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Why Synthetic Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than the Real Thing


Active member

Synthetic marijuana, or "fake" pot, is nothing like the real thing. It's legal, and easily accessible to kids.

It's also a bigger threat to kids' health.

"Marijuana has been used for medicinal and recreational purposes for hundreds of years," said Dr. Jeff Lapoint, a senior toxicology fellow at New York University, Bellevue Hospital. "It's been abused, but no one really gets sick."

"Kids need to know that this substance is more dangerous," Lapoint said.

Popularly called K2, or Spice, synthetic marijuana is a chemical similar to cannabis that gives a marijuana-like high.

But there have been an increasing number of cases of people experiencing seizures, heart palpitations, fever, dehydration and some psychotic episodes after using the drug.

A more potent version of marijuana

Since 2004, K2 has been sold and packaged as incense or potpourri, in the guise of a mixture of herbs and spices. It sells for about $30 to $40 per 3-gram bag, comparable to the cost of marijuana.

Drugmakers can make hundreds of versions of the chemical compound, and it's easy to manufacture.

Although the Drug Enforcement Administration has taken steps to ban five chemicals sometimes found in K2, versions of the compound have multiplied, and increased in use over the past few years.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 11 percent of nearly 15,000 high school seniors surveyed reported using K2 in 2011.

That year, poison control centers reported handling nearly 7,000 calls about K2, nearly double the calls received in 2010.

One recent study suggests that K2 could increase the risk of psychosis, even among people with no history of a psychiatric disorder.

"K2 is a more potent substance than natural marijuana by its actions on the brain," said Dr. Ashwin Reddy, an author of that study and a psychiatrist at the Boston University School of Medicine. "It can cause an increased risk of paranoia, hearing voices, disorganized behavior and panic symptoms."

"Depending on the person, psychotic symptoms can last a few days to a few months," Reddy said.

Not intended for human use

K2 is sometimes reported as having originated in Europe, but was actually developed by John W. Huffman, a chemist at Clemson University in South Carolina.

Initially created as a medical treatment, the substance works on the brain the sameway as marijuana's active ingredient, tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC.

THC is the substance in marijuana that produces the "high" feeling of intoxication that pot smokers crave.

"This drug was never intended for people to use, just for use in a lab," Lapoint said.

But also disturbing is the unregulated amount of chemicals added in each package.

"You don't know how much of which chemical they put in each package so you don't know what you're getting and how your body will handle it," he said.

Pass it on: Synthetic pot is a more potent — and dangerous — form of marijuana.


RM - aquagrower

Active member
I have never tried any of this stuff (why bother when ya got the real thing), but reading the artical, it sounds like another case of "reefer madness".


This article is mostly accurate. Do hear me out before having a knee-jerk reaction though.

Yes, K2 is dangerous pretty much for the reasons they say it is- you don't really know what all's in it and the manufacturers really don't have much of an incentive to give a fuck what with their "not intended for humans" disclaimer. There is of course still the typical reefer madness shit you'd expect (months of psychosis) but it's otherwise accurate- K2 is some seriously bad shit. Where they get it completely wrong, however, is the details of the active ingredients.

What gives K2 its kick is the JWH series of cannabinoids. They're at least right in claiming that it's more potent than the natural stuff- Δ-9 THC is a partial agonist of the T2 receptors, whereas JWH-018 (its most similar and most quickly banned chemical counterpart) is a full agonist. That said, so fucking what? I can and have ordered this as well as more potent JWH-series cannabinoids in its pure form, legally, and have experienced a pretty goddamned potent high without any of the adverse side-effects listed in the article. As a matter of fact, when trying out JWH-210 (one of the absolute most potent forms), the only side-effect I experienced was positive: I only needed smoke it late at night daily, and it cured the hypersexuality I suffered from the entire time, well including when I didn't feel the psychoactive effects at all! Δ-9 THC on the other hand simply enhances it, though mercifully only during the duration of the high.

I've been pretty accurate in predicting legal reactions before, and here's mine now: they will use K2 as an excuse to tag the entire JWH series onto the Schedule I banned list on a federal level. And I know they'll be dead wrong about that as this shit's the only non-hormonal drug I know of to alleviate my aforementioned condition.


spreadin da love
the concentrate that that mix to spray on the spice will make you trip hardcore... bad stuff I have seen plenty of people free basing this k2 concentrate... just fucking legalize herb already and stop trying to recreate the shit to make money off of and then killing people.

@ preacher - it all depends who made this shit and if they did it right... it leaves it open for to many different ways to make it to keep it legal... bad stuff happens that way..


Active member
the concentrate that that mix to spray on the spice will make you trip hardcore... bad stuff I have seen plenty of people free basing this k2 concentrate... just fucking legalize herb already and stop trying to recreate the shit to make money off of and then killing people.

@ preacher - it all depends who made this shit and if they did it right... it leaves it open for to many different ways to make it to keep it legal... bad stuff happens that way..

That - making a consentrate out of Spice is just stupid. IF one wants to use these synthetic alternatives (which do get you really really high, but are not as pleasant nor long lasting as the real thing), get them in pure powder / crystal form and _measure your doses_ with a scale accurate to 1mg. Please, be safe. Some full agonists are really crazy potent, AM2201 for example is active at 0,5mg. That's very little, you can not eyeball it nearly accurately enought. In fact, you can't eyeball 10mg accurately enough.


It isn't (fake)reefer madness at all. That is some fucked up shit.

My wife is an RN in the psych ER, and they see people on Spice literally everyday. Lots of times it sounds like those old stories you'd hear about PCP- 2 shots of Thorazine and they are still attacking the staff. Others are freaking out and tachycardic even though they smoked the stuff the days before.

I don't know if it is inherently unsafe or people are just overdosing on it, but I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole myself.

I think it's safe to say that no one would use it if they could get weed easily, or if they weren't worried about urine tests.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Nice post Bigbro...Legal highs soon will be illegal across the U.S., the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said .
The DEA is using its emergency powers to make K2, Spice, and other "legal high" herbal products Schedule I controlled substances -- that is, illegal drugs with no permitted medical use. The declaration will take effect after a mandatory 30-day waiting period, and will have the effect of law for at least a year.
Some 15 states already have banned some or all "legal high" products. When the waiting period expires, sale or possession of the substances will be a federal crime.
"When the final rule is published, it gives us the authority to do the same investigations as for any other controlled substance," DEA spokeswoman Barbara Carreno tells WebMD.
Specifically, the soon-to-be banned drugs are five designer drugs that mimic the effects of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana. The drugs are JWH-018, JWH-073, JWHY-200, CP-47,497, and cannabicyclohexanol.
"Legal high" products claim to be mixtures of herbs that can be smoked for a psychedelic effect. But the herbs listed on the package label often are missing from the actual product. Instead, the product contains a leafy mixture that is spiked with a designer drug -- usually one of the five drugs listed by the DEA.
The same product often is spiked with different doses of different drugs, making it impossible for users to know what they are taking.
Like THC, the active ingredient in marijuana and other forms of cannabis, these synthetic cannabinoids turn on the cannabinoid receptors (switches that trigger activity) found on many cells in the body. The brain is particularly rich in the CB1 cannabinoid receptor. Also the Feds just the other day raided some indian reservations in NY and took all of the stuff they had. I read that NY alone had like 7000 calls to poison control in 2011 because of this stuff. And not to mention the emergency room visits.


spreadin da love
That - making a consentrate out of Spice is just stupid. IF one wants to use these synthetic alternatives (which do get you really really high, but are not as pleasant nor long lasting as the real thing), get them in pure powder / crystal form and _measure your doses_ with a scale accurate to 1mg. Please, be safe. Some full agonists are really crazy potent, AM2201 for example is active at 0,5mg. That's very little, you can not eyeball it nearly accurately enought. In fact, you can't eyeball 10mg accurately enough.

yea thats what I'm talking about the pure powder concentrate that the people that make the spice and k2 and alll that shit dilute then spray on there shit... its all dangerous I would love to see it all gone.... fuck synthetics.

supreme bean

Hi Folks.
Due to desparation, i ordered some akb48.supposed to be the best synthetic pot available.
I took the usual party drugs etc back in the day,so i consider myself quite experienced with drugs.
The akb48 was a pure white powder.having read good reports on the www. i decided to
slurge my non existant income and bought 2 grams.
i took some ground dry mj leaves.took my pen knife,put a tiny tiny amount with the mj and put it in my bong.
Fired up.felt an odd body load and thinks,that was quick.
laid down on settee .Suddenly BOOM.it kicks in!
PANIC.IM totally overwhelmed.HEART RATE through the roof.AM I GOING TO HAVE A HEART
Start pacing around the house.luckily no one is home.PARANOIA sets in.
Despite growing for over a decade.suddenly i feel im gonna get busted.
I rush to the greenhouse and chop up some very nice plants which ive been tending lovingly for a few months.
I start to relax.I would have trashed my indoor grow too, if i had not locked the keys in the
I start to relax abit.The high now is similar to smoking unflushed dro.I am aware of a headache,also a chemical sensation which is very un-pot like.
Later i bin it.Later, i remove it from the bin.I try it again.Tolerance has already set in.
effects much weaker but generally not nice.Im feeling shitty.slight chemical come down/lethargy. YUK.
Akb48 finds its way to compost bin and gets mixed with all the worms and slimey shit.
No chance of smoking it now!
Feeling foolish and somewhat broke.

Anyway,Why is it this shit is legal and gods home grown is illiegal.WhY OH fucking WHY?


Andinismo Hierbatero
I will say this, that when the time comes for young Israelis to join the army, and they have admitted to having tried cannabis in the past, this will not keep them from reaching a specific unit they desire to join if they have the talent for it, but spice use will indeed land you outside any elite unit and even any regular combat ones.

Fuck spice basically.

supreme bean

HI ,Regarding the last post.WTF? where you coming from dude!Is this a debate on
sythetic noids or the best way to get on in the Israeli army?
I had the misfortune to meet quite a few ex army israelis in India 20 years ago.

I will say this,what a bunch of arseholes!


Well-known member
That sounded to me like the only positive endorsement of the stuff that I have ever heard.


Andinismo Hierbatero
HI ,Regarding the last post.WTF? where you coming from dude!Is this a debate on
sythetic noids or the best way to get on in the Israeli army?
I had the misfortune to meet quite a few ex army israelis in India 20 years ago.

I will say this,what a bunch of arseholes!

it's just to give perspective, obviously the whole 'spice' thing is not safe for your health, not only physical health but also not safe for your psychological health, and this is a known fact, known enough that the use of this synthetic drugs will land you outside of tasks that require individuals whose physical and mental health be good.

as far as the rest of your post concerns, you just jump on the bandwagon of those who hate all things Israeli, and that's your problem, good luck with that.

supreme bean

Wrong dude.I dont hate Israelis.Just thugs and crap drugs.My experience,does not extend to band wagons.By the way,why would anyone admit to ANYTHING at a military interview?

Im on your side.FUCK SYNTHETIC NOIDS .

supreme bean

Well observed GRY.Obviously, admitting to being a spice head will get you a safe ,
cushy job in the Israeli army.Better than shooting yourself in the foot i suppose.
I got kicked out of the British Army for possesing hash.Theres a moral to this somewhere,
cant put my finger on it.


Well-known member
yeah, I tried the Spice when it came around here, as I was at a job that did randoms. the original formula had a lot in common with weed, driving 40 mph while everyone else was going 65, you know. :biggrin: it was enjoyable in the sense that I knew I would not get caught & lose my job. but it had a chemical taste, no variation, & no soul. mechani-buzz, same thing every time. and it WAS habit-forming for me. when I realized that, I threw it all away ...

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