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Why the sudden rush to Legalize? $$$$


The revolution will not be televised.....
I see that rationale behind your thought Jawnroot, but I have enough years under my belt to know that when the gov and corps start getting unexpectedly friendly on your cause , it usually means they see $$$ and not the need to help anyone at all.


I see that rationale behind your thought Jawnroot, but I have enough years under my belt to know that when the gov and corps start getting unexpectedly friendly on your cause , it usually means they see $$$ and not the need to help anyone at all.

Of course, I realize that. But in this case, the bill is greatly beneficial to the MJ community, and is no more or less restrictive when compared to current beer laws. In this sense, I think it's ideal. Anyone arguing against it really has little solid, practical ground to stand on.

As I've mentioned in another thread, we can't expect to have our cake and eat it too.


This may not be popular, but screw the government and what they say we can and cannot do. Grow, smoke, sell, whatever you want until you feel you can't anymore. They already scammed the American workers out of trillions of tax dollars and now "we" are in hard times. Fuck them, if it wasn't for those crooks we would still be a very strong country financially and the dollar wouldn't be an IOU. I say let them legalize in Cali and don't give the shops that sell a dime of your money, but smoke like there is no tomorrow. Keep it underground and tax free, they realize they are losing anyways. The only way it should be taxed is if every penny is accounted for and goes right back into the community from which it was obtained. No fed tax to give to money to bank buddies and funding made up wars. I've been smoking and growing freely for the past 6 years and I didn't pay a dime of tax. It's the lobbyists and pork barrel spenders in congress that want the money. Sorry for the rant, just my opinion...

I think i want to vote you in as mayor of my town.......now if i could just get some pot in this town it may be legal...

How do you feel about being govenor?lol


The revolution will not be televised.....
Jawnroot - No doubt. It will help and I am all for it at this point. I just cant shake these butterflies though!! Just hope it does help more than it hurts the most vulnerable of the community.


Jawnroot - No doubt. It will help and I am all for it at this point. I just cant shake these butterflies though!! Just hope it does help more than it hurts the most vulnerable of the community.

It'll certainly help more than it will hurt, no way around that. What do you mean by the "most vulnerable of the community?" If you're referring to medi patients, this bill has absolutely no bearing on current medical law. It's only in reference to the recreational use and cultivation of MJ.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I think it will be great for the medical marijuana community, I am apart of that myself actually...

Here is the way I look at it, I have PARANOID to get the card because I felt that if the law was reversed they would have a master list of people to go door by door to come and raid. I know many who are still worried about getting a card and instead would rather keep their grows quiet.

Legalizing will allow those too paranoid to get a card to then be able to realize that they 1. can now get a card and 2. even if they didn't get a card they would still be legal BUT getting a card + it being 100% legal might give them the push to finally not fear for their own safety or livelyhood.

Also many who need the medication BUT can't qualify for one reason or another can now decide for themselves and legally if they want to medicate on their own or not.

My only confusion is this though, well not a confusing BUT....

Ok possession as a med patient is fine, you couldn't get possession charges. Now I am not sure how the possession portion of this bill will morph into and no one else can know for sure either BUT at least with the med card you won't have any hassles.

Then I am thinking, well if it is 100% legal what will that do for medical marijuana cards being bought? It is somewhat costly to a person so why not just say no to that and grow their own. Only perk I can see to the med card IF this bill passes would be to odds are save on the "taxes" as well as have that added security if and when you get pulled over with a few zips on you.