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Why you should NOT tell anyone..


Active member
Oh yeah, we are gone, never seein em again. They have no way of finding where we are now, so no worries.
Well it doesn't seem to be a big deal telling someone you grow coud end up much worse but you should keep it to yourself even if it is legal. Only thing is, if they are living in the house with you they have a right to know what is going on I mean unless you can seriously hide it to where they have no clue than they are just as liable as you are. Sux about the money I too have had to cut ties with people who borrowed money only to blow me off when I asked for compensation. It's not worth trying to pretend everything is cool for a chance to get your money back. I don't loan money to anyone anymore or extend credit, I am not a bank.


Overkill is under-rated.
Blackmail is evil stuff, someone threatened me once, and i told them if they didnt apologize and disappear, that no matter what, if something happens to me they will die in a house fire the next day. They disappeared all right, left the county and havent heard from them since. Dont let people push you around. Good luck to you and your girl bro.


Tropical Outcast
Burn there car....

Bad idea!

A burned car could be replaced by their insurance, continuously popped tires not. ;)

Plus how are you going to keep popping their car tires once the car has burned down!?



Dustin, I feel for you, but I hope your wiser for the world now. Your'e too nice, & let people take advantage over you, especially that car, damn! It's just a cold & hard reality that trust & cash don't mix. Just be happy you didn't get screwed for much more, because things could have turned far worse. Don't you feel the least bit sad about your moving out either. People like that don't get far in life, and it won't be long before some scumbag(s) play their own game against them, so fuckem!
Slashing tires is for rookies, get 4 valve stem cores, take a bic lighter to the rubber seal very quickly. Replace there valve stem cores with the revised parts, and they won't even know it was revenge. Most of the time people won't figure it out right away & it will trash the belts in there sidewalls in short order. In worse situations a concoction of milk, eggs, and tuna fish finely blended and poured into the a/c systems intake vents (All those black squares between the windshield & hood) does a great job.


Active member
An old friend of mine had a few problems with this particular rsole & at the time we were all heavily involved in specimen fishing using a lot of different flavors in the baits . It so happened there was 1 used for predatory fish like Pike , it was basically fish juices & stunk rancid when left a day or so exposed to air .
Now this rsole`s pride & joy was a brand new 3series BMW but unfortunately it also had a sun-roof which the rsole used to leave open summer nights while he was fast asleep in bed . My friend accidently spilt a big bottle of this fish juice all over the seating , dash , floor , roof & door lining during a very warm night . Neighbours could smell it 25yrs away . The whole interior of the car had to be replaced .


Active member
i would of knocked this fella out for touching your projects ,no way people would get away with this sh#t but least your out now lesson learned chin up and back to it


Now in technicolor
I'm glad to hear the story doesn't end up with you in cuffs!

You and your GF sound chill, and I haven't heard the roommates' side of the story so I won't talk shit, but you most definitely can't stick around people with a mental illness. Breaking things, irrational delusions/paranoia, etc.

Living with somebody can be very difficult. Ugly qualities people have begin to rise to the surface. Qualities you never noticed in a person you've known for decades (or thought you've known rather.)

Big mistake trusting somebody who doesn't even have as little as $300 for a car to give you timely payments.

I've learned the hard way that most people, no matter how close they seem, will not pay you back your money on time, especially if it's a lot. At some point, they will realize that this friendship is not worth the money owed and begin to bitch and moan and ignore you.

Also, the urge to pay back money no matter how strong dies down quickly after the person has used up whatever you gave them on credit. Weed, food, etc. Nobody wants to give you half their paycheck for weed they smoked a month ago.

What you need to do is take something worth the amount owed and only give it back when they pay up. I learned this from The Richest Man in Babylon. It's so obvious but so effective. Most people end up refusing to borrow money or take something on credit if you're keeping something of value from them.

$300 is nothing though. I'm owed about $2500 (that I remember) from various people in total that I'll never get back, and even that isn't too much compared to some people I know.