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WI guerrilla grow 2010



Hey sup guys, ive been frequenting this site for awhile and finally decided to start a guerrilla grow thread of my own. Ive grown the past two years guerilla style with mixed results. I dont consider myself experienced so your advice is greatly appreciated. This year i plan on getting about 45-60 plants out, so wish me the best for this upcoming season. Currently i have one plant (bagseed, but from some killer nug) that just sprouted yesterday. Also i just placed 11 bag seeds in a wet paper towel to begin germinating. In the upcoming week i will be ordering some good outdoor strains from attitude. The spot of my grow is about an hour away from my house so iv'e only been up there twice this season, and have one spot about half prepared, i dug ten 5 gallon holes but have yet to haul dirt back there to fill em yet (soil in my area is extremely sandy so i will have to do 50/50 natural soil, and potting soil). So yeaa heres some pics of what i got goin on!

Currently the one seedling is being keept in a window through the day, and then going under a cfl bulb once it gets dark so its at about a 14/8 light cycle.

Heres some random pics of last years grow

Yo also if ur interested here's a pic what the trails look like that i take to get way into the forest. There retired logging trails, an yea public land.

Well shit thanks for reading my post and feel free to give any advce, an questions


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Howdee neighbor to the north. Nice sacks you had last year.

Looks like you got it going well.


Good luck this year fellow Badger! I am in the same sandy soil area as you. While it sucks having to bring in all the organic matter to fix the sand we have, it does make digging holes easy. Sometimes I feel like I am playing at the beach.


New member
Hey there " dizzii3 "

I'm also in the badger state and this is my 32nd year growing.

I'm still growing the same Mexican red hair that I started growing 31 years ago.

Good luck on your grow this year. I will be keeping up with your grow and hope you get and have a very good year.

P.S. I will also start my first grow thread this year and will get it up soon. I have 100 that I just got going and can't wait for June 1st.


Badger here also.

Dizz, your logging roads look familiar, and i'm in the sandy corner of the state also.

any of you other badgers notice the increase in choppers flying the last 2 years?


Badger here also.

Dizz, your logging roads look familiar, and i'm in the sandy corner of the state also.

any of you other badgers notice the increase in choppers flying the last 2 years?

Yep seen more heli's in last couple years than I ever seen, hopefully they cant afford to fly em where I am this year hehe :)


What are you guys carrying in to the sandy spots? I have to walk quite a bit to my similar spots. Carrying out lots of 50lb bags of soil gets a bit tiring, to say the least. Last year I tried a coco / worm casting / local sandy soil mix with added dry nutes that worked fairly well. Might try carrying in bales of Sunshine Mix #2 or similar, now that it's locally available, but those things look pretty heavy also.

And nice trail photo DiiZZii3! Looks like my area also. Hmmm, is that a clearing up and to the right? I'll just have to drive down here a little further and see...


peat,compost,ewc,composted manure,mix with sand(20%).

bigest problem is findind high water table, given the drought for the last 3-5 years.

Mr Apricot

@wisco61: ya sand sucks. Why cant the whole world be covered in miracle grow soil? OW WHY!?

Your plant looks very healthy man props. I recommend looking into swamp tubes and earth buckets. Watering is annoying.


hey thx for your comments guys. Yeaaa sand sucks, that is unless your digging holes lol. Yea the first site is on the edge of a swamp next to the treeline, ill be sure to get some pics of that asap. Also this morning i orderd some seeds from marijuana-seeds.nl. I ordered two packs of ten seed one being Mountain Mist, due to its early finishing and strong mold resistance, all the reviews on it said its great for harsh springs and falls (basically the definition of WI weather lol), also i got 10 seeds of there "outdoor seed mix" and also they throw in 5 free seed of hash spice

So i shold b gettin 10 regular Mountain Mist seed, 10 regular Outdoor mix seeds, and the 5 regular free hash spice seeds

yeaa anyway my order came to aboud $60 with the "steath shipping method" so hopefully everything will work out an i don't get snaked an end up wastin my money, but im not to worried about it cuz people have had alot of good things to say about NL seeds. If everything goes well ill b placin some more orders fosho. I'll b sure to get some more pic's up for you guys soon... i should b heading up there to dig some more holes this week so stay tuned. peace


P.S. I will also start my first grow thread this year and will get it up soon. I have 100 that I just got going and can't wait for June 1st.

Damn bro june first seems really late to me, but with your expirience i suppose you kno wuts up. If u could help me out an explain a little more bout when you put em out thatd b dank, hopefully this awesome spring weather holds up eh. Im lookin forward to seeing ur thread... get that shit up asap


Well-known member
Welcome fellow northern Midwest growers nice to have some dry weather to start the season last year the banks were 10 ft past flood stage by now.

June First sounds good considering that WI, if I get this right, last frost is in the neighborhood of May 15th. Plus depending on how many your putting out could take a while to get everything in the ground.

I like June first also because more native vegetation to hide your plants. I would consider digging all my holes ASAP though because they become invisible once the native vegetation gets a couple foot high and if you dig holes in June, which don’t me get wrong I have, looks like a heard of buffalo went through after you get done. Nice to show up June 1st wade through native veg and find you well camo holes waiting for their new sisters and brothers. Many great northern growers on here brother North has taught me much and brother Wisco has a great thread on cold frames worth checking out much to learn as a guerrilla grower.

Good Luck this season and if you get the chance you should head over to UDG they have strains made for our environment want more info on UDG let me know.


Hamstring, we all learn from each other..and our successes and failures. let me know when you get a thread going!

Hillbilly you got a couple years on me,not many though, good luck this season. drop me a PM when you got enough posts to do so if you'd like to talk...tactics.

Diizz, read,read, then read some more. 90% of what you need to know is here on the boards, the other 10% is gained though trial and error.

good luck with the beans you chose, i'll be interested to see how that pans out for ya.

june first is the date to shoot for due to frosts,as hamstring mentioned, and photoperiod, days are a bit on the short side much before that and you can run into flowering issues.

you should read backcountrys thread thats stickied ,about photoperiod and sunlight"how it all works", next I suggest you look into what USDA growing zone your in and learn when the average frosts(first and last) are for your gardens area, next, you need to know what latitude your at and and look at daylengths for the months from june till oct. then pay attention to what your plants are doing and WHEN their doing it.
then the biggest thing to know is soil..thats a life study in itself.

pay attention, keep notes,keep reading and learning, and mostly STAY SAFE!


Hey thanks for the solid advice. I've definantly spent some time readin threads here and around the web. Backcountry is definantly been a huge inspiration for me. He's basically the reason i started growin a few years back, (if you haven't seen his threads i would highly suggest u check it out).

As well as "Mountain Mist", NL seeds - "Random outdoor mix", and "Hash spice" i will also be reciving:
"Bubalicious x Grandaddy Purp" seeds, and "Bubalicious x Blueberry" seeds.

I'll b sure to post more picks when i get em all germ.'d and sprouted, i think im gunna hit my mark of getting 60 plants out by june easy, an then autoflowers goin out from early june to the end of july

so check back in soon an see how evrythins goin!!


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Like I said, I'm just south of you and as you see the weather is cold and wet again this spring. I started my outdoor attempt using a clear rubber maid and a seed tray. 18 seeds started. I also planted 6 seed right in the ground. I get home and it wet and rainy. The ground was already pretty wet as it was. So not expecting much. The plants in the clear rubber maid may work out. Will be checking them out in a few days.

My point is you may have to wait until June. If you can get some plants started in the closet or garage, you'll be good to go in about 2 weeks. You can get this done for less than 10 bucks. You can also wait until May to start the seeds indoors and be ready to plant by June. This is what I'll be doing next.

Good luck!


Yea after listin to ur guys oppinions i prolly will shoot to get all of em out by late may. Last year i put 10 seeds out on 4/20 an all of em lived (only encounterd one frost) i ended up gettin over 2 pounds from that grow.


Like I said, I'm just south of you and as you see the weather is cold and wet again this spring.

I dunno where the hell ur from but where i grow it's been the hottest spring on record since 72. It might be wet but its definantly not cold for this time of year. here we broke record highs for April 1st 2nd and 3rd. GOTTA LOVE THAT !

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