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WI guerrilla grow 2010



Wait a second cali isn't all rainbows and sunshine??? lol, hey man good luck to you an t rips, i've been followin ur grow an it looks like it should be a good season for ya!


Im talikin 5 pounders for a backyard grow in cali in 200 gallon smart pots... doed that seem reasonable or is that way more than i could expect? thats plants started in febuary, and harvested november in Cali

In Cali, theres lots of folks doing that, I was talking here, If I had some private land and could babysit plants I think that may be acheivable here.

Moving to Cali? go for it, as was mentioned it aint all rainbows out there either. pretty country up north, WAY to many people for me.
land access could be an issue from what I saw, and plenty of competition.
the day they legalize,I bet their population jumps a couple thousand of you 20 somethings, all chasing the same dream.

I'm thinking about Michigan, mostly cuase I'll NEVER move out of the Great lakes watershed.


There's alotta folks doin everythin bro, any venture wheres theres possible profit to be made is gunna have compitition. I think the marijuana industry is a hugely expanding market. I mean its currently only medically legally in like 13 states. So as the trend spreads to become a national thing there's gunna be a lot of untapped markets, and currently i think all of us here should be trying to take advantage of that. I personall won't sit aside and become contempt with my life as is. I will always be looking for opportunities and this is one that has strongly presented itself to me. With my soon to be business degree and knowledge on the subject i fully plan on taking advantage of the current trends that i believe has ALOT of money to be made within it.


New member
I'm dropping by to check out your grow and I'm excited! I'll probably be moving back up to the same zone as you (just a little east) and try my hand at some guerrilla style herb. Growing up around the woods means I know some pretty prime spots. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all works out for you.
Happy growin'!


Yo wudup bros, sry bout the Lack of updates, but anyway the seedlings are thriving. I actually just bought a 150 hps light so there gunna start shooting up fast now. Im also adding purple urkle to the mix... yea i'll b posting some pics tommore so b sure to check in!


New member
Looking good man. Nice to see some outdoor action in the great lakes area. I live in MN and Already put 12 full grown bushes, 7 of which are Bubba Kush clones, 4 Aurora Indica and 1 AK-48. They were vegged under a 400w HPS for 2 and a half months and put out around april 1st. I have at least 4 more clones to add, that have been vegging for over 2 months still, and this nice seed plant that's an f1 of G13 Haze x Mango, it's 3 months old and is going in a 50+ gallon hole tomorrow morning. That picture was taken a week ago.

40 seeds going in that tray, and 40 more germinating in towels. Should be a good year, the season's just begun.




New member
Yes it is going to be a good year
My buddies place is rocking. Maybe next year I'll have my own little garden going.


New member
Hey hillbillybuds,

In the badger state, when do you plan on harvesting? I have multiple strains and I'm new to all of this. A buddy of mine told me to start watching the trichomes in the beginning of september. What do you think?

Jack Straw


New member
Hey kpowers, my red hair is always ready by Oct. 13th. New ones I ordered (they say by end of sep.)

Hey, diizzii3 rain is killing me, is it hurting your plants? Me I never like the rain as the spot I have has a river 4 feet under ground. even if it does not rain for 3 months it still has a river under it. anyway good luck!


Hey wudup ic'rs. Check out the progress. There all in holes with 50/50 natural soil, and potting soil. I got 75 more seedlings goin under floros so they'lll b goin out soon. The pics are from the beginig of june when the plants first got planted. I visited the spot yesterday and everything has more than tripled in size. I'll try an get some more current pics soon, but this shuld do for now.









Hey kpowers, my red hair is always ready by Oct. 13th. New ones I ordered (they say by end of sep.)

Hey, diizzii3 rain is killing me, is it hurting your plants? Me I never like the rain as the spot I have has a river 4 feet under ground. even if it does not rain for 3 months it still has a river under it. anyway good luck!

Yea same shit here bro, my plants are gettin way overwaterd. Theyve hung in there tho an it seems like the worst is over so im lookin forward to a bomb season


Well-known member
Looking good DiiZZii3,
I bet, when it really starts to warn up, they will blow up.
What kind of fertilizers are you using?
Cant wait to see the most recent pictures.


New member
Hey Diizzii3, Looking very good and I hope the water is not killing u.

I went out to mine and they are now looking very nice and I have one plant that is buding out. I will get a pic of that the next time I am out. With the heat we are now getting things will turn out very good.

Keep it up and be safe!!!!


So I made it out to the plot the other day and got some nice pics. The bubalicious crosses and hashberryys are lookin good. So far this season has far outpassed my expectations. The majority of the plants are 5 to 8 ft tall. An to my surprise one of the Bubalicious X Grandaddy purp started flowerin and is forming some nice buds, compared to the indoor B X GP I got goin the outdoor one just reeks… but also a male flowered too. The two plants are about 15 ft away from each other through some thick brush, so im just keepin my fingers crossed it didn’t get pollinated, what do u guys think? While I was there I tied some branches down, topped all the plants that weren’t flowering, pulled a male, and took a little taster from the flowering plant (hanging now). Im pretty psyched to see how they respond. Its been some pretty fucked up weather here in the dairy state, since the day the plants got put out it hasn’t gone more than three days without rain. So I haven’t had to water yet this season!! Anyway here’s some pics, so light one up and enjoy








