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WHY@HOW Does Weed Affect Your Memory?

My long term memory rules. Sometimes I space out but that happened a long time before I ever smoked too. It probably happens a little more after smoking heavily but I think that is due to being in an altered state of consciousness rather than some destructive action on the brain or something. I think Cannabis improves long term memory and can have an immediate but finite effect on short term memory.


Active member
after that i walk around like i have dementia, going in to the kitchen when i needed to go to the toilet

you mean like pissing in the sink & crapping in the fridge ?


Active member
i dont care about remembering everything and i remember everything i want to remember (and need to remember as it turns out)

3g a day man.


The PTSD post semi hit on this...

You do not want to remember everything. Part of your brains many (miraculous) functions is storing some info and disgarding others.

60 minutes did a piece on a woman who could recall her EVERYDAY. What she ate Nov 15th 1989, a major event of that day, etc.
They said they had only found a few people with her 'super recall', she was well adjusted, some people were not.

Think if it were possible to remember how much pain you felt when you broke your arm, broke up with your first love, etc?

The memory is an interesting and poorly understood creature.

On a bit of a tangent, yet still related, there was a solder in WW1 who had uncontrollable shakes, and would not respond to words, food, water, English, french, nothing, except the word grenade (his response being to duck for cover). Ive seen a video of him from 3 different sources, but ive never found a name or something i could search.

lost in a sea

well for one thing it changes what you denote as important enough to remember,, because you obviously think differently when your high,, so the normal things you pay attention to on a higher level go out of the window and you retain less reference to them and their place,,

most people find their creative right brain becomes more active when high so alot of the things you think and inevitably will remember are more concepts of philosophical thinking or just colourful images and things you find funny as well as things that are expressive like music,,

if something novel is raised to the level of importance where serotonin is released into a synapse in the brain around 5 times then the synapse will bud off and form another junction, then you will remember it for ever and it will be woven into the web of your other memories which is why a smell or a sound can bring so much other sensory information and memories flooding back, because that neural pathway of the brain has been accessed, a bit like deja vous,,


It's nice to see that other people have some of the same experiences I do. I am a relatively young man and had short-term memory problems long before I ever smoked herb for the first time and during my years-long hiatus from the beloved plant. I have noticed that with different kinds of weed and after smoking different amounts I might occasionally loose my train of thought and often be unable to find it again. On the other hand I once got ahold of what I was led to believe was Super Lemon Haze and the first time I smoked it by myself I was struck with inspiration while curiously looking at a very normal object and spent the next several hours designing, drawing, and redesigning an invention that I hope to one day have the resources to make a prototype of. And no, I am not an engineer of any kind. At the same time, while completely baseline I am well known for forgetting what I'm talking about in mid-sentence. It sounds comical but I have no idea how many ideas have just left me forever as a result.

It seems to me that smoking herb seems to kind of mix the conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind is only capable of processing and controlling so much. The subconscious on the other hand is far less controllable (or difficult to control) and I believe is capable of thinking of a great deal more at any given time that we are not actually aware of. Imagine that you wish to observe the flowing water in a river, but you're only able to view the water through a jeweler's loupe. Every molecule of water is a single bit of information flowing freely through, around, and with every other molecule. When you are focused on a task, that's the same as focusing your jeweler's loupe on one section. As we know though, the mind wanders sometimes and thats when you're just moving the loupe around. The thoughts are all there, you can only perceive so much of your own thought at any given time.


Kush, Sour Diesel, Puday boys
Its because of the location of the receptors in your brain to which THC binds itself. They are located in the section of the brain which controls memory and motor control(anyone else get the wobbly knees when smoking sour or chem?)

that documentary that discusses weed, and potato growing had an excellent explanation of it. Ill try to find it for you if I get time.


Hey Krunch, Nice thread. What are you growing this time around. What day are you on?


Active member
like some of the others in here said i had memory problems since i was a little kid. that empty room syndrome shit was my whole life. someone would tell me to go do something or get something and by the time i took 5 steps i would have forgotten that shit 9 times out of 10. sometimes it comes back sometimes i would catch a hard smack and a reminder of what i was told to do. like olun said up there when i smoke certain kinds of weed i can more easily put my thoughts down on something tangible.

for instance when im drawing when im high on some good sativa i can actually see what i want to draw like that guy on heroes the tv show if any of you have ever seen it. this guy would shoot up heroin and then have these visions and wake up in a trance and create some beautiful art. its like that for me, i can literally see what i want to draw on the paper like faint outlines and i just fill in the blanks.


As far as how the how and why of cannabis affecting my memory, I've been told that, um, as far as, uh, cannabis affects, my, ummm, what?


Stress Tester/Plant Torturer
i have never had a memory effect. shit makes me horny though!

GOOOOOOD FUCKING GAAAWD YES!.... I thought I might be the only one....

I could go all night sometimes... the wife is done QUICK....

MY memory was shit before I ever started to consume Cannabis...

Stick that in your pipe and smoke that shit!




GOOOOOOD FUCKING GAAAWD YES!.... I thought I might be the only one....

I could go all night sometimes... the wife is done QUICK....

MY memory was shit before I ever started to consume Cannabis...

Stick that in your pipe and smoke that shit!

I knew a couple that split because of this issue, she was SMOKIN' hot, tall, blonde, big cans, nice legs, pretty face, the whole package, great personality. He was great guy, not my type though (lol). Anyway, he dealt hash, they'd get high alot, and she could care less about fucking when she was high, whereas he was like most of us guys, ready to rock with a brain full of headies. She'd jump him no sweat if straight, but high, frostbite. They split, and I just shook my head. How could a sex machine like that go "nun" when high. Still don't understand.

I like sex anytime, anywhere with my wife, but a really good buzz puts a nice spin on EVERYTHING.

cyber echo

Had some strains where I'd smoke a joint and after its done I'd start looking for it to smoke it.
Or where I'd stand up and find 2-3 joints falling off my lap.
Doesn't happen to me very often though