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Whyte W. & Afghany M. try in Ghetto Balcony


collector of lightsabers.. and fine cannabis genet
ICMag Donor
they're growing daily huh?.... you gonna have no problem getting a z. a piece out in the sun...


Smile Vs Cry
to be amazed by this plant from this project in ghetto balcony,i think nothing is same a real sun bro!
just fantastic grow, in the beginning grow quietly quietly and then after one month everyday well ,only one time i grow outdoor in same balcony 3 month before with one auto's ak47 female , she coming good but small i get only 5 gr but full power stone and most smell and test then auto's ak47 indoor!!


Smile Vs Cry
today i make high dosage of fertilizer, i see last time they like also and i try more high, this is the dosage:
from advanced hydroponic of holland...
grow: 1ml x liter
bloom: 0,5ml x liter
micro: 0,5ml x liter
from advanced natural power....
enzymes + : 1,5 ml x liter
grow/bloom excellerator : 1,5 ml x liter
i check meticolous the leaves if present sign of overfert. or some burn etc...but still everything ok grower!!!
so only continius well for now!!
soon i can post picture!!


Smile Vs Cry
so grower i make some picture from this morning of my ghetto balcony, before see the pix i need to announce the small whyte widow i give present to brother of my Gf and now we continius with big one whyte w. & afghany milk!!
i'm very impressed for afghany milk :woohoo: she in one week get much fat then one month grow !!
the secondary shot start grow well, but nothing to compare with big one whyte w., she looks more compact !!
the high of afghany milk are only 49 cm but i think before flower stretching more, this week take 17 cm!!
whyte widow also stretch 9cm and still 47 cm!!

1° shot ...afghany milk
2° shot ...whyte w.
3° shot...left side afghany m. right side whyte widow


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Smile Vs Cry
the aghany milk continius grow well but not show me the sex cazzo!!
is normal untill now no sign of pistill? from 25 may day + or - now coming much more big and still no sex...why????


Smile Vs Cry
Couple shot from today, the first pix is afghany milk ,second shot whyte widow, the shot n°3 is all together and we can see how is the different in this plant, afghan m. are more large and have in the internode space more distance then whyte w.
whyte widow is more thin then afghan but much more compact in the lower bud...
in the last shot we have whyte widow in upstairs view..
we can see in the flower time u win the yield competition...:bump:

please if stopping here you can have one puff free ...:bongsmi:


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Smile Vs Cry
Hey grower wake up....
few days before i try make 2 clone , one from afghany m & one of whyte w. and i put in grodan cube then i put inside indoor, yesterday i don't see nothing to worry about , this is good because i think the clone dead why i forget my clonex gel in my mother house and i don't no if are very important for the root phase you no, we see what happen next days before never i try do clone....but i want change something for my next garden like work with clone take from mother plant , i see many grower with much experience work with clone and get fantastic result ,for do that also me... i need more time for expander my garden in other house, here i don't have enough space for mother plant and i have only one corner where i put my homebox xs....
so how look my 2 plant ...anyone sleeping here??


Smile Vs Cry
be happy grower.. :yay: ...my afghany milk show me sex..:woohoo: she are female!!

the first pix are afghany m.
the second pix are whyte w.
the last pix are my red hot chily pepper

hey grower i have question, this 2 plant still in 1 gallon pot, what i do .. i transplant in 2/3 gallon pot or i continius like this???????
the question is if i don't change the pot after i get really good flower also or i need to change for get big flower?????

thank to all member for support me in this emotional experience!!!
Boom Shiva


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"easy growing type"
be happy grower.. :yay: ...my afghany milk show me sex..:woohoo: she are female!!

the first pix are afghany m.
the second pix are whyte w.
the last pix are my red hot chily pepper

hey grower i have question, this 2 plant still in 1 gallon pot, what i do .. i transplant in 2/3 gallon pot or i continius like this???????
the question is if i don't change the pot after i get really good flower also or i need to change for get big flower?????

thank to all member for support me in this emotional experience!!!
Boom Shiva


Damn KillerWeed31 you get good ass sun on your balcony bro... Props!! And what kind if chillies is that and did you train it. My chillies grow bigger than my friggin weed and I hate that.

To be honest I always measure out 1 foot per gallon. So if I veg till she's 1 foot. And then flower I'll expect twice the stretch. So that's three feet and I'll choose a 3 gallon bucket. Some people go over that but its also preference and security. If you are flowering outside then I would get a 5 gallon pot. This is because they really grow outdoors bro.


Smile Vs Cry
THANK YOU sumdumguy for the great piece of advice !!

oh yeay man i like eat chilli some times, with pasta or mix salad or put some in the pizza....
what i grow are from Capsicum family and i don't no exactly what is the name but believe me is really hot but also sweet if you put in a glass jar with oil of sunflower ( if you like you can put also in extra vergin oil, but the tradition want you put in oil of sunflower) , oil like you use for fry potato ..fish etc.., "you need to cut the chilli in two part and put in the jar , put oil and keep for two month minimum" then you have chilli ready for eat , after 2 month they coming sweet and you have also oil to use not only chilli, this is good !!
chilli is very special ingredient in the mediterranean culture !!

the first pix are Capsicum-African Devil....are one of the most potent red or green chilli !!

the second pix are Capsicum frutescens- Malagueta !!


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"easy growing type"
I love it bro.. They look like fire. I too love chillies. I like mixing it in with my dinner and I cannot get enough of them. I'm going to train mine and see if I can stop the stretch a bit. Thank you.


Smile Vs Cry
hey grower i have bad news to annuncement cazzo...:lightning:.. the landlort of my apartment yesterday tell me the house are on sale fuck..:wallbash:!!!
now the situation : for my indoor project no problem because max one month is ready..but for ghetto project there is a problem because no ready untill october you no and also i think coming with some people for see the house !!!
i need to bring my 2 plant in ghetto jungle soon cazzo like next week i go for check good secret place...

couple pix from now..
1°-whyte w.
2°-afghany m.
3°-left side whyte w. & right side afghany m. in upstairs view
hey grower have a nice day!! my is shit day...:fartyparty:


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Duv' conoisseur^^
ICMag Donor
Hey Killerweed mate:wave:

Wish you some luck for the transfer into the ghetto jungle, news like this are allways not the welcome from the owners arff..

Glad you can finish the indoor, Vibes:ying:


Smile Vs Cry
hey bro sunka-maslo thanks for stopping here mate, yes i need luck for transfer my baby realy out mate, only one thing are positive ..i can finish my project indoor in one month max!!!
see you soon bro!!


Smile Vs Cry
for now the plants still in ghetto balcony but soon i need to change in ghetto jungle cazzzo!!!
some pix from yesterday , they grow well but if i want big flower i think i need to put big pot, i don't have much time for do that, the flower time is next to the dooor and i want change pot before start make flower ...i hope is better like this, sure fryday i bring big pot and i can change...

1° pix are whyte widow
2° pix are afghany milk
3° pix in left side afghany milk & right side whyte widow.....


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