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Why is medical marijuana so expensive?


Active member
Wait als... didn't you advocate the govt making smoking weed illegal and turning mj over to big business and big pharma so they can make thc caps? Lol if that happened we would be operating at the point of a gun.


Tell me where to get a hold of "100% THC pot" and i'll move to Canada right now.

Imagine that an entire plant made of only THC, ALS you have to be the highest motherfucker in the world right now. Teach me how to grow a giant THC gland.

refine it....

as folks have been doing for thousands of years....
hash has been made from low grade thc pot for thousands
of years...i like hash oil myself and if i could i would make
it but no cando....

baking with pot also steps up its thc the high level last longer and you
don't put high temp smoke down your throat...
this has also been very popular over time... i use it this way

or you can try to grow the "perfect pot plant" with thc at 20% plus
better than mex swag at 3%...but nowhere near 100%....

there is a growing trick i used a very long time ago that
made it almost into a "pure thc plant"... no thc meters back
then but i swear it was dam near 100% and the best pot
i ever smoked....the trick had something to do with fertilizers
and when i grew it....



Wait als... didn't you advocate the govt making smoking weed illegal and turning mj over to big business and big pharma so they can make thc caps? Lol if that happened we would be operating at the point of a gun.

right now your operating at the point of a gun....same difference

not it doesn't have to be a big business to grow it.. just x growers
growing it who know what they are doing, refining it, and then it would be sold in pharmacies...(not by the big drug companies)
as all the other drugs are... accessible to everyone,
100% thc pot, cheap and covered by insurance....



I love my life
last i heard the usa is a free country...no one is holding a gun to your
head forcing you to sell at $10 a ounce.. you can sell at whatever
price you want..to whomever...(be careful who you sell to,,,,, theres
narcs out there....

....by the way thats $10 candaian per ounce .... not $10 in usa currency which would be even less....and thats a indoor grow too ..... in a mine
(it could be a ex radioactive mine which would cut down on the light
bill and speed up the grow.....)

you really do need to start smoking some higher grade 100% thc pot here
and get out of this paranoia movie your in... believing that people are trying
to hold guns to your head and stealing your grow for set prices...


The USA is not a free country and you are the looter with the gun. Just read your posts. You will create laws that require this or that.

You are worse than the unre-educatable walmart masses. You actually believe you have a brain in your head and the right to say anything about what your neighbor does or doesn't grow.

Karma is a bitch, I am going to stay as far away from people like you as possible in this world. It isn't parinoia if the ALS jackoffs of the world really are trying to pass laws to imprision growers or steal their production and reduce it to ALS approved shitty capsules.

Again you PRODUCE NOTHING and feel ENTITLED to my PRODUCTION. Nomaad would like to see a system that includes compassion, well my life has a lot of love spreading around, but if the ALS's of the world think they can share in the love at the point of a gun they will find no production to steal and a very smart pissed off Hydrosun looking to even the score.

In my universe the ALS's of the world would starve to death on the streets, because he has lead such a poor life that none of his friends and family would feed, cloth, or shelter him. Nomaad in my universe would always have food, clothing, and shelter because it appears he knows how to make friends and benefit other human beings.

Friends and family are the only true social safety net, any government safety net is operated by government employees and thus is far from compassionate, effective, or moral.

Peace, :joint:


Active member
right now your operating at the point of a gun....same difference

not it doesn't have to be a big business to grow it.. just x growers
growing it who know what they are doing, refining it, and then it would be sold in pharmacies...(not by the big drug companies)
as all the other drugs are... accessible to everyone,
100% thc pot, cheap and covered by insurance....


And I hate the government as it exists today... My point is that you are on a marijuana post board saying you want weed smoking and growing to be illegal. Fuck you. That is my right that you are trying to take away again. Perhaps you should take your fortune and start a pot farm and create the refining process and the mechanization to work it into caps. Again your need doesn't validate you impinging upon other people's rights.


Assistant Weekend Trailer Park Superviser
refine it....

as folks have been doing for thousands of years....
hash has been made from low grade thc pot for thousands
of years...i like hash oil myself and if i could i would make
it but no cando....

baking with pot also steps up its thc the high level last longer and you
don't put high temp smoke down your throat...
this has also been very popular over time... i use it this way

or you can try to grow the "perfect pot plant" with thc at 20% plus
better than mex swag at 3%...but nowhere near 100%....

there is a growing trick i used a very long time ago that
made it almost into a "pure thc plant"... no thc meters back
then but i swear it was dam near 100% and the best pot
i ever smoked....the trick had something to do with fertilizers
and when i grew it....


Your OP suggested that a PLANT was 100% THC which is COMPLETELY impossbile. Also, I know all about refining THC, infact if I so desired I could chemically extract the thc into a ~100% THC liquid using a common chemistry set. So don't try to talk down to me about refining it, you are obviously unedicated in the science of botany and chemistry. When you claimed that you had grown a
...dam near 100%...
plant that
...had something to do with fertilizers
and when i grew it...
you immediately lost all credibility.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
As far as the Canna caps you can't throw the baby out with the bath water with that one lol.. This guys delivery is all wrong but injesting pot for some ppl can be very effective and it's proving extremely helpful for breast Cancer as a matter of a fact Universities are getting together with the clubs to do some reaseach on the caps. As far as the THC% again it would depend on what part of the plant as most caps are made from the leaf and not bud. So I would imagine yes you could improve this. I have seen ppl eat pot and not be able to walk lol. It effects ppl in different ways. Not me I just get sleepy this may be the type I have tried . There is also an oil cap which I'm not as familiar with but I hear it's just as effective. peace out Headband707


Your OP suggested that a PLANT was 100% THC which is COMPLETELY impossbile. Also, I know all about refining THC, infact if I so desired I could chemically extract the thc into a ~100% THC liquid using a common chemistry set. So don't try to talk down to me about refining it, you are obviously unedicated in the science of botany and chemistry. When you claimed that you had grown a plant that you immediately lost all credibility.

i didn't make my thc caps 30 years ago... the goverment did
don't care how it was done...just that i know it can be
done and was done...

i smoked just the bud of the plant which was dam near 100%...
i didn't smoke the entire plant...

i tricked the plant into kicking out massive amounts of thc
which made the bud near 100% thc.... dam best pot i ever
smoked....and i've smoke with folks that claimed that their
pot was the dam best pot in .....wherever...some very
famous pot areas

also i used a low grade pot plants to do this ....



Freedom Fighter
i didn't make my thc caps 30 years ago... the goverment did
don't care how it was done...just that i know it can be
done and was done...

i smoked just the bud of the plant which was dam near 100%...
i didn't smoke the entire plant...

i tricked the plant into kicking out massive amounts of thc
which made the bud near 100% thc.... dam best pot i ever
smoked....and i've smoke with folks that claimed that their
pot was the dam best pot in .....wherever...some very
famous pot areas

also i used a low grade pot plants to do this ....


Sorry man, I don't aim to start shit...but I do not believe any of that--
Don't you think if they had 100% THC (Nevermind they are ignoring all the other components that make it a true med)...but don't you think this would be a highly publicized fact...instead of another failed attempt to fabricate something that is already working in it's natural state??
My guess is they realized that, back in the 70's...and that is why you never heard about it again--
Poof!! Gone...get over it--
Sorry man, I don't aim to start shit...but I do not believe any of that--
Don't you think if they had 100% THC (Nevermind they are ignoring all the other components that make it a true med)...but don't you think this would be a highly publicized fact...instead of another failed attempt to fabricate something that is already working in it's natural state??
My guess is they realized that, back in the 70's...and that is why you never heard about it again--
Poof!! Gone...get over it--
x2, you should share your secrets with the community, theres many people that need more potent meds.


Sorry man, I don't aim to start shit...but I do not believe any of that--
Don't you think if they had 100% THC (Nevermind they are ignoring all the other components that make it a true med)...but don't you think this would be a highly publicized fact...instead of another failed attempt to fabricate something that is already working in it's natural state??
My guess is they realized that, back in the 70's...and that is why you never heard about it again--
Poof!! Gone...get over it--

the reason why it is poof gone...is that i was one of the lab rats that proved that thc caps worked.. the govt than went on and created marinol a fake thc which doesn't work.... they didn't want you to get high..

but don't believe me ....new testing has to
be done to replicate that thc works for cancer and other mm patients

i can't be the only patient that got govt thc caps for cancer....
but ...i may be the only one who is still alive....



Freedom Fighter
the reason why it is poof gone...is that i was one of the lab rats that proved that thc caps worked.. the govt than went on and created marinol a fake thc which doesn't work.... they didn't want you to get high..

but don't believe me ....new testing has to
be done to replicate that thc works for cancer and other mm patients

i can't be the only patient that got govt thc caps for cancer....
but ...i may be the only one who is still alive....


Bro...and yes I say "Bro"...as I feel a connection to all...unless I find reason not to...so to you I still say Bro--
Please, I am sure you can understand pessimism...please convince me--


Patient Grower
I doubt 100% THC would digest, it would just pass through the digestive system unmolested. Ever swallowed a chunk of hashish? Back in the early '80s I had a never ending supply of some really fine black Afghani hash and experimented around with swallowing chunks whole. I got up to an 1/8 before I gave up, thinking it just didn't work. It was just passing through, not having any effect.

Marinol isn't 100% THC either. That liquid inside the cap is sesame oil. Last I checked sesame oil has 0% THC content.

I make edibles from leaf all the time. Extract the oil, mix it with fractionated coconut oil, make it into capsules and eat it. It get's me as high as a person can get, but it certainly isn't 100% THC.

I submit that it's possible to make 100% THC, but that doesn't mean the body could digest it.


Patient Grower
So more on point...I found out yesterday that the City of Oakland regularly audits their 4 dispensaries to assure that they're being run in compliance with the city's interpretation of 215/420, which means an independent auditor is making sure they're operating as non-profits. This would include Richard Lee's Blue Sky.


I love my life
the reason why it is poof gone...is that i was one of the lab rats that proved that thc caps worked.. the govt than went on and created marinol a fake thc which doesn't work.... they didn't want you to get high..

but don't believe me ....new testing has to
be done to replicate that thc works for cancer and other mm patients

i can't be the only patient that got govt thc caps for cancer....
but ...i may be the only one who is still alive....


You only proved that infanticide, euthanasia, and eugenics are a better idea than taxing anyone to feed your sorry ass.

Peace, :joint:


I doubt 100% THC would digest, it would just pass through the digestive system unmolested. Ever swallowed a chunk of hashish? Back in the early '80s I had a never ending supply of some really fine black Afghani hash and experimented around with swallowing chunks whole. I got up to an 1/8 before I gave up, thinking it just didn't work. It was just passing through, not having any effect.

Marinol isn't 100% THC either. That liquid inside the cap is sesame oil. Last I checked sesame oil has 0% THC content.

I make edibles from leaf all the time. Extract the oil, mix it with fractionated coconut oil, make it into capsules and eat it. It get's me as high as a person can get, but it certainly isn't 100% THC.

I submit that it's possible to make 100% THC, but that doesn't mean the body could digest it.

nope never swallowed hashish...smoked it though... i have taken pepermit entric coated that by pass the stomach and go into the entestine...

all i know is that it said 100% thc on the bottle i swallowed it and it worked on controlling my cancer..........i don't recall the taste of the oil or the color of the oil....i did not make it the goverment gave it
to me to test out....



Active member
ALS... it's not that we think making "100% thc caps" is a bad idea; Hopefully with legalization that will be possible.

But... that won't work for everyone's medical needs. My fiance has Crohn's, Lupus, and Celiac diseases, with these she gets CVS (cyclical vomiting syndrome) she has trouble taking her omeprazole orally and also takes Compasine and sometimes Zofran (also has some compasine suppositories, but doesn't really like that). Smoking is the most effective way to help with her nausea she's been able to find. "100% thc caps" won't help her, she can't keep pills down when she's vomiting (Duh).

There are also several other problems with "100% thc caps)

1.) Titration; meaning the ability to control the effective dose.

Pharmaceutical companies would love to make only one dosage of a pill and have it work for everyone equally well. Unfortunately everyone is an individual; according to the FDA individual's metabolize medications with as much as a 4000% variance. That means that it's difficult if not impossible to get the right amount from one pill. Smoking allows patients to self-titrate unlike edibles... when you've had enough smoke you quit smoking... what happens when you eat too much of that brownie or had one too many "100% thc caps"?

Also, imagine getting the right dosage from your doctor... you would be going back all the time saying no that's not enough to get a bigger dose or conversely... it was too strong Doc can I get the smaller dose instead. All the while having to make more trips to the doctors office as well as the pharmacy.

2.) what about all the other tens and hundreds of cannabinoids other than THC that contribute to the high or unknown medical effects. I have ADHD (as well as permanent back problems). I'm pretty choosy about what I like to smoke as far as strains and effects go. Some strains work better than others for different conditions (I bet every one other than you here knows this). I don't want "100% thc caps"; personally, I want a certain cannabinoid profile that works for my own condition (actually I probably want 4 or 5 different different profiles for different applications).

My point ALS is that I'm sure there are going to be very good applications for "100% thc caps" for those who need that specifically... but, they simply cannot replace the diversity of medical effects afforded by the different combinations of cannabinoids available in the plant naturally.


New member
For the most part from what I understand, some coop's help people in situations where they cant afford their medicine. But some coops are just about money.


ALS... it's not that we think making "100% thc caps" is a bad idea; Hopefully with legalization that will be possible.

But... that won't work for everyone's medical needs. My fiance has Crohn's, Lupus, and Celiac diseases, with these she gets CVS (cyclical vomiting syndrome) she has trouble taking her omeprazole orally and also takes Compasine and sometimes Zofran (also has some compasine suppositories, but doesn't really like that). Smoking is the most effective way to help with her nausea she's been able to find. "100% thc caps" won't help her, she can't keep pills down when she's vomiting (Duh).

There are also several other problems with "100% thc caps)

1.) Titration; meaning the ability to control the effective dose.

Pharmaceutical companies would love to make only one dosage of a pill and have it work for everyone equally well. Unfortunately everyone is an individual; according to the FDA individual's metabolize medications with as much as a 4000% variance. That means that it's difficult if not impossible to get the right amount from one pill. Smoking allows patients to self-titrate unlike edibles... when you've had enough smoke you quit smoking... what happens when you eat too much of that brownie or had one too many "100% thc caps"?

Also, imagine getting the right dosage from your doctor... you would be going back all the time saying no that's not enough to get a bigger dose or conversely... it was too strong Doc can I get the smaller dose instead. All the while having to make more trips to the doctors office as well as the pharmacy.

2.) what about all the other tens and hundreds of cannabinoids other than THC that contribute to the high or unknown medical effects. I have ADHD (as well as permanent back problems). I'm pretty choosy about what I like to smoke as far as strains and effects go. Some strains work better than others for different conditions (I bet every one other than you here knows this). I don't want "100% thc caps"; personally, I want a certain cannabinoid profile that works for my own condition (actually I probably want 4 or 5 different different profiles for different applications).

My point ALS is that I'm sure there are going to be very good applications for "100% thc caps" for those who need that specifically... but, they simply cannot replace the diversity of medical effects afforded by the different combinations of cannabinoids available in the plant naturally.

i agree with you that caps are not for everyone... thats why i also
advocate refining pot into hash..refinned close to 100%, which can then be sold in say 1 oz or 3 oz or whatever...

testing has to be done among medical pot users to find what works...

i would hope the caps be sold in small units like 100mg... then you just
take more like i did....to get the desired effect...

i doubt the ca laws would be invalidaded users could still grow their
own pot...i think anothe initiative would have to be passed to
invalidate the 215 which is very unlikely to happen here in ca...

I would like to see a system would be set up to disperse mj to
pharmacies at reasonable rates which insurance pays with just
a drs script

( canada buys it from its grower at $160/lb... i heard figures for $200/lb to grow a pound to so its in the range... ) which i still think is kinda on the high side

imho commercial pot could be grown from lower grade thc and refined... like it doesn't cost $6,000 to grow a head of lettuce
why should pot????... not even wall streeters would charge that much...but pot provider do at $60 or more for a 1/8... (60*8*16)
