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Why the 90's were great....


Active member
Ok, so I got baked tonight and someone's thread got me reminiscing my middle-school years. There are many things from that era that you couldn't pay me to relive; music is NOT one of them. Seems like even the shitty songs were better back then. Check out these vids, and tell me you don't miss this stuff... I dunno what the hell happened to all of these guys, but I wish some of them would come back....

I left plenty of room for adding to the list, but here are some that jumped out in my mind almost immediately.









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Anime n Stoner Aficionado
90's & middle school... those dont go together in my world! lol!

if i could watch the vids i might comment on the bands/ music... but so goes it...

did like the 90's...


Active member
well technically, some of elementary school, too, if that helps......
Forget the 90's and music asa, let's talk computers, and 2008.... Are you sitting there telling me you are on dial up? You gotta get on some cable, wi-fi like asa-p!


i started school in 89 or 90 so all of my elementary school years and my jr. high years were in the 90s. every once in a while i hear a great song that i haven't heard since the 90s and it's great to reminisce, good times man. that was back when most people my age listened to pretty good music. now EVERYONE, especially the white kids and nerds, listens to rap and hiphop and people like me that hate that talentless shit are now in the minority. (ok there is some hiphop i like but very very little, most of those rappers out there have no talent at all and make incredibly stupid songs that people love for some reason)

those songs you posted were some of the crappier ones though. except a couple of them like that dishwalla song that was good


Registered Cannabis User
hey huff and puff...GOOD STUFF. here's another one for you to look back on...can't believe you forgot it!


stabbing westward...save yourself

oh shit and dont forget Harvey Danger - Flagpole sitta
or Local H - bound for the floor.

look them up...you'll remember... :rasta:

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The 90's was a good decade for music. But, I'm not sure about some of the music you posted :p

I'm thinking Pavement, My Bloody Valentine, The Dirty Three, Slint, Palace Brothers, Sebadoh...

A lot of amazing music got lost in the Grunge hysteria...


Anime n Stoner Aficionado
HuffAndPuff said:
well technically, some of elementary school, too, if that helps......
Forget the 90's and music asa, let's talk computers, and 2008.... Are you sitting there telling me you are on dial up? You gotta get on some cable, wi-fi like asa-p!
HA! i wish i was on dial up... that'd mean i was usin a computer. i am online via a kid toy hijackin wifi. it works but has many limitations. my other half & i have been talkin laptops & wireless connections, so hopefully soon...

Farmer John

Born to be alive.
I spent 90's hanging out with friends and drinkin, started using drugs when I got out of army in 98 and started growing my own in 2001 and am still on the same trip if you ask me. If you ask me, all I remember is chaos, awful clothes and MTV. lol.


Active member
Mr. Rogers (may I call you Fred?)-
those songs you posted were some of the crappier ones though
haha! Honest Injun, huh? Hey, works for me! Not that I think any of those songs are bad, but I did say
Seems like even the shitty songs were better back then.
Either way, you can't seriously tell me that the Meat Puppets' Backwater was one of the 'crappier' songs of the 90's... I gotta say, I'm amazed it's held up so well- It HAS been 14 years since it came out...

Token- Right on brutha!
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ToKEN again.
Funny you should mention Local H- I was cranking bound to the floor (aka- 'Copacetic') on a drive 2 days ago. I had forgotten about that Stabbing Westward tune though; you're picking up what I'm putting down!

Tuco- It's not that these were my favorite songs, by far (although that Meat puppets song is really really good the more I think about it). More like I thought it was a pretty good representation of what was playing on the radio stations I listened to, back in the day. I listened to everything you listed, but figured most people wouldn't have connected/identified with it. I'm assuming Dinosaur Jr. is on your list, as well? Steve Albini produced ('recorded' as he calls it) a Palace Brothers album, as well as Nirvana's InUtero, a Pixies' album and one from Sonic Youth. THOSE bands were the ones I loved, and still do. Well, Sonic Youth's new stuff has been disappointing... I also really liked Mudhoney, and thought it was sweet they wound up in the Farley/Spade tour-de-force, 'Black Sheep'.

Red- Really? That sucks, dude. So, like, the whole, 'Internet Porn Revolution' hasn't reached you yet? Wow. You must be getting lots of actual work done, then. Pat yourself on the back! (insert masturbatory joke here)

VOD- If I could go to one musical event each decade, it would be: Woodstock (60's), Studio54 (70's), Huey Lewis and the News or a David Hasselhoff performance (80's), and a UK rave, featuring the prodigy and a handful of psychedelics, for the 1990's. Good choice.

C'mon people! Hit us with your 90's music! Let's not forget this was the same time music like this was blowing up, too. Everyone's covered!


ps- For the tokers...http://youtube.com/watch?v=JB6QQIwGC_c

[EDIT: SolventGreen-
I spent the decade of the 90's in a pool room getting my college education.
"Ya know, a lot of people go to college for 7 years....." HA! Finally, after hearing it for so long, I can say it to someone else! Ahhhhh- Grazie!]
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Well-known member
Why were the 90's great?

Nelson Mandela was released from prison.

The Soviet Union Collapsed.

OJ made a break for it.

Allied forces liberated Kuwait.

Cloned sheep & Clintons Blow Job.

The best thing about the 90's for me was my youngest son was born in August of 1990.



Active member
Awwwww.... Trouble.... If that ain't the sweetest thing! We're gonna hafta change your name to Caution if you keep this up! I see you mention the fall of the Soviet Union... Did you happen to catch Hasselhoff's 1989 performance on the Belin Wall? A fitting send-off for that decade, I think. I believe his influence on bands like Soundgarden is obvious....



Anime n Stoner Aficionado
?? hasselhoff influenced soundgarden??

...damn just caught the link...

musically i got turned onto metal in the 90's...& tool really stands out for me.


Well-known member
HuffAndPuff said:
Awwwww.... Trouble.... If that ain't the sweetest thing! We're gonna hafta change your name to Caution if you keep this up! I see you mention the fall of the Soviet Union... Did you happen to catch Hasselhoff's 1989 performance on the Belin Wall? A fitting send-off for that decade, I think. I believe his influence on bands like Soundgarden is obvious....


I like Soundgarden, however, you couldnt pay me to listen to Hasselhoff!



Resident pissy old man
It is really cute to see you youngsters talking about the 90's as the "Good Old Days". Same thing that I do with the 60's. I just barely beat Farmer John out of the military....by 31 years. Turns out that my underwear is older than most of you kids. I didn't listen to much music in the 90's. I was in my 50's then and we old folks don't like that crap. I grew up on Elvis, the Beatles and many others that most of you have only vaguely heard of.


and i really like ICmag for the age span of it's members. 3 generations of smokers/growers (at least :D). quite interesting really. you don't get to hold certain conversations with people outside of your age group in real life.