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Why the 90's were great....


**AWD** Aficianado
Pops I all about old school music, I was listening to the Doors, Jimmy, Janice, the Beatles, Stone, the Who, ELP, Led Zep,, Floyd and such by the time I was in the 6th grade...when other kids where playing "pump up the jam" lol

I can`t relate to alot of the new music, there is talent but you have to look harder than before, rap has gone completely downhill, it's shame what passes for rappin tday, Kanye West...please vs. WuTangClan he ain't shit.

Even electronic music was better, Kruder & Dorfmeister, Orbital, Kid Koala, I wore the big fat headset type earphones in class, man I`ve cleaned up since then...:nono:



Active member
1st run seinfeld episodes!
being able to buy pep pills (Ephedrine) at gas stations (They got me through many of a all anighter)
an e-mail address that was like 30 characters long.
The Golden Girls
and 90210

great times


there was no "cyber-bulling"

I just got jumped and kicked in the face the old school style.
As I was getting beat-up in school, I would have preferred someone typing crap on a message board about me. Not calling the youth of today weak, but I would rather have be liabled, than getting those beatdowns that I used to receive



Well-known member
I bet one legend that keeps recurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye..



HuffAndPuff said:
Mr. Rogers (may I call you Fred?)- haha! Honest Injun, huh? Hey, works for me! Not that I think any of those songs are bad, but I did say Either way, you can't seriously tell me that the Meat Puppets' Backwater was one of the 'crappier' songs of the 90's... I gotta say, I'm amazed it's held up so well- It HAS been 14 years since it came out...

Token- Right on brutha! Funny you should mention Local H- I was cranking bound to the floor (aka- 'Copacetic') on a drive 2 days ago. I had forgotten about that Stabbing Westward tune though; you're picking up what I'm putting down!

Tuco- It's not that these were my favorite songs, by far (although that Meat puppets song is really really good the more I think about it). More like I thought it was a pretty good representation of what was playing on the radio stations I listened to, back in the day. I listened to everything you listed, but figured most people wouldn't have connected/identified with it. I'm assuming Dinosaur Jr. is on your list, as well? Steve Albini produced ('recorded' as he calls it) a Palace Brothers album, as well as Nirvana's InUtero, a Pixies' album and one from Sonic Youth. THOSE bands were the ones I loved, and still do. Well, Sonic Youth's new stuff has been disappointing... I also really liked Mudhoney, and thought it was sweet they wound up in the Farley/Spade tour-de-force, 'Black Sheep'.

Red- Really? That sucks, dude. So, like, the whole, 'Internet Porn Revolution' hasn't reached you yet? Wow. You must be getting lots of actual work done, then. Pat yourself on the back! (insert masturbatory joke here)

VOD- If I could go to one musical event each decade, it would be: Woodstock (60's), Studio54 (70's), Huey Lewis and the News or a David Hasselhoff performance (80's), and a UK rave, featuring the prodigy and a handful of psychedelics, for the 1990's. Good choice.

C'mon people! Hit us with your 90's music! Let's not forget this was the same time music like this was blowing up, too. Everyone's covered!


ps- For the tokers...http://youtube.com/watch?v=JB6QQIwGC_c

[EDIT: SolventGreen- "Ya know, a lot of people go to college for 7 years....." HA! Finally, after hearing it for so long, I can say it to someone else! Ahhhhh- Grazie!]

oh my god did you seriously just say that you want to go to a david hasselhoff performance? That's the funniest thing i've heard all week


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I never cared for the rock sound of the 80's or 90's but that doesn't mean there weren't cool tunes or groups at all, just not my preference. We all seem to love the tunes of our youth, they bring back certain memories whenever we hear them, this is the profound effect of our senses. You might get the same memory rush if you sit down to a seafood meal that reminds you of the unique table fare of the summer you spent by the seashore, or how about suddenly when you smell something in the air that brings back in a rush a time/place memory associated with that smell, the power of our senses.

Music is the most common bond between friends, it sometimes defines certain events or even relationships in our youth/adolescence, it's really no surprise that most folks form an attachment in life to something that brings back great memories.......
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Active member
ahhhh the 90's (age 18-28 during that decade)

for me it was BMX 24/7, st. ides, southern comfort, LOTS of weed, tons of clubs and tons of girls.

...i started to settle down a bit about the same time the 90's wound down.

the 90's were FUN!


Active member
oh yeah,
the 90's
I drank alot of cisco.

not the singer,

that crack like drink.

my inside is warm, just thinking about it.



Registered Cannabis User
cant forget about the hundreds of phish shows during the 90's either...


I still remember going to the Phish show in Rochester NY back in early December '99... was a show I'll never forget as it was the show that showed me the magic of marijuana... awesome times man, awesome times...

haaha, I still have the first glass piece I ever bought, at that Phish concert in '99 after the show from a curbside glass vendor selling his suitcase of goods outside the arena.. a nice blue and purple glass dry piece.. even though she's broken now and I gave up smoking for vaporizing years ago... I still love remembering all the grass me and my friends smoked at that concert in the dome and how great it felt.. and all the dank i smoked out of that piece when I first was getting introduced to mary jane back in HIGH school...
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Joe Hawkins

Active member
Dre, Cube and Snoops were my nineties,
Sex Pistols, The 4 Skins and The Exploited were my eighties,
Marley, Toshie, Dekker and Cliff were my seventies,
Work and the Wife are my life now
I remember things a bit differently. SNL spoofs of GW Bush sr, gulf war 1, timothy mcviegh, Monica L, USS Cole and Kurt cobain.