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Why I will no longer loan anything to anyone, or do favors for people ever again....


This is more of a vent than anything...

I wouldn't call myself rich, I struggle financially, but I struggle less than other people. I see this, and in the past have tried to be somewhat charitable towards people who don't have or can afford what I have. Part of my reasons for this is that I like to share what I have with others, and part of it is that I like to try and build up "karma".
What I have seen as a result is disappointing. People could care less about things that don't belong to them, and most people have no regard for someone else's time.

Also, let me preface this by saying that I never, ever borrow material items or money from people unless it is an absolute, dire emergency, and at 44 years of age I have yet to encounter any situation where I have had to borrow something from someone.

Last year I let someone borrow some items from me, the items in question came back totally trashed. The person who did the borrowing was someone that appeared to have integrity and seemed to be fairly honest. Not only did I have to REPEATEDLY ask for my items back over a six month period of time, when I got them back they were basically destroyed. No explanation, no apologies, no offer of reimbursement, etc.

Last month another person wanted to use an item of mine, it was something that was very expensive, and that I doubt the person would be able to use without assistance from me. It was also something that if it broke, I would not be able to afford to replace it. Now, I work a full time job, and I work alot. 50-60 hours a week usually, and that is on top of having to maintain a residence. I told this guy he could come over to my house and use this item, but he would have to pay me back by helping me perform some chores around my house, nothing major, just doing some raking and yard pickup...End result ? I spent an entire afternoon helping this dude only to see him split as soon as he got what he wanted done.

Than two weeks ago I loaned a friend a portable hard drive that had a backup copy of my iTunes library (one of three total backup copies I had)..I am talking 300-400 gigs of music here. I specifcally told him to import the tunes using iTunes from the hard drive, and not to load anything else onto the hard drive at all. During this time I lost power, and when we got power back I found that the drive that held my primary iTunes library and the drive that had my second backup iTunes library somehow became corrupted, maybe due to an electrical spike.

I get the HD back containing what I thought was my last backup copy of my iTunes library, only to find that this idiot had basically used it for other things during the time he had it and essentially erased my last copy. Now I am looking at spending the next year reimporting all of my cd's I have, and trying to find some of the other stuff I had on there (videos, concert bootlegs, etc).

So to all you borrowers out there, you have just lost a rather generous "lender" due to your irresponsibility and stupidity. Going forward, I hope that those that read this and like to borrow things from people learn the lesson to treat things that do not belong to you better.


The Miser.


Well-known member
I feel you man. I basically ditched all the useless "friends" I had that always borrowed stuff and trashed or never returned it. I have one good solid bro that I let borrow stuff. He does the same for me. I'm talking tools, money whatever. Dude is a real solid man of his word and I'll do anything for him. I can call him for a favor, and it's no questions asked. I do the same for him. But he's the exception. When anyone else wants something, it's NO. I will help people do things, but no borrowing my tools, my car or anything else.


yeah I hear ya. I've been screwed over a few times after letting someone borrow something...like getting it back and it never works the same again.
I've finally learned to say...sorry...I just don't let my tools leave my property.
Like you I never ask "favors" from anyone. If I need help I've always paid people well for their time.
Here's some of mine...one time I had a musician friend total their vehicle and was in a real pinch to get to their gigs. I let them borrow my car(a nice one too) for a month(I had a truck to use) . You would think that I would have got it back detailed with a full tank of gas...which is how they received it. Nope...it had a 1/4 tank, a corner dented in back...obviously from equipment going in and out of trunk...and it was no where near as clean as it was when borrowed...and had 4500 more miles on it.
I was stunned and that was the end of my favors to her...especially when she conveniently needed a place to stay when playing in the area....fukin sponge!

I had a customer that was down on his luck, so I did some work for him for trade so he wouldn't have to shell out $$...which he didn't have. I said...just give me a few hours of yard work. Fuker came and got his shyt and never gave me a second thought. Piece of shyt.
Don't try emailing or calling me when you need something else douchebag.

For the most part...I surround myself with standup people that have been friends for decades. But I do have to say that I learned not to put myself out their to be taken advantage....so when I do something nice...I certainly don't expect to get anything back...it just goes in the karma bank.

I love how people think because you have more than them(ya know cause you work and they don't), that you should help them. Like the neighbor who thinks we should use our heavy equipment to move a boulder in her yard....and didn't ask...just stated it one day when I saw her. Yeah sure let me rip up the town road with an excavator so I can move your rock...and get fined by the town...biootch!
Never gonna happen.

I can spot a leech pretty easily. sometimes those types are the wealthiest that think people owe them....can't stand that attitude either. I may never be the head of some empire if that means screwing over people...but I sleep well at night...and we just keep to ourselves.


Active member
I feel you man.....This year I had the biggest harvest I have ever had. Early in the year I set three different family's up with soil, plants (rez genetics) and nutes. Everything they needed to have a good harvest this year. I dug their holes and slaved over their gardens, on top of my garden and my full time job, and my delivery service I run. Well, when harvest time came around they finished in about 1 week. Me on the other hand spend every spare hour I had for 5 weeks harvesting my crop. I called these people countless times asking for help and I think I got maybe 4 hours help total from these people. Believe me, next year they are on their own.


Been helpin out a homeless guy.My choice.Basiclly helped him get indoors with a job..He come up with this story about being an heir to some long coin..So far just a story..I was already helpin him ..no matter..Now that this story is not pannin out he just looks like any other liar...end of help..beginnin of pain..he just thought his life sucked...pal


I don't loan tools or money. I'll use the tool to help you, but I'm the operator not you. I take care of my stuff which is why it lasts me a long time. I'm 53 and I still have tools I bought in college, like portable table saw, orbital sander, hammers.


Enormous Member
I used to think like you do, then I realized that my expectations of people needed to be adjusted downward. If you expect bullshit, you won't be surprised when you get it.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I used to think like you do, then I realized that my expectations of people needed to be adjusted downward. If you expect bullshit, you won't be surprised when you get it.

And when you expect it, there's less chance that you'll step in it again.

Sad but true.

Now I have to vent about people who just smile and blow you off when you mention treating a tool's cutting edge with respect.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Its my nature to help people too, but I've learned to be very careful who I help. Help as in give stuff too. If they look like they really need it and won't ask for it, thats when I offer. If they come to me asking, it really just depends on their body language whether or not I do.

I do not loan my stuff out, ever. However if it were a trade of items of equal value for a month or so, I'd be ok with that, depending on the person.


Some of the best money I've ever spent was on 'losing' some 'friends'

A bargain at any price,really.:)

Don't let a couple of unappreciative bastards steal away the good will you feel by being yourself, otherwise they win.

Hank Hemp

Active member
You appear to be a poor judge of people, wouldn't you say. That hard drive is all on you. Your music all gone? That's worth to much to loan out sorry.


This is more of a vent than anything...

I wouldn't call myself rich, I struggle financially, but I struggle less than other people. I see this, and in the past have tried to be somewhat charitable towards people who don't have or can afford what I have. Part of my reasons for this is that I like to share what I have with others, and part of it is that I like to try and build up "karma".
What I have seen as a result is disappointing. People could care less about things that don't belong to them, and most people have no regard for someone else's time.

Also, let me preface this by saying that I never, ever borrow material items or money from people unless it is an absolute, dire emergency, and at 44 years of age I have yet to encounter any situation where I have had to borrow something from someone.

Last year I let someone borrow some items from me, the items in question came back totally trashed. The person who did the borrowing was someone that appeared to have integrity and seemed to be fairly honest. Not only did I have to REPEATEDLY ask for my items back over a six month period of time, when I got them back they were basically destroyed. No explanation, no apologies, no offer of reimbursement, etc.

Last month another person wanted to use an item of mine, it was something that was very expensive, and that I doubt the person would be able to use without assistance from me. It was also something that if it broke, I would not be able to afford to replace it. Now, I work a full time job, and I work alot. 50-60 hours a week usually, and that is on top of having to maintain a residence. I told this guy he could come over to my house and use this item, but he would have to pay me back by helping me perform some chores around my house, nothing major, just doing some raking and yard pickup...End result ? I spent an entire afternoon helping this dude only to see him split as soon as he got what he wanted done.

Than two weeks ago I loaned a friend a portable hard drive that had a backup copy of my iTunes library (one of three total backup copies I had)..I am talking 300-400 gigs of music here. I specifcally told him to import the tunes using iTunes from the hard drive, and not to load anything else onto the hard drive at all. During this time I lost power, and when we got power back I found that the drive that held my primary iTunes library and the drive that had my second backup iTunes library somehow became corrupted, maybe due to an electrical spike.

I get the HD back containing what I thought was my last backup copy of my iTunes library, only to find that this idiot had basically used it for other things during the time he had it and essentially erased my last copy. Now I am looking at spending the next year reimporting all of my cd's I have, and trying to find some of the other stuff I had on there (videos, concert bootlegs, etc).

So to all you borrowers out there, you have just lost a rather generous "lender" due to your irresponsibility and stupidity. Going forward, I hope that those that read this and like to borrow things from people learn the lesson to treat things that do not belong to you better.


The Miser.

Wow, you need to have that tattoo that says "sucker" removed from your forehead.


There are FOUR lights!
Lent my rototiller to a buddy. He brought it back after breaking both
drive belts and using all my gas. Barely a thank you.

Altleast he could have filled the can. (the belts were old)
Who knows how he treated it when he was using it. NO MORE.


Power Armor rules
The easiest ways to lose things is to let someone you know borrow them. It's the worst for books because after someone reads it they could care less what happens. Pricks.



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Never trust others to take care of your things like you would. I recently invested in another man' startup business, he was in such dire straights he was 1 day for being homeless and heading home to mommy and daddy's house (He is in his mid to late 30's). We drew up a contract, I paid for a week at a hotel, invested the start up capital, paid for a few months of advertising ALL upfront. He gave me 29% of the business and we had payment timelines set up. He also agreed to pay me back the week at the hotel and advertising as soon as possible.

Yes you guessed it, NO money yet, in fact he is upset HE offered me 29% of the company and is semi-threatening to start a new company and dissolve the old one since he believes that will then wash his hands of the old contract's obligations.

People lie cheat and steal all the time and most are useless sheepels, I could not agree with the OP more. I NEVER will help anyone out again, loan items or money. I might add I have a friend who owns a bail bond business and knows a few "people" who can help me out in my situation, I may or may not use this "individual".....still considering the Karma but very tempted to pay him to go and "visit" this guy.

Fuck em, I will just use the great American motto.............I'll get mine........ fuck you!

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