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why does life want to be alive?


well, it seems that life often goes to some lengths to make sure it remains alive later. why?

lost in a sea

it is just down to DNA really...........very clever chemistry that has figured out methods of sensing its environment, abusing chemical reactions using various cell organelles and generally attempting to proliferate in an evolutionary arms race with its counterparts on this planet....


free your SELF
It's reaching out to the end of time, at which point the ultimate end state of all life is achieved.

It won't stop until that happens.


Take A Deep Breath
Evolution selects for it....life that doesn't self-preserve isn't as successful as life that does.

lost in a sea

yep survival of the fittest...........we are all decendants of an unbroken line of life forms that have been selected on, by different factors, to survive and procreate..........that is why it insists on it....

both men and women have biological clocks that are governed by hormones, that attempt to give you no choice, all because it worked on your antecedents....our bodies know the game better than we ever could...

humans are also eusocial creatures........like a pack animal, we desire company...... and our brains are hard wired to crave human interaction....which is another reason why we did so well colonizing this planet...

lost in a sea

now of course we have no real selection pressures..........apart from progressively less rich well educated people, and more and more poorly educated "peasants"....

survival used to be about making tools with our hands, and using them on our environment.....now we use the phone to call for a pizza delivery...


Take A Deep Breath
why does it insist on self preserving

As a general rule...it doesn't....nearly all life is extinct...all we see are the current generations of successful reproducers....the ones that weren't as stubborn to survive are all dead now.

Everything about us, and all life, is a result of evolution. We see and hear well because those amongst our population who don't are less likely to reproduce, so they get phased out.

Even altruism and self-sacrifice are evolutionary mechanisms to ensure that our genes (if not ourselves) get passed on. Historically groups of humans (or pre-humans) that showed these traits did better as a whole than groups that didn't - and those groups shared those genes as they tended to be family/tribal groups, all closely related. Over long enough time, the genes that promote that sucessful behaviour become more widespread throughout the population.

There isn't a conscious force or imperative behind it...if that is what you are asking....it's just the result of evolutionary selection over billions of generations.


There are FOUR lights!
Darwin. Life exists. Life struggles to exist. Life adapts. Or dies out.


Patient Grower
If we didn't have the will to survive, we'd all realize the futility and meaninglessness of life and commit suicide.

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