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why we love dogs?


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i didnt have to work today ...but i got up early as fuk as usual, and decided to walk the dogs...we walked wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy longer than usual.

yukon...our BIG ass great pyrenees and sierra our spazzed out "smarter than you" border collie.

we live way the fuk up in the mountains, so we walk where we dont see people, and our dogs are always "about us"....(they dont have distractions is what i'm trying to say)

when we came home i decided to look for an internet article about why we (people) love our dogs so much......i know why we do, but it's sort of hard to describe, so thats why i wanted to see something that explained it.

i looked for about a half hour, and didnt really find what i wanted, so maybe you guys can help.

ive had dogs my whole life (great danes, komondor, border collie, great pyrenees) , and ill def. die w/ a dog by my side.

i treat my dogs far better than i do people, and as ive said on here before i like dogs more than i like people.

that "pit bull" prayer thing someone posted a while back almost says it all...ill have to look it up again.

i love how dogs work for us and love us unconditionally....(even when im pissed off i look at yukon and he is smiling at me..WTF)...then sierra jumps off the back of the couch and lands on his head...and he (yukon) does nothing but try to duck, look back up at me smiling...lol

my gf's brother trains german sheps to be mtn. rescue dogs in washington state ...they are amazing!

.....sorry for rambling about the dogs...we just had a good time in the hills and i wanted to find a really good article about dogs and why we love them sooo much.

BTW i hope michael vik is getting butt fuked by bubba as we speak!



Active member
here is that PB prayer i mentioned



I live way the fuck back in the mountains myself, maybe we are neighbors? lol

Ive had dogs my entire life, and after my last pet died I went several years without getting another. My life in that time, was quite up and down and only recently did I finally get another dog and it seems like thats exactly what I was missing.

Why do we love dogs? Probably has to do with their companionship and loyalty. Quite entertaining at times as well.


Active member
outlawed420 said:
I live way the fuck back in the mountains myself, maybe we are neighbors? lol

Ive had dogs my entire life, and after my last pet died I went several years without getting another. My life in that time, was quite up and down and only recently did I finally get another dog and it seems like thats exactly what I was missing.

Why do we love dogs? Probably has to do with their companionship and loyalty. Quite entertaining at times as well.

exactly...they make me feel always like i should love them more even...how do they do that?????

life w/out a dog for me was never even life it seemed...sounds like u were the same way.

we went almost 2 yrs after our komondor died before getting dogs again...that was HELL!


Active member
yea dogs are really awesome. its cool because a dog will never make a situation negative. i know humans who let their whole days be ruined by the stupidest things, but if i step on a dogs tail or something it yelps long enough for me to realize, i apologize and give her the ol' belly rub and we are totally cool. i've yet to see a dog hold a grudge. even if you are a total fuck up i know there is a dog that will hang out with you. they just want lovin, and its way less complicated than the lovin womenfolk are after.

Bud Meister

Dogs are the only animals to include humans to have true unconditional love. Horses are close but even they have a couple of conditions before they will devote themselves to us.

Here is a quote I read in a dog calander years ago, I do my best to live up to this:

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion


Active member
Bud Meister said:

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion

that is perfect!

people who have a dog as a pet should live up to that...i def. try to do that and beyond!

thanks for sharing that...i am writing that down and keeping it!

thanks :wave:

this thread is going where i hoped it would!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
my dogs are the best part of my life, we fulfill many of each others needs.
I intend to always have a dog at my side. You get out exactly what you put
into these relationships.......

EDIT:The pup is watching a TV show the others have already seen.

A Dogs Plea

Treat me kindly my beloved friend,
for no heart in all the world is more
grateful for kindness than the loving
heart of mine.

Do not break my spirit with a stick,
for though I might lick your hand
between blows, your patience and
understanding will more quickly
teach me the things you would have
me learn.

Speak to me often, for your voice is
the worlds sweetest music as you
must know by the fierce wagging of
my tail when the sound of your foot-
step falls upon my waiting ear.

Please take me inside when it is
cold and wet, for I'm a domesticated
animal no longer accustomed to the
bitter elements. I ask no greater glory
than the privilege of sitting at your
feet beside the hearth.

Keep my pan filled with fresh water,
as I cannot tell you when I suffer

Feed me clean food that I may stay
well, to romp and play and do your
bidding, to walk by your side and
stand ready, willing and able to pro-
tect you with my life should your life
be in danger.

And, my friend, when I am very old
and I no longer enjoy good health,
hearing and sight, do not make he-
roic efforts to keep me going. I am
no longer having any fun. Please see
to it that my life is taken gently. I
shall leave this earth knowing with
the last breath I draw that my fate
was always safest in your loving hands.
~Beth Norman Harris~


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
The Power Of The Dog

There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie--
Perfect passion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk your heart for a dog to tear.

When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vet's unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will find--it's your own affair--
But...you've given your heart for a dog to tear.

When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!);
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gone--wherever it goes--for good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart for the dog to tear.

We've sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer we've kept 'em, the more do we grieve:
For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-time loan is as bad as a long--
So why in Heaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

- Rudyard Kipling


my dog is lying next to me as i write this. i love dogs and so does my wife, we both lavish way too much attention on our lab, but also on anyone else's dog that we see or hang out with. and when you are freshly blazed there is nothing better than some close nuzzling with your best friend, and boy does he appreciate it too! The only downside: when he has gas and is lying next to my bed as i am trying to fall asleep. Gak!

Probably the wrong thread to say this in, but I love cats too. Had both my whole life. They also have unconditional love, it just takes longer to earn. Cats are like a sensitive sativa, dogs more like a hearty indica. Both will give you great pleasure, but the approach is totally different. I always say to dog lovers that don't like cats: if you know about animal love since you are a dog lover, then if you give cats a chance you'll find it very rewarding. People who don't like animals are basically a total loss in my book; but if you like one you'll like the other if you can put your prejudices aside and find the LOVE. Of course, you need the right cat--some are very bitchy and testy and those are best avoided if it is your first cat interaction. Go with a fat male.

But dogs really are so wonderful.


Active member
thanks for your posts peeps!!!

i wont deny cats..at alll.... i just never met one (cat) that liked me or that i liked him/her.

i'd like an outdoor cat, but i dont live where they wont be a nuisance to neighbors or wildlife.

G. Sensi

Another great thread started by the one and only NOK! Everything good King?

I've only had 2 dogs so far... a Boxer and my Doberman...

I picked up my Boxer about 12 years ago when he was 2-3 days old.... I came in the breeders house, and he climbed over all his brothers and sisters and stood up, on his back feet tryna get my attention... he couldnt even see yet, but I picked him up and less than 5 mins later he fell asleep in my hands.... I had gone there looking for a brindle female... but walked out with a fawn/white male...He FOUND ME! ... Man my hearts breaking just writting this.......... damn................... He was glued to I alone for 10 years..... Ah man I miss you puppy...........

When he passed I tatted him on my arm so i kno I will never forget him....

It wasnt to dishounour him but the house got too quiet and so I decided to get a new pup a few months later.... Knew I wanted a Dobe, so I found a breeder and drove 4 hours to meet my new guy.... He was about 6 weeks old, and again it was the same situation... He FOUND ME!....Two weeks later I went to pick him up and take him home and.... got the paper work saw his birthdate on the document and froze....I asked the breeder what time he was born that day (March 24th), she told me sometime early in the morn like 1 or 2am....he was born the very night during the same time we think my boxer died (he went to sleep on the 23rd of march and never woke up).... Dont kno which happend first but alot of people have suggested he just switched bodies... as much as I'd like to believe it, I dont wanna risk not fully appreciating the new guy and his spirit So I treat them as my two princes... I just wish so much that they could have met....

I couldnt tell you why we love them so much.... Its somethin in that stubby tail when it starts goin so fast his entire body is waggin... Something about those incestant wet slobbery licks across the face he steals when I fall asleep on the couch.... Somethin in how big their eyes get and they shake with excitement when you bring them a new toy....

I smoke while I watch him run around the yard.... Its such a beautiful site...

They posses the best qualities of children yet the best part is they never really grow up... What teens do you know that still come runnin up to the door screaming "Daaaaadddddddyyyyy!!!" when u get home?.....

Seriously, go hug your dogs everyone (cats too)... a belly rub or something.... Roll a lil spliff and remember the ones that we had that past with joy... Love and Cherish your pets...

I gotta stop... this post is gettin too sappy... Ha Ha


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Active member
G. Sensi said:
Another great thread started by the one and only NOK! Everything good King?

I've only had 2 dogs so far... a Boxer and my Doberman...

I picked up my Boxer about 12 years ago when he was 2-3 days old.... I came in the breeders house, and he climbed over all his brothers and sisters and stood up, on his back feet tryna get my attention... he couldnt even see yet, but I picked him up and less than 5 mins later he fell asleep in my hands.... I had gone there looking for a brindle female... but walked out with a fawn/white male...He FOUND ME! ... Man my hearts breaking just writting this.......... damn................... He was glued to I alone for 10 years..... Ah man I miss you puppy...........

When he passed I tatted him on my arm so i kno I will never forget him....

It wasnt to dishounour him but the house got too quiet and so I decided to get a new pup a few months later.... Knew I wanted a Dobe, so I found a breeder and drove 4 hours to meet my new guy.... He was about 6 weeks old, and again it was the same situation... He FOUND ME!....Two weeks later I went to pick him up and take him home and.... got the paper work saw his birthdate on the document and froze....I asked the breeder what time he was born that day (March 24th), she told me sometime early in the morn like 1 or 2am....he was born the very night during the same time we think my boxer died (he went to sleep on the 23rd of march and never woke up).... Dont kno which happend first but alot of people have suggested he just switched bodies... as much as I'd like to believe it, I dont wanna risk not fully appreciating the new guy and his spirit So I treat them as my two princes... I just wish so much that they could have met....

I couldnt tell you why we love them so much.... Its somethin in that stubby tail when it starts goin so fast his entire body is waggin... Something about those incestant wet slobbery licks across the face he steals when I fall asleep on the couch.... Somethin in how big their eyes get and they shake with excitement when you bring them a new toy....

I smoke while I watch him run around the yard.... Its such a beautiful site...

They posses the best qualities of children yet the best part is they never really grow up... What teens do you know that still come runnin up to the door screaming "Daaaaadddddddyyyyy!!!" when u get home?.....

Seriously, go hug your dogs everyone (cats too)... a belly rub or something.... Roll a lil spliff and remember the ones that we had that past with joy... Love and Cherish your pets...

I gotta stop... this post is gettin too sappy... Ha Ha



thanks bro..and i love boxers too...my good friend but lost (college roomie) had an awesome boxer....

im gonna get a tat somehow of my ol' komondor....i dont have any tats, but i think she deserves one.

we named her 'milla (after u know)

and my GF just got sierra (border collie) tat on her arm, but she has many tats....especially alaska ones.

sierra and yukon are alive and kikin tho....but we miss milla to death!


Active member
G. Sensi said:
Another great thread started by the one and only NOK! Everything good King?

I've only had 2 dogs so far... a Boxer and my Doberman...

I picked up my Boxer about 12 years ago when he was 2-3 days old.... I came in the breeders house, and he climbed over all his brothers and sisters and stood up, on his back feet tryna get my attention... he couldnt even see yet, but I picked him up and less than 5 mins later he fell asleep in my hands.... I had gone there looking for a brindle female... but walked out with a fawn/white male...He FOUND ME! ... Man my hearts breaking just writting this.......... damn................... He was glued to I alone for 10 years..... Ah man I miss you puppy...........

When he passed I tatted him on my arm so i kno I will never forget him....

It wasnt to dishounour him but the house got too quiet and so I decided to get a new pup a few months later.... Knew I wanted a Dobe, so I found a breeder and drove 4 hours to meet my new guy.... He was about 6 weeks old, and again it was the same situation... He FOUND ME!....Two weeks later I went to pick him up and take him home and.... got the paper work saw his birthdate on the document and froze....I asked the breeder what time he was born that day (March 24th), she told me sometime early in the morn like 1 or 2am....he was born the very night during the same time we think my boxer died (he went to sleep on the 23rd of march and never woke up).... Dont kno which happend first but alot of people have suggested he just switched bodies... as much as I'd like to believe it, I dont wanna risk not fully appreciating the new guy and his spirit So I treat them as my two princes... I just wish so much that they could have met....

I couldnt tell you why we love them so much.... Its somethin in that stubby tail when it starts goin so fast his entire body is waggin... Something about those incestant wet slobbery licks across the face he steals when I fall asleep on the couch.... Somethin in how big their eyes get and they shake with excitement when you bring them a new toy....

I smoke while I watch him run around the yard.... Its such a beautiful site...

They posses the best qualities of children yet the best part is they never really grow up... What teens do you know that still come runnin up to the door screaming "Daaaaadddddddyyyyy!!!" when u get home?.....

Seriously, go hug your dogs everyone (cats too)... a belly rub or something.... Roll a lil spliff and remember the ones that we had that past with joy... Love and Cherish your pets...

I gotta stop... this post is gettin too sappy... Ha Ha



man yukon was born w/in hours of millas death (our komondor)...on sept 21...it freaked us out.

we didnt have yukon until a few months later, but it was always strange at first.

how can u not live w/ out a dog?


Active member
they love us, my newfy looks at me and it would be creepy if I saw that look in a person's eyes but for the love of god that dog loves me. They would die for me, I know they would, that's real shit that you don't ever get from people.


Active member
NEWFIES are awesome...they are a lot like my great pyrenees in personality (dont give a fuk...do what they want)

my GP wont go in the water above his knees tho...lol

he will if i make him, but i dont make him do anything he doesnt wanna do.

he's just my 150 pound lapdog

Bud Meister

Nice thread my friend.

You can judge a persons heart by the way they treat their animals. I find this to be very true........


Active member
I had to fix my newf cause some guy in my town had a female chocolate lab that he never fixed and every time she went into heat he would break whatever he had to get to her. He was 100 pounds and as muscular a dog as I have ever been around, my aussie kept him running. He is at 140 now and a big ole slug, I wish I coulda just fixed that other guy's dog, I know I cut my boys life short.


Active member
we got the GP because the 1 and only dog (or animal period for that matter) that (our komondor) ever liked was a GP....so i trusted her judgement even after her death.....i figured that was a good instinct to go by.

look up komondor if you dont know about them...they will make a pitbull into hamburger in half a second.

we got the border collie cuz my gf always wanted one, and never in her life got the dog she wanted.....i wish i could show u sierras tat that she just got...its fukin nice!
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