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Why Synthetic Marijuana Is More Dangerous Than the Real Thing

Daub Marley

please explain, lost credibility.hyposomniac.
Its because there is no consensus that unflushed herbs will have different effects. Maybe a little harsh, but its not going to change your high. Keep in mind that the placebo effect can make people think their cured with a sugar pill, so you being able to tell the difference in unflushed herb is not trustworthy. Pretty much everything that changes or shapes the effect of the high from strain to strain are the terpenes.

supreme bean

Actually I, from experience,can tell you that badly grown weed does not have the same effect as the good stuff.Its hard to enjoy the high,when the chemical residue left from ferts is giving you a banging headache.lots of street weed in the uk is virtually unsmokable.
You talk about placebos and terpenes like i was born yesterday.

supreme bean

But,Though i am just a day old,im wise enough not to smoke from Mr Daub Marleys Stash.


Welcome to reality, supreme one. I was born ten years ago, and I can tell you that the JWH series of scientifically-tried pseudo-weed ain't worth chasing.

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