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will the revolution begin in london?

lost in a sea

your a silly fool with little going on between your ears and i suggest you crawl back in your hole or go bother someone else because you obviously do not have the comprehension to have a conversation on this subject or much else,,, well maybe led's but i dont want to know lol


Theory beats the hell out of reality, huh?

Cloud11 economically you good, have your retirement and medical needs, education and housing squared away? Fantastic if you are in such great shape.

There are many that are not, and work really hard and do and did all of the right things. I do not think many in power and wealth understand, lots of things really suck in day to day life for good responsible people. Asking people that are not having such a good time of it for more is not a great idea. Especially telling them they are sacks of lazy crap and should just suck it up.

It is happening world wide, those in power have gotten way too disconnected and only have "ideas" about what life is like for the middle and bottom.

Its a multi-national problem...hmmmm. Seems we might have a commonality.

Governments have become the enforcing arm of the corporations and world bankers. The corporations and bankers are attempting to extract more and more and create a perfect environment for business, unfortunately that same environment is killing nations, and changing them for the worse.

Debt is slavery on all levels.... thinking this is not "the" issue is the problem.
If you are in debt, you are a slave.



Europe is finished, America is finished...Tommorrow's headline's, today.

Does anyone around here speak mandarin?

imo they have already overtaken the US as number one economy.
You dont see US citizens running amok in the streets because their banks are rooted or the economy has ground to a halt.

Sooky poms need to take a lesson.


Theory beats the hell out of reality, huh?

Cloud11 economically you good, have your retirement and medical needs, education and housing squared away? Fantastic if you are in such great shape.

There are many that are not, and work really hard and do and did all of the right things. I do not think many in power and wealth understand, lots of things really suck in day to day life for good responsible people. Asking people that are not having such a good time of it for more is not a great idea. Especially telling them they are sacks of lazy crap and should just suck it up.

It is happening world wide, those in power have gotten way too disconnected and only have "ideas" about what life is like for the middle and bottom.

Its a multi-national problem...hmmmm. Seems we might have a commonality.

Governments have become the enforcing arm of the corporations and world bankers. The corporations and bankers are attempting to extract more and more and create a perfect environment for business, unfortunately that same environment is killing nations, and changing them for the worse.

Debt is slavery on all levels.... thinking this is not an issue is the problem.
If you are in debt, you are a slave.

Thats all good and well and i agree with most of your post, however, struggling families shouldnt be earmarked as slaves. Theres quite a difference in the literal terminaology. Anyone with a mortgage is a *slave*.
Most of Australians are slaves, are we revolting in the streets? Because we arent slaves, we made a decision to take on debt which can increase interest rates at the drop of a hat with no recourse...we suck it up and keep working to pay our contracts.
If your gov hasent got the balls to reel in the banks greed driven policies, vote them out and install someone who can help.
I live on about 10K pound a year, have a mortgage and no prospect of work due to injury. I havent used a heater for about 5 years now, but i dont whinge and expect the gov to wrap me in cotton wool. We dont take to the streets when policy decision effects us, or when interest rates rise, we simply vote the cretins out and drive implementation of better policy. If over-riding world events shape policy, so be it, its on the policy makers heads.


Thats all good and well and i agree with most of your post, however, struggling families shouldnt be earmarked as slaves. Theres quite a difference in the literal terminaology. Anyone with a mortgage is a *slave*.
Most of Australians are slaves, are we revolting in the streets? Because we arent slaves, we made a decision to take on debt which can increase interest rates at the drop of a hat with no recourse...we suck it up and keep working to pay our contracts.
If your gov hasent got the balls to reel in the banks greed driven policies, vote them out and install someone who can help.
I live on about 10K pound a year, have a mortgage and no prospect of work due to injury. I havent used a heater for about 5 years now, but i dont whinge and expect the gov to wrap me in cotton wool. We dont take to the streets when policy decision effects us, or when interest rates rise, we simply vote the cretins out and drive implementation of better policy. If over-riding world events shape policy, so be it, its on the policy makers heads.

Well back at you, I agree with most of your post as well. Of course slave is a drastic term, and somewhat figurative making a point.
Of course I have not had a gun at my head to sign a debt contract. However, here in the States lenders can legally charge rates that a gangster would be jealous of. Payday loans can be upto over 700% if figured on an annual basis!

That is robbery and is sanctioned by the government. Also you mentioned sliding scale rates for a home, that is pure trickery and should not be allowed. The problem is the banks have a monopoly, I mean if one says a balloon note is a good product, then so does the rest of the market. Pretty soon you cant just get a plain old loan.

The folks like us are not the issue and should not be asked to sacrifice more. It sounds like you live close to the vest and there is not any fat just for someone to pinch off of you or me either. Imagine the Greek guy in your shoes being told that his annual salary is going to be taxed another 5%, and also all sales taxes are going up at the same time.

I don't live there, but I pretty sure I'd be more than pissed at someone. Eventually we all are responsible for the ones we elect or allow to represent us.
There is just no easy answer to this mess.

Money seems like an illusion the way it is now anyway. Just paper and a promise.

Things must change though, soon.
Why not start in London?


No reason other than its counter productive to reek havoc on the streets for something that cannot be changed. Who pays for the shopfronts that are smashed, or the cars that are torched or the cleanup bill for these tantrums?
The way i see it, the greek and the UK gov took steps in the GFC to keep the economy running(barely), now its time to pay that back. The other alternative is to allow the economy to fail and enter deep recessions that have a much bigger impact than the austerity measures being called for to get back on an even keel, so to speak. The greeks are entitled to full pensions and retirement at age 55 while small business is not encouraged to pay tax. This is not the fault of the current gov for allowing these overly generous policies, but someone has to make it viable for the long term.
So when you see the greeks throwing firebombs at police, its to keep their retirement age at 50 for women and 55 for men, no sympathy here.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
you need to realise that we have the right to peaceful protest, and for every person that causes trouble, there are another 100 or 1000 protesting peacefully. much of the violence is exacerbated by the police, their tactics and their present & past brutality. google spg and Blair Peach. kettling is a violation of human rights and yeah, if i was herded into a corner and kept there for 8 hours without food, water or sanitation when i was peacefully protesting i would likely get pissed off and kick up a fuss.
we are entitled to be angry about the present situation, even if there are few options - the banks got us unto this terrible mess by wild speculation and pushing credit onto everyone - and now we all have to tighten our belts and be poor - why? - to please the banks...



natural mystic
ICMag Donor
I don't really get it, why do you guys care about the Euro? Not your currency actually...As
for the revolution, for those who haven't noticed it yet, the revolution started months ago in Spain!!!!!!

lost in a sea

this thread wasnt about revolution it just happened to be in the title of this article,, its all in the mind for us brits at the moment, too many robots,, i hope those in spain and greece continue more,, more of the article is about the psycological effects of kettling and as verdant says is a seriously disgusting violation of so called "human rights",, which the masons invented as a con concept for their courts to screw anyone any time for anything and only their blue flag so called peace bringing puppets like nato could enforce it by killing people ,, but more importantly and simply a persons natural rights which all beings should be allowed are seriously abused in these kettling events,, im not saying its worse than getting shot and dying but changing the way someone thinks through repeated beatings in a confined space for periods of 8-15 hours in the cold until every last person shuts up!

those that dont know about the met police, dont know about a serious bunch of corrupt thugs and always have been,,, if they had guns they would be 10 times worse than any NY or LA cop,, and i know your cops in the us fully set people up and kill them all the time,, were both not quite up to chinas 40,000 state murders yet though,,,

and the greeks are rioting about more than just their working and pension ages going up,, their pissed because their corrupt government with the banking wizards signed their future away without asking the people in a "democratic" manner what they wanted, which is a fake word dreamt up by evil scum to trick you into trusting them,, obviously they couldnt ask each and every person whether they wanted into the euro but i know that the answer would have been no if they did,, the same with spanish the italians and the french,,,

also many more people need to take a closer look at the bar attorneys association and the inns of court in london and how much power over the uk, canada and the usa is run through these crown organisations,, and always has,,,,
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lost in a sea

"reform delayed revolution begun"
(this is a tenet for the snakes for thousands of years)

and imo, and im sure many others, this is what is happening right now,, they are reforming everything or at least getting the springboards infrastructure well in place, and this whole financial grid lock that we are headed for when america goes tits up next time big style (which will pull us all down with it, everyone in the west that has (been set up into having!) a rothschilds centralized bank infrastructure) has been manufactured by no less than the exact vessals for evil that can be easily shown to have caused the other great depressions and recessions in the last few hundred years, but that are just a small recent fascia of a multi headed leviathan that has been preying on and altering/abusing the minds of good people for 2000+ years,,, mankind went into amnesia and the empire of the city took advantage of that shock spinning this pathetic narrow reality of nonsense dualisms like capitalism and communism for example both of which are contrived abstract concepts used to create two fairly load baring prison bars in peoples minds,,only one tiny example of their trickery,,or sourcery,,,, they used religion for so so long to maim, destroy, retard and excuse genocide, whilst hiding what they really prayed to, and now the virus has jumped ship and will only try and destroy all religion to get rid of any remaining links to the old cultures,, apart from maybe one religion,, they really want away with judaism/cristianity and islam that is for sure,, funny i always hated religion so much growing up i never thought it could actually be the lesser of two evils,,,
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lost in a sea

question is are you really in the right thread ??

ive been growing dope for 15 years and been through 200 crosses +

and i like to think ive helped a few people on my travels through life and if i want to say a few fucking words somewhere then i feel i should tbh
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lost in a sea

one thread on this subject on the worlds biggest ganja forum,, and some cretin pops up to say its one too many lol

the title is a bit misleading i suppose you were expecting a discussion about weed or some nug shots !!?
In 2009, Greece occupied the fourth world rank of the weapons importers . For that purpose, the government in place put the package literally: 1,269 billion dollar US was devoted to this objective

One should find this weird for a such a small country with no enemies...Who sold them those weapons?Isn't it the same people wich ask for money now (UK,France and Germany)?:shucks:

Double thinking and double language of our politicians is what fuck us all!:wallbash:

Screw them for our liberty and our rights!These motherfuckers make more money than ever while we struggle for survive and we should just bow down?:noway: :mooning:


natural mystic
ICMag Donor
One should find this weird for a such a small country with no enemies...
plenty of them all around lol

Who sold them those weapons?Isn't it the same people wich ask for money now (UK,France and Germany)?:shucks:

boooh, don't touch this...burns like fire lol

Double thinking and double language of our politicians is what fuck us all!:wallbash:

Screw them for our liberty and our rights!These motherfuckers make more money than ever while we struggle for survive and we should just bow down?:noway: :mooning:
