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100 push-up a day challenge

This is getting hard, my cousins officially think I am crazy as I run off into the other room to do a rep of push-ups [ I like to struggle/ suffer alone ]... " I have to get my reps in, if not now I'll be dying later..." - I yell at them. They toke and laugh, wondering what heck I could be up to this time...hehe


european ganja growers
man I suck at keeping my breathing going properly for this, I blame the counting haha

i hear ya bro i suck at the counting and breathing (i find myself holding my breth for a few:wallbash:)......am a bit sore but still going :woohoo: , am doing 80 situps 80 pushups, sets of 4 x20,,next week 100

man it dont help when you womans sitting there rippin the piss out of ya lol

keep it green
Wait a minute... I count in my head...do you mean the counting in your head messes w/ your breathing...ahhh..c i don't pay attention to my braething when i do the push-ups [ i prob should]. What is usually at the top of my mind is THE EXTREME PAIN IN MY MUSCLES...I am trying to put on some lost stomach virus weight, and then this idea 100 push-ups..who could resist a little motivation...but seriously I need to take the day off tomorrow..and switch up these exercises 'cause lately it's been getting a little harder to get outta bed in the morn...but I fall asleep better...hehe

today only 25 push -ups so far suate 50 crunches...w/e like 80 i hate counting crunches and always trail off...tomorrow rest...and possibly a light jog...

Good job everyone, thanks for keeping me motivated...THIS THREAD ROCKS!!!



cruches are pretty easy I find if you want to make it hurt like a bitch but an exercise ball between your legs and lift it above your body then do crunches. Makes your abbs ripple.


I killed the shit today 65 way up from 15 tomorrow might be a rest day.... I feel great...might take a walk after I shovel . .


ICMag Donor
Yesterday I did 10, then made a post, then went back and did 6 more. In the early evening I tried doing stair pushups. I did 25, but found that they used different muscles, like the backs of my arms (tricep?).

Today I did 15 pushups, tried to go back, but could only do 2 haha.

I think when I go for a 'max' I won't do a 2nd attempt. I think I will try the stair pushups later this evening since they are easier and seem to work on other muscles.


Supplement with protein, and eat carbs before you do your workout.

Carbs provide you the fuel, if you have no fuel, you may end up only doing 20 or 30 pushups while you may have been able to pump out 50 or 60!

I do sets of 25 or 35. I could probably do 100, but that would make me so tired that i would wanna go lay down again...and i just got up...fuck that! lol. gotta save my energy for tonight, drinkin with my lady friend...if ya know what i mean


I won't lie. Didn't do shit yesterday. Got 3/4 of an lb of pasta cookin, gonna bang out 3 sets 2nite :D
I think 55 days to 1 arm pullups.
Deader than a doorknob wondering why I can't feel my arms

Deader than a doorknob wondering why I can't feel my arms

I have the day off today.. a lot of work...might throw in a rep of each for that cheap endorphin high, it's raining so running is out but I really think i should rest....

Good luck everyone on your weekend exercises lol
Heineken up...down...bubbler...light...ufff!

Blynx gj keeping up and improving...nice! Do you do the three on the rest day, jk....but i definitely like the stair push-ups, I can tell i've been trying too hard to keep up, and the weight is just not there yet so i am unnecessarily stressing my system, i've always been athletic..but this squiggly little worm needs a nice big corn and BGH fed cow...I miss the corn-fed t-bone chock full of GMO's BVH's and all sorts of other kool acronyms.

I am going to have to do day on/ off, rest day i do an hour long w/ the dog or a jog


I was having trouble for a couple days trying to find comfortable arm positions so I was trying to put them in light with my knees cause I figure be inline with my shoulders when kneeling comfortably. Well had a thought and this works way better. Stick your arms out put your hands up like your about to bow or your trying to get a bus to stop from running you over. then with your arms straight out like that come right down to the ground with your hands exactly how they are and your hand placement will be by far the most comfortable. If I explained this in a way that makes sense it might help some of you out enjoy!


I used to rock 1 arm pullups wrappin a washcloth around a railing. Last time I tried to do one, I almost burst a blood vessel in my forehead, almost dislocated my shoulder, and demolished my ego...

54 days. I have 2 plants that should finish ~ the same time, so I'll chart my 'growth' against theirs. :D So far, I can do easy reps of what was my max at the beginning of the week. Wakin up the muscles. Gotta remember to dry the t shirts for a lil while extra to make em fit nice and tight :p

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