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Why Not Push Obama Back In Terms He Understands?



i'm gonna say what i always say ..... every politician that ever got anywhere close to the white house is full of shit in the first place and controls very little. i would be willing to bet that whoever gets elected next (even if it is obama) will give us more shit than we are getting now.


Kiss My Ring
anyone who praddles on about what they will do once elected is blowing up your skirt. hobama did it and look at his popularity now, after everyone discovers the grift.

imho (and i'm sure someone will attempt humiliation) it will be a states rights issue. it's already past the civil rights issue, no attempt at recognizing them any longer.

yeah i'm preaching to the choir, we all know hobama is a face...but it's that smirk on his lips when confronted with cannabis questions that has convinced me of his evil.

he could care less about some low life pothead losers, particularly at this point in his re-election campaign...$86. Million since april? hahaha how many dime bags did barry have to sell to pay for college?...ok so he didn't pay for his college (foreign exchange student?).


i'm gonna say what i always say ..... every politician that ever got anywhere close to the white house is full of shit in the first place and controls very little. i would be willing to bet that whoever gets elected next (even if it is obama) will give us more shit than we are getting now.

Andrew Jackson would disagree. He was such an outsider that he had to win the popular vote three times!

But i generally agree with what you said.

FWIW Andrew Jackson and Ron Paul are very similar, Jackson wanted to take down the Fed bank too.
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Registered Med User
Sounds good. Too bad its not up to Obama. I cant believe people still think a president makes decisions... a president is a puppet ran behind closed doors by the same ones who run the media, in which they psychologically get you to vote for the presidents they have selected to win. humans are sheep, a president is a fallthey back guy for if you dont like their decisions, and someone to praise when you do like their decisions. Either way they gon do what they gon do regardless. You cant really believe they would make the black president look good while in office, This is an imperialist Anglo-Saxon ran world, they believe in a manifest destiny, social darwinism and all that same shit they was doin back in the early1900's has not stopped.
Solution? Educate the masses, fuck a political party, fuck these race wars, united we stand divided we fall and they are doing a pretty damn good job of keeping the people divided. We must unite.


weed fiend
we report you decide

we report you decide

Obama Not Implicated In California Medical Marijuana Crackdown, U.S. Attorney Claims

First Posted: 10/26/11 05:04 PM ET Updated: 10/26/11 05:04 PM ET

WASHINGTON -- U.S. attorneys have a message for California's medical marijuana advocates: Don't blame Barack Obama. After it was announced that the crackdown on medical pot establishments in the Golden State was a collective decision by the four U.S. attorneys in California and not the result of any directive from Washington, spokeswoman Lauren Horwood emphasized that the administration never even green-lighted the ramped-up enforcement actions.

The only D.C.-based official with whom California U.S. attorneys coordinated, Horwood said, was Deputy Attorney General James Cole, who was chosen by Attorney General Eric Holder, an Obama appointee.

"He's the one who provided the quote for our press release, and he's chosen by Eric Holder," Horwood told HuffPost in an interview.

"But we didn't have direct talks with Eric Holder -- not that we wouldn't, he's been out and visited -- but just the way the Department of Justice works, he's not that hands-on on these kinds of details."

An article by Phoenix Times reporter Ray Stern claimed Horwood acknowledged that California's U.S. attorneys received "Obama's blessing" in implementing the crackdown. But in an interview with The Huffington Post, Horwood, a spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Benjamin Wagner in California's Eastern District, distanced herself from that language.

"What I said, or at least meant to say, was that the U.S. Attorneys in California saw the need for coordinated enforcement actions and spoke with folks in Main Justice in D.C. (not the Obama Administration)," she told HuffPost in an email.

Cole declined to attend any California press conferences on the issue not, Horwood insisted, because he was distancing himself from the crackdown, but because California is a long way to travel.

California voters approved the use of medical marijuana in 1996 with the passage of Prop. 215, later named the Compassionate Use Act, which allows patients to possess and cultivate cannabis with a doctor's permission. The law has been interpreted many times since then. In City of Garden Grove v. Superior Court in 2007, the trial court sided with the patient, finding that it "is not the job of local police to enforce the federal drug law." A California Supreme Court ruling in 2010 found that residents may grow or possess "reasonable amounts" of marijuana with a doctor's permission.

But under federal law there are no such allowances.

Obama as a candidate promised to maintain a hands-off approach toward pot clinics that adhered to state law, with Attorney General Eric Holder publicly asserting that federal prosecutors would not initiate enforcement actions against any patients or providers in compliance with state law, deeming it an inefficient use of scarce government resources.

Such language didn't stop federal prosecutors from launching an attack on medical marijuana shop owners earlier this month, vowing to shutter state-licensed marijuana dispensaries regulated by local governments and threatening landlords with property seizures.

State Senator Mark Leno (D) has joined Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) in requesting meetings with the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service to discuss the reasons behind the crackdown.

So far their requests have gone unanswered. "They're talking amongst themselves," said Ammiano of federal prosecutors, "and really causing tremendous, unnecessary chilling effects."

Steve DeAngelo of Oakland medical cannabis club Harborside Health Center said such effects may be the end goal.

"Federal prosecutors are not trying to clean up the regulated medical cannabis industry, they are trying to destroy it," he said at a Tuesday press conference in San Francisco. "Their real target is not criminal gangs, but rather the systems of licensing and regulation implemented by dozens of communities state-wide. This is destroying tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of tax dollars in local, state and federal tax revenue."

The crackdown comes even as 50 percent of Americans favor legalizing marijuana, according to a recently released Gallup poll, up from just 36 percent in 2006.

When asked to respond to the claim that the Obama administration isn't implicated in the decision, Ammiano was indignant.

"Somebody's going to have to fall on their sword about this," he said. "This is becoming more of a mainstream issue. I mean, this was really a mistake."


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Not just cali, but the entire usa needs to band together. Hobama already knows he doesn't stand a snowballs chance in hell of re election. He has already pissed of 80% of the folks that did vote for him. Kinda like these hillbilly red necks here that vote for sheriff. Arrest any that may vote for some 1 else so they can't vote. That's how it's done here I have learned.

If the Republicans run Romney or Cain, Obama will win.

the only person I am ok with at the moment is Ron Paul, but If i Had to chose Obama or any other GOP canidate I chose Obama. At least he is not bat shit crazy yet.


Sounds good. Too bad its not up to Obama. I cant believe people still think a president makes decisions... a president is a puppet ran behind closed doors by the same ones who run the media, in which they psychologically get you to vote for the presidents they have selected to win. humans are sheep, a president is a fallthey back guy for if you dont like their decisions, and someone to praise when you do like their decisions.

pretty much spot on.

It all right there to see. Rumsfield and Cheney were in the Nixon Whitehouse.
Here is a great picture, the guy on the right who looks like Richard Dryfuss is Cheney

GHWB was head of the CIA during the Carter Admin.

Ronald Reagan REALLY was a 'movie star' president, a puppet, who admittedly fell asleep during cabinet meetings.

The same 'presidential administration' since Nixon, and arguably since Nov 22, 1963.

FWIW there were FOUR presidents in Dallas 11/22/63. Both Nixon and GHWB freely admitted to being there too. GHWB has given multiple accounts of his whereabouts, and ultimately settled on 'i dont remember'. EVERYONE remembers when they heard JFK was killed. Lots of connections between GHWB and the bay of pigs. Nixon was 'out of politics'...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Trickle down economics is just as flawed as communism, and will fall corrupt and fail just as quickly. It entrust all the wealth to one source to control and distribute and expects greed not to take over. When in Human history has something like that ever worked? Never.
i'm gonna say what i always say ..... every politician that ever got anywhere close to the white house is full of shit in the first place and controls very little. i would be willing to bet that whoever gets elected next (even if it is obama) will give us more shit than we are getting now.

That's a bold statement to say about every president we had from 1st to present.


Game Bred
i think it's cute how these same clowns who say "the president has nothing to do with enforcement of MMJ."
are the same ones who were kneel and bob when the favorable (complete lie)memo came out....


in my experience as a home-grown rural red-state american, states are like teenagers when it comes to rights and responsibilities. they are all about personal freedom and being allowed to do what they want until the shit hits the fan, in the form of a natural disaster or financial meltdown, then they come crying to mommy and daddy (federal gov) to make it all better. you know what i'm talking about. all those Red states that just so happen to drain a half trillion a year in Agricultural subsidies (ok that figure was pulled outta you know where but do your own research and you will see for yourself)... Iowa sure doesn't generate the state tax revenue it would require to equally subsidize their farmers the way the fed gov does. take that away and within ten years you would have a depression. the truth, as much as it hurts, is that without the federal government holding the thing together, california and texas would be in a war before 2050. (might be fun to watch from the sidelines... all those gun-toting rednecks against the entirety of south central LA.. not exactly 2nd amendment abolitionists in all of Cali huh lmao)

i spent fifteen years in academia, then the military, then the private sector, then the public sector, trying to make sense of politics and the way the country is run. got a BS in Political Science, some grad school time towards US foreign policy (i dropped out to join the Army sometime after we invaded Iraq), learned arabic while in military intelligence, blah blah blah). trying to make any kind of change to this system is like trying to turn the tides of the ocean by swimming really hard. lmao the only way to make a difference is to do what we do (growwwwww) and live in the underbelly of society. honestly, having done the whole office job thing, participated in society the way i was "supposed" to, and i would rather be in jail than rotting in a cubicle for one more fucking day. was the greatest day of my life walking out of that place (i actually worked for the Federal gov, DOI, for three years, in addition to Fortune 500 co's). take it day by day and when the revolution comes just make sure you are on the right side of history. don't forget "states rights" was the battle cry of the south during the Civil War. just something to think about... the way i see it, at least as i'm typing this lol, states rights are great and all but they are morally neutral without considering to what end they are desired.

peace, i love to see this kind of conversation on a grower's forum. a lot more civil than the shouting matches you see on tv, even within ONE party (see republican debates, yeah dems did it too in 2008).


Game Bred
your right my bad..

we have a consensus that the DOJ reports to the chief exec...

sorry for the misunderstanding. sometimes reading does not convey properly i guess?


weed fiend
we have a consensus that the DOJ reports to the chief exec...

You have a very simplistic view of the system.

Remember when AG Ashcroft was laying on his back and Card and crew tried to get him to sign the torture memo? Comey told em hell no. If DOJ reported to the pres, the pres wouldn't have to attempt to circumvent delegation of authority by bypassing Comey.


Andrew Jackson would disagree. He was such an outsider that he had to win the popular vote three times!

But i generally agree with what you said.

FWIW Andrew Jackson and Ron Paul are very similar, Jackson wanted to take down the Fed bank too.

Jackson was a bad ass!!

Ron Paul and Obummer duel??!?! My money's on the TX boy :tiphat:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
i think it's cute how these same clowns who say "the president has nothing to do with enforcement of MMJ."
are the same ones who were kneel and bob when the favorable (complete lie)memo came out....

He has a lot to do with it in my opinion. All he needs to do is introduce his own bill to congress as we have requested.