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Why growing with partners wont work...let's hear your opinion



Friend of mine, older gent, getting near his 80s now. He used to grow until his teenage son found them and took them all. Family can be hell!


To Have More ... Desire Less
in god we trust...all others pay CASH....
trust no one but U'r self, the blame game is much easier that way...


lol, "rub 'em out". I'd expect better ideas from someone with bubbles as their avatar. The only thing that needs to be rubbed out are suggestions that violence has any place in growing weed. Take that shit south of the border and go join a cartel hombre.


Active member
PARTNERS SUCK. Bottom line.

ive had a partner 4 times in my 10 years of growing.

1st time went swimmingly. 10 years ago. it was small, 1K in my bedroom. we were roommates and split everything 50/50 at first. built a 3.5 x 5ft room inside my bedroom with a secret access from my closet. did that for a whole winter/spring. we all moved out of the house that summer. the partnership was cool. too bad he ripped off a 10 lb outdoor harvest of mine three years ago, while i was out of town, fucking JUNKIE.....

2nd time i was so disgusted with this dude i just cut ties with him, leaving him with a 1200w grow full of chemD. yeah, i lost out about a pound of Chem, a 600w light and hood/ballast. oh well. it felt great knowing i didnt have to deal with this dude anymore.

3rd partner was this crazy ass hoodrat i have known all my life. she had an empty room and needed some extra cash flo. i had all the equip, set up a 1200 vert. all she had to do was water these 8 plants. she fucked up everything possible; letting plants dry out, somehow got the 12/12 schedule messed up and didnt notice it until i did, and got evicted on day 50 of flower!!!!! lol. luckily got all my shit out.

4th partnership just got finished up. two harvests, 4k first time, 6k second time. he was senior citizen(well, 58), with cancer. everything was fine until last week.after we split the harvey up, he decided i didnt deserve to get my equipment back, because HE fucked up his floor by not keeping the Blumat rez full, causing runaways. it took about a week of constant texting and phone calls to get my shit back. motherfucker left it on my front steps, while i wasnt home, instead of putting it in the garage, 1 ft away. lol. muthafukas gonna get his, but revenge is a dish best served cold.

even though i came out way ahead with this last grow, and it was helpful since my 1600w at home was all seeded at the time, i probably will never have a 50/50 partner again, they are all fools in the end.



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
If one person knows what you do AT LEAST 10 do and doing simple math will show that eventually the wrong person will find out as well.

Enough Said
Mr Wags


Active member
"]If one person knows what you do AT LEAST 10 do and doing simple math will show that eventually the wrong person will find out..."

no offense intended but this is an illogical argument... where does the "if one knows 10 people know" number come from?? was it picked arbitrarily or was some complex mathematetic equation used that takes into account human nature as a whole? because if it was picked out of a hat, it doesnt hold much wait as an argument imo

Id say partners are a bad idea generally speaking.. why do it if you dont need to? unneccassary risk imho... but thats not to say someone cant find a trustworthy, honest and dependable partner out there.. im sure there are a few in the several billion people on the planet..
id just advise against partnering with those who: do hard drugs, have $ problems/stresses, have tumultuous personal relationships, or just dont have their shit together in general.
if they arent running their own life succesfully, id venture to say they probably wont be able to help you run your grow succesfully either..
my two cents


Active member

if we all did rigorous screening of people we are considering entering into a partnership with, quite a lot of our stresses would be eliminated. if i would have followed the guidelines above, both of the negative parnterships would have been avoided.



********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
"]If one person knows what you do AT LEAST 10 do and doing simple math will show that eventually the wrong person will find out..."

no offense intended but this is an illogical argument... where does the "if one knows 10 people know" number come from?? was it picked arbitrarily or was some complex mathematetic equation used that takes into account human nature as a whole? because if it was picked out of a hat, it doesnt hold much wait as an argument imo

Id say partners are a bad idea generally speaking.. why do it if you dont need to? unneccassary risk imho... but thats not to say someone cant find a trustworthy, honest and dependable partner out there.. im sure there are a few in the several billion people on the planet..
id just advise against partnering with those who: do hard drugs, have $ problems/stresses, have tumultuous personal relationships, or just dont have their shit together in general.
if they arent running their own life succesfully, id venture to say they probably wont be able to help you run your grow succesfully either..
my two cents

Typhoid Mary was one person who everyone thought could not harm many... Thousands of deaths later they thought maybe there something going on here. If you for a second think that having your best friend who will NEVER snitch work with you just wait until he gets a nice sit down and see how quickly he sings.

illogical argument you say BULLSHIT it has been seen here many times in the past and I assure you will be proven many more times in the future.

No offense taken but to say the words illogical after what I and we have seen all these years struck a wrong cord for there have been many members here who now sit in PRISON who thought the same thing. He's my bestest bud he won't tell a soul.

My Penny
Mr Wags


3rd-Eye Jedi
lol threads like this make me laugh

the reason most growers don't work well in partnerships is because they have serious issues

yeah before you get all defensive hear me it cause its fucking true

face it majority people are growing because they need medicine (you suffer a physical, mental or spiritual illness) or they want fast seemingly easy money (financial desperation or simply greed)

see there are plenty of human beings who work in concert, synergistic, creating a scenario where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts

and this what we all envision when we want a partnership

but what usually happens in a partnership is a stark contrast and this has everything to do with people who are simply not prepared to make a partnership work

think about it. why do people NEED partners?

because they cannot be self sufficient on their own

so normally in this game partners are people who need each others resources in some way to be able to put together a show

when you start to look at the variables that are normally present when people make a partnership and compare them to healthy partnerships that exist in the real world you can note a difference

the fact of the matter is if a partnership fails both are to blame regardless and this is the type of community that you will never hear someone call out a bad partnership and take any ownership for their own contribution to failure

even if it was a bad choice to choose a partner or partnership in the first place

its a defective mindset to think you can change the world by putting the focus on what others do wrong

you can help people understand their own failures for future benefit but you can't build a business on hopes you can change and control people

you can only influence people

the only one you truly control is yourself and that is where all ownership needs to be if you want to be able to make this like partnerships in this game really work
well i just joined a new partnership in the last week. Kind of forced into it but i Need to keep growing medicine so.... I am providing the equipment and knowledge. He provides the House and the funds. We are going to split 50/50. So far things are fine and we seem like we have things worked out. What i was wanting to hear some input on is the stuff that one needs to watch out for in a partnership. What are the signs that things are going down hill? What are some problems or arguments that people ran into? Im just trying to get a feel for what we DONT need to do. Would like to keep our relationship as good as possible!


I feel nothing and it feels great
well i just joined a new partnership in the last week. Kind of forced into it but i Need to keep growing medicine so.... I am providing the equipment and knowledge. He provides the House and the funds. We are going to split 50/50. So far things are fine and we seem like we have things worked out. What i was wanting to hear some input on is the stuff that one needs to watch out for in a partnership. What are the signs that things are going down hill? What are some problems or arguments that people ran into? Im just trying to get a feel for what we DONT need to do. Would like to keep our relationship as good as possible!

hate to burst your bubble, but i found myself in the same situation as you about a year 1/2 ago. i had the knowledge/cash and he had the space/cash

everything was great at the beginning, like always

but before too long, i found myself (and still find myself) doing 90% of the work and still having to split everything 50/50

i hope your situation turns out differently but like alot of guys have said in this thread already........ most of the time, partners just dont pan out

Zen Master


just do the grow yourself and take your 50%... dont rely on them for ANYTHING. Deal with the fact you're giving away 50% of your work because its a means to an end and you'll be much happier just grinding through the shitty work days (trimming)... If you rely on them to do so much as make sure the timer is still set to 12/12 you'll end up at each others throats.

if you want to, teach and inform them along the way. If they dont really care, dont bother trying.


Active member
Typhoid Mary was one person who everyone thought could not harm many... Thousands of deaths later they thought maybe there something going on here. If you for a second think that having your best friend who will NEVER snitch work with you just wait until he gets a nice sit down and see how quickly he sings.

illogical argument you say BULLSHIT it has been seen here many times in the past and I assure you will be proven many more times in the future.

No offense taken but to say the words illogical after what I and we have seen all these years struck a wrong cord for there have been many members here who now sit in PRISON who thought the same thing. He's my bestest bud he won't tell a soul.

My Penny
Mr Wags

Not saying your wrong... i have seen/known lots of people who have turned states evidence (sometimes without even being in real trouble). i was just saying that your argument was illogical.
If i were to refine your argument id say, even one person knowing is to many because that person could rat... you never really know what people are gonna do when shit hits the fan, unless youve been thru it with them before...
saying if one person knows then ten will know is just an arbitrary number and doesnt do anything to make the argument stronger...

You are right, sometimes one person knowing is one person to many... and you get robbed, incarcerated, or both...
its a gamble, as many things are....
no disrespect intended, ive been wrong before and could be wrong about this...just my two cents
yup people are convenience oriented .. if its a choice of u or them its always u bar none .. taking that chance is not an option .. u cant grow from jail always remember that .. people are trouble when it comes to the love of money .. go figure it really ain't about the weed ..
so me vote if for the loner ..

ss ..


Funny... everyone wants the piece of the pie... but it is you that takes the risk, puts up the money and time. Your a broke ass and they know this but let you do the construction anyways by yourself, and then when everything is said and done... they want a piece because they were there in verbal support. Fuck that.. I feel like the red hen and have decided... fuck it. I did it... and it is all mine!

TB Gardens

Active member
Partners are just part of the biz, beyond initial costs it really comes down to the extra set of hands.. At least that's what I've learned to value most. Over the years I've worked with a few different ppl, the best will always be the ones who are interested ... The ones who initiate the "teaching sessions" or pulling shifts in the gardens. As soon as someone starts losing interest, or is making 1 excuse for a missed work day it's pretty much over. In my book, partners have to be as passionate about this as I am. Simple as that. Find someone else that has gardens on his mind 24/7 & you'll find a good partner.

And ya, I never been in business with anyone that I didn't know since elementary school. Small towns can have big benefits.

Right now I split crops 50/50 with partner, it's his house, we split elec bill, we split hydro store bills, I sourced genetics & brought the know how to run a small business efficiently & effectively.

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Funny... everyone wants the piece of the pie... but it is you that takes the risk, puts up the money and time. Your a broke ass and they know this but let you do the construction anyways by yourself, and then when everything is said and done... they want a piece because they were there in verbal support. Fuck that.. I feel like the red hen and have decided... fuck it. I did it... and it is all mine!

dam right no truer words were ever said .. u cant grow from jail ..

ss ..