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how long should i wait untill i can put my seedlings under a hid light?


like the title suggests, I need to know how long do I need to wait to put my 1 day old seedlings, under my 400w cmh? I wanna know if its time or nodes that im waitin for, so any advice will be appreciated. I plan on runnin them in dwc setup, 2-10 gallon res. one of them will have Alaskan Ice, and the other will be the Cheese. I can't wait for these to get done, so I wanna do this 1 right, this time. this is the first time I actually have something worth my time to grow! I hope people respond to this and give me good advice, thanks in advance.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training

These puppies were designed to hatch in direct sunlight. They blow their nose on our puny HIDs. These were hatched directly under my 250 which also maintained the cab at 75-80º.

Unfortunately, you've told them the sun is a 23 watt cfl and they believed you. Maintaining normal light schedule, move them under the big lamp at "noon" so their first exposure is half a day followed by a good "nights" sleep. Hang lamp high the first 3 days, lowering every day until you reach desired distance.
I put mine in as soon as they have one set of leaves. It's a plant it's expecting the sun, your HID can't even begin to compare to what the plant can handle. Just keep you HID light/'s a little further away from it until it's a bit bigger and stronger.


Active member
how about putting ur seedlings under a 250w clf as soon as you put them in rock wool form germin is that ok 2 do?


Well-known member
for the first week or two after germination, I think they grow about the same under any adequate light, so you do save some electricity and some bulb life by waiting to put them under the HID. But I put mine under tons of light right a way and have never seen any burn or damage. Plants like light.


Active member
i have to leave mine under a 250w clf for about 4 weeks as my tent has a grow in already, the ones that are in there now thou was vegged outside, hense the question about the clf


The HID will make them kick out a lot of roots & fast, I wait about until the 3rd or 4th node and put it under my 600w without worrying about raising the lights


New member
my 2 cents.. sorry this wont be a straight forward answer. Generally u want it as close to the plants as possible without burning the plants. generally 1' to 2 ' above the canopy with a actively cooled hood or 2 - 3' withought. also depends how big your grow area is the larger in floor space the higher u need to hang your light to cover the area. also the type of hood.. ie some are designed to focus light on a small foot print and some are designed to evenly cover a larget space. last but not least. how often u ar tending them. if u ignore them they can grow and touch your light creating a fire hazard... but to far away will cause plants to strech leaving you with fluffly non compact leafy but and waste the plants energy on growing up instead of developing flowers...

sorry about all the uncertanty.. good growers find what works for them through experimentation imho ;)

sent from my treo 800w


I'd wait until they have a few true leaves and some roots poking out, then put it about 18" away, it depends more on temps more so then light, light isnt that bad of a problem its when your 1" rock wool cube is bone dry after an hour or they dont have roots far enough to get to the water

Edit: oops I didnt mean to answer the thread 2x I was high and forgot I already answered it once, heh


thanks so much for your reply, that's the most straight forward answer I've gotten so far. btw that was the answer I was lookin for, so thanks a lot for your input. thanks again, much appreciated.


I allways started mine from seed under a 400 and never had a problem but had light about 18-24 inches above plants. They all cracked very well for me and there was no hardening needed.
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I put mine in as soon as they have one set of leaves. It's a plant it's expecting the sun, your HID can't even begin to compare to what the plant can handle. Just keep you HID light/'s a little further away from it until it's a bit bigger and stronger.

Just depends on the power of the lamp and the distance away. The sun is something like 5000 lumens per square foot. Assume you have a lamp putting out 50000 lumens in a 2 foot diameter reflector. The light comes out of the reflector and spreads out at a 45 degree angle. That means 6 inches from the reflector the light has spread over 7 square feet, which is
7070 lumens per square foot.

It would be hard to get that close to a 50,000 lumen bulb without burning but it could be done by cooling the reflector hood.

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