member
I'm waiting to see what the Congress does. I'm a bit worried over the Red (Commie) state, takeover.

Will they remember that they advocate 'State's Rights', now that they once again have the majority in both houses.

Saw on the idiot tube last night that Colorado Springs (a red town if you Ever saw one), has once again voted down Canna-Business.

Colorado Springs is the 2nd largest city in Colorado!

Meanwhile 30 miles or so south Pueblo, is overcoming the lost steel business, by welcoming the Canna tax monies. Maybe they'll annex CSC.

Colorado Springs will continue down the road of "broke assed conservative/commie, city". Their 'industry" is the military monies (our tax monies), surrounding Ft Carson.

Oh yes and they also shelter the Moral Minority. lmao.. If you look up 'collective stupidity', you'll find a picture of the CSC city council! I've waited for over 40 years for legalization to be restored, and these Idots want to screw it up. Now that's NOT funny.

2 Legal Co

Active member
I don´t stop homegrowing, it´s to expensive in the shops, if t´s legal.
That too seems to be changing.
A friend told me that one store had some for $129 USD.

While I won't buy it for that, I won't grow enough to give away either. But I will offer a course titled 'Growing 101'. :laughing:

It'll be pass/fail, After destructive testing is completed.


I couldn't resist the opportunity to be one of a kind here. We're already here, in Washington - legal state, but not legal to grow at home. But as far as I know, I never did have the right to grow at home, that has been illegal all my life and as long as anyone alive today would remember. I did grow a plant back in the '70s, didn't turn out all that great. So I guess, yeah, I have no problem giving up a right I never had to grow inferior marijuana, in favor of legalization.

I would have had that right with medical authorization, before legalization - and still would. I know the quantity has been dialed back quite a bit, but I don't know how bad it is without knowing more about the cooperative provision.

Legalization is a big deal, a huge step forward that I've been looking forward to since I was in high school in the early '70s. It's a miracle that happened despite the fact that most of the state opposed it, if you go by area. It passed by a popular vote thanks to the urbanized area, Seattle etc., but elsewhere people were against it, and it could have gone either way. Anyone who thinks we could have just made it legal "like tomatoes" is severely out of touch with reality. Over time, we'll learn from Colorado's experience and other states, and hopefully improve our own system, but we made marijuana legal when it wasn't legal anywhere else, and the people who pulled that off are beyond awesome.


Many say legalize at any cost!
How do you feel?

Absolutely I say legalize!!! After it is legal, I will grow at home regardless of any laws. And it will be legal for everyone else everywhere. I bet it is easier to change the law against home growing then to legalize in the first place?
And anyway you have set up a paper tiger, the choice is not if we legalize at any cost, no one has legalized Cannabis until the Fed's allow it and they do not, they have decided to ignore it, it is still illegal and they can bust anyone in any legalized state, there is no legalized Cannabis in the USA anywhere. Yet many people sure are happier and better off under the tolerance then when it was just illegal. We need to take any victory and expand them into what we all want, for me that is legal Taxed & Regulated, with no controls over non-commercial home growing. Like beer or wine is.
The longest journey begins with the first small step. Step by step we get to where we are going. Don't listen to the Nay sayers.

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