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How did/will they weigh you out when you got busted


How did they weigh you out when you got busted? Did they weigh the root ball and everything ? Did they weigh you out when it was dry or wet or weigh it on your court date or day busted or what ? The reason I ask in my state there is a VERY fine line and if you are over you get a MMS of triple time and there would be a big difference between a wet weighed plant and a dry one. Please share your experiences and not trying to be a ass but I don't want to hear about your brothers cousin's friends mom's sister that got hit. I would like to know about personal experiences. Thanks


technically i think they can do anything they want.

One time I was charged with possession over an ounce for around 35 plants, decent size. no dried herb around

Other time only dried herb was counted for weight and the plants were counted and used for manufacturing charges.


They weigh whole plants cut at the dirt. When and where they weigh it depend on the amount. If you have hundreds then they weigh it elsewhere, but if you have only a few (and they have the hanging scales) they will by weighted and be a number in a note book before you can say they aren't mine.

You think they trim, dry, and cure your shit before they weigh it? They don't give 2 fucks weather you get 100 days or 100 years.

Some states they stopped weighing all together. They summarizes(Very badly) Most southern states, 1 plant with a sustainable root system = 1 lbs.

Flower Felon

New member
Where I was at, there were two weighings. The first was following the bust and weighed at the police lab. That number generated an indictment charge since my state goes by weight and not plant number. The lab chemist took a .3 gram sample to test for THC. Once positive, they weighed the entire content of what was taken. That included roots, stalks, leaves and remnants of promix and perlite. The second weighing was done prior to trial and I was able to have my own expert reweigh it in front of the police chemist. Several photos were taken to show the inclusion of promix, perlite, roots, etc.

It depends entirely on how the laws are written in your state as to whether or not byproduct can be included. The state I got busted in excludes roots, stalks and sterile seeds, but has a "mixture" clause and the DA's often use that to entice a plea agreement. According to the Supreme Court of this particular state, it's up to the jury to decide what constitutes a mixture. On several occassions, juries in my county have included the total weight when everything was "mixed" together at the weighing. Also, the state Supreme Court has upheld that wet weight can be used because it was the weight on the date of offense. The DA will argue the offense date should be used as opposed to something weighed several months or a year later. They will even portray that the initial plant being weighed at the lab should be considered a conservative number because it already thad hours/days to dry up.

There's no simple answer to your question. It all depends on your location and precedent as to what will be included/excluded. The more conservative the area, the higher the weight will be. FYI, several chemists wanted $7,500 to "try" and do a separation of soil, byproduct and leaves. Unless you have the loot to hire a top notch chemist, you'll have to take your chances of a jury deciding what's usable and what's not. The chemist, however, will create room for your lawyer to negotiate weight if you are close to a MMS or a higher level charge. Part of the game is spending money on top flight lawyers and experts, without them you WILL be at a disadvantage but still in the game, just will be tougher to get the most favorable outcome.

Good luck with your situation!


Well-known member
very important topic, so subscribing but have no first hand experience
of course, i want no first hand experience, but will reiterate some of what has been said
what happens not only varies state by state, but by locale
what you can dig up from local sources will trump whatever you see here, your local DA and LEO practices are what you want to know about


Initially they weigh everything (including rootball) to get a larger weight to scare you and try to screw you over as much as possible...but eventually in court they get somewhat realistic and weigh from stem to cola (which is hopefully dry by then). Either way it sucks.


Active member
In my state they send over a special "trim team" which harvests the buds and carefully trims the fan and sugar leaves from the plant. Then the herb is transferred over to the drying room at our local station. Once the herb sweats out most of the moisture they send it out to the "curing lab," which in my opinion is BS, just a bunch of cops in lab coats who act like they know a lot about herb and when it's ready for market. They only give it a one week cure (really!) and then they weigh it out and pass the info on to the prosecutor and your attorney.

I've written several letters to the Chief of Police about the "curing lab" and the jokesters they got on assignment in there but he insists that a one week cure is adequate for weighing purposes.




Active member
In my state they send over a special "trim team" which harvests the buds and carefully trims the fan and sugar leaves from the plant. Then the herb is transferred over to the drying room at our local station. Once the herb sweats out most of the moisture they send it out to the "curing lab," which in my opinion is BS, just a bunch of cops in lab coats who act like they know a lot about herb and when it's ready for market. They only give it a one week cure (really!) and then they weigh it out and pass the info on to the prosecutor and your attorney.

I've written several letters to the Chief of Police about the "curing lab" and the jokesters they got on assignment in there but he insists that a one week cure is adequate for weighing purposes.



No fucking way!

If that is true, that is some shit right there lol!

when I got busted back east, they just clipped all the leaves off the plants and weighed them. Thank god they were just started weeks before I got busted.

the fuckers even used my own scale!


Well-known member
yeah, this is pretty wild, a curing lab
by the time they get their curing technique down it will probably be legal
guess what the curing lab team will be doing for employment then?


Where I was at, there were two weighings. The first was following the bust and weighed at the police lab. That number generated an indictment charge since my state goes by weight and not plant number. The lab chemist took a .3 gram sample to test for THC. Once positive, they weighed the entire content of what was taken. That included roots, stalks, leaves and remnants of promix and perlite. The second weighing was done prior to trial and I was able to have my own expert reweigh it in front of the police chemist. Several photos were taken to show the inclusion of promix, perlite, roots, etc.

It depends entirely on how the laws are written in your state as to whether or not byproduct can be included. The state I got busted in excludes roots, stalks and sterile seeds, but has a "mixture" clause and the DA's often use that to entice a plea agreement. According to the Supreme Court of this particular state, it's up to the jury to decide what constitutes a mixture. On several occassions, juries in my county have included the total weight when everything was "mixed" together at the weighing. Also, the state Supreme Court has upheld that wet weight can be used because it was the weight on the date of offense. The DA will argue the offense date should be used as opposed to something weighed several months or a year later. They will even portray that the initial plant being weighed at the lab should be considered a conservative number because it already thad hours/days to dry up.

There's no simple answer to your question. It all depends on your location and precedent as to what will be included/excluded. The more conservative the area, the higher the weight will be. FYI, several chemists wanted $7,500 to "try" and do a separation of soil, byproduct and leaves. Unless you have the loot to hire a top notch chemist, you'll have to take your chances of a jury deciding what's usable and what's not. The chemist, however, will create room for your lawyer to negotiate weight if you are close to a MMS or a higher level charge. Part of the game is spending money on top flight lawyers and experts, without them you WILL be at a disadvantage but still in the game, just will be tougher to get the most favorable outcome.

Good luck with your situation!

Thank for everyone's help but this is what I was looking for.


^^^^ Flower Felon said it all. I will agree and add, a lot has to do with how good of a lawyer you can afford and how well they can argue "useable weight" by your states standards. Be safe!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
In states where they use plant counts for purposes of charging you then your best bet is to grow a few very large plants topped out many times into big bushes plus you will get max yield this way as well. :canabis:

Yes your honor I did have 4 plants for personal use vs Yes I had 20 plants, think about it.


Active member
They busted my outdoor grow (lucky me i wasn't) they weighted all up, whole plant from the bottom of the stem to the top of the plant, it was something like 20kg and the plants weren't even budding yet lol. Dont remember the so called "Estimate street value'' but i'll give you a formula for it End product x streetvalue x 5 lol:laughing:

ps. not in the states

rick shaw

Both Chris Conrad and Ed Rosenthal provide expert witness testemony at mmj trials.The trim squad was funny.


Active member
11 years ago (the anniversary is in 3 weeks) i was busted for cultivation and i don't recall seeing anything in the paperwork involving weight...just a highly inflated count. it didn't much matter as it was my 1st offense and got off with a couple years of probation with a provision for 5 more years of good behavior and no arrests during that time and it'll be a misdemeanor...i made it!