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Would you grow with an unknown seed strain?


New member
As a newbie to growing I started using some seeds from a four month old dried up large bud. I really did it on a whim and before you know it I had three nice seedlings coming up.

So I grabbed some more seeds and threw these in some Rockwool the other day (I did not germinate them outside the Rockwool) and I'm sitting a waiting for the next batch.

My question is: Other than my soil w/nutes bag, T5 light, and a small fan I don't have any considerable investment in my first grow. Plus I'm also doing some veggie's for the garden.

However if I can manage to take these plants to flower and through the drying period I'll have more money invested as I need more space. By then I'll make the decision if I want to drop $100-$200 on some seeds from a bank bought oversees.

I hope I'm doing this properly and my learning curve can be a minimal monetary investment until I get this right? But I don't see a "seasoned grower" ever investing time in a seed that they didn't know what it was, well unless they just did it for "fun".

Who knew growing could be such fun? :yay:
you have to think that you are investing your time and money into this seed which may come from crap genetics. Quality seeds don't usually run you more then $10 per, so it really is a small investment that can pay substantial dividends down the line (in both yield and quality). I prefer to grow feminized seeds, because once again I dont want to invest my time and limited grow space for males that I will need to kill


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
you have to think that you are investing your time and money into this seed which may come from crap genetics.

Or it could be the finest stuff you've ever smoked. Only once in the last 40 some years have I found weed equal to the $10 an oz dirt weed of my youth and that was 7-8 years ago. no seeds :badday:

Whether it smokes well or not, you'll still learn the basics of growing and will be better prepared for "quality" genetics.


I started with mex brick weed seed just to see if I could grow
now I'm ready try better seeds as soon as I have room
1st grow 1 or more plants Hermied whole crop was seeded
I reveged the best plants just to see if I could then took
clones so now I need more space the immature seeded
crop was almost as good as the brick the seeds came from


Active member
Or it could be the finest stuff you've ever smoked. Only once in the last 40 some years have I found weed equal to the $10 an oz dirt weed of my youth and that was 7-8 years ago. no seeds :badday:

Whether it smokes well or not, you'll still learn the basics of growing and will be better prepared for "quality" genetics.

I agree with both these lines of thought, but, it's ok to learn your chops on some bag seeds. By the end of this, you'll have a decision made if you want to continue on with this or not. I would not base my decision on the quality of smoke you're growing now, but you'll probably be pleased as long it wasn't total bunk the seeds came from. If the bud that seed came from smelled good, looked good, tasted good and worked good, it'll probably be good pot. I had some accidental seeds (actually a lot of them) from my last grow. It was 6 different strains and I'm not real sure who hermied on me. I did take a seed from a Nirvana Swiss Cheese cross with who knows what (your choice of 5 others). That plant is in day 28 of flower right now and is showing tons of buds coming up.. branched nice and looks like it's gonna yield some interesting smoke of some quantity... we'll see in about 4 or 5 weeks (I hope). Good luck to you.. do research (use the search option on ICM).. make good educated decisions and try to not do anything stupid.. you'll be good.

mgk :tiphat:


I think if they come from the killer buds, they may be ok to check out...this year I'll make one big hole and put some unknown and other seeds into it...you're still able to find some nasty genetics


Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary....
As a newbie to growing I started using some seeds from a four month old dried up large bud. I really did it on a whim and before you know it I had three nice seedlings coming up.

So I grabbed some more seeds and threw these in some Rockwool the other day (I did not germinate them outside the Rockwool) and I'm sitting a waiting for the next batch.

My question is: Other than my soil w/nutes bag, T5 light, and a small fan I don't have any considerable investment in my first grow. Plus I'm also doing some veggie's for the garden.

However if I can manage to take these plants to flower and through the drying period I'll have more money invested as I need more space. By then I'll make the decision if I want to drop $100-$200 on some seeds from a bank bought oversees.

I hope I'm doing this properly and my learning curve can be a minimal monetary investment until I get this right? But I don't see a "seasoned grower" ever investing time in a seed that they didn't know what it was, well unless they just did it for "fun".

Who knew growing could be such fun? :yay:

I'm not one much for growing from seed anyway, I have usually gotten clones from a friend/mentor. I actually just made my first seed order on this site....my friend has told me in the past that some of the best pot he ever smoked was from an unknown seed. Some genetics you see on this site came from something similar to what you have mentioned here... i.e it was from a bag of dope. Grow ém out and take clones so you won't be p.o'd at yourself for not saving that lady! That's what my boy says....Good luck with it.

And yes, most days growing is fun...alot more fun than sitting in that cubicle I used to share with my no-talent-12-sandwich-a-day-ass-clown-boss!!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I never grew / grow bagseed

I say just buy some cannacopia or chimera or mandala or mr nice. ( so many cheap strains )

to say use bagseed first is a confidence killer... just read up some before planting and you'll be ok. if you want to be super ok, just buy some FFOF and it will grow the seed for you practically

but you need to decide if you want to grow the bagseed as like some people say, it might be good genetics, I'm just picky and need to know what I grow


We are Farmers
I would say for me it depends on what was spent to set up the grow, spending $1200 on a setup to grow bag seeds seems foolish to me but on the other hand if you cobble together a grow on the cheap then bag seed makes sense. Good genetics can be had on the cheap, go to seed bou and do an advanced search and set the price cap at $25. For a first grow I would (and did) spend more to get easy to grow strains Like GN's White Castle and NL #5.


New member
I honestly don't mind an unknown strain. A unknown strain can give you a challenge with growing it. At the moment I am growing 7 unknown strains....


Most indoor bag seed I would suspect is due to herm-ing. Having grown out seeds that had a herm lineage I have been able to select plants that didn't have tendencies to herm. Given that and the fact that some great strains are known to be hermie prone anyway, I'd grow out an unknown bean. Could end up being really good pot, and if it's not it will have given you a cheap education for when you are ready to grow outa few killer beans in the future.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
imho nothing wrong with growing bagseed.. Isnt that where the chem line came from seed? it all starts from a seed.. Some are fortunate to either live near where they can purchase clones, and or know someone that has clones of the "elites" Dont get me wrong its nice to have elites, but a growing a seed and waiting to see whats under her skirt, Is like when ya first really looked under that skirt SHWING~~!!! some say not, i say lazy... :D just kidding lazy folk.. :D... And like rEdSkeTti says before me ill grow any seed thrown my way mj, squash, chili, etc... :D peace n pufs...



I'd grow bagseed any time. Maybe not exclusively though, best to have something more reliable as well just in case.
Itsa weed

I am the king of cheep gear. I'll grow anything you throw at me too. If you need your daily meds: Invest. You wanna supply the hood with 100# every ninety days: Invest. You like a little smoke, dont mind staring at a three inch tall plant... with six leaves, for an hour or two, if you like to tinker and flitter and fuss with shit (and aint a tweeker) home grow is a great hobby. You prone to paranoia? Practice with some 'Mater seeds ... The only thing to really know is: Dont tell. Dont show. Dont be stupid an act like you have a new wing at teh playboy mansion named after you. AND PLEASE, when you end up with a few seeds in your first grow, dont name it and try to sell it on seed bay... somebody like me may end up buying your 'designer seeds' ten for $ten.

I grow cacti. easier.



I'm not one much for growing from seed anyway, I have usually gotten clones from a friend/mentor. I actually just made my first seed order on this site....my friend has told me in the past that some of the best pot he ever smoked was from an unknown seed. Some genetics you see on this site came from something similar to what you have mentioned here... i.e it was from a bag of dope. Grow ém out and take clones so you won't be p.o'd at yourself for not saving that lady! That's what my boy says....Good luck with it.

And yes, most days growing is fun...alot more fun than sitting in that cubicle I used to share with my no-talent-12-sandwich-a-day-ass-clown-boss!!

I agree with this. Some of my best was bag seed. Hell what do you have to lose but a little time? How else do you learn the basics ?
Most people I know have done a round or two of bagseed. Its a pretty good idea for people jus gettin into the hobby. Can learn to actually read the plant and that such stuff. Everything was bagseed at some point or another.


Active member
use them as a practice run. if the bud they came out of was nice, you might get a nice strong female. they could hermi slightly, so pick off the balls if theres only a few and bin the really bad ones.

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