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Why do YOU grow organic?


Active member
i'm with ya Kubarkid, definitions are for dictionaries. using storeboughts is better than most stuff, and i encourage that behavior rather than stand on my organic soaopbox(very prone to do) and heckle. i use compost from a local company, but ive been to that companies farm many times and know what goes into it. i also incorporate dirt from my garden, wormcast and organic perlite.....which until a month ago i didnt even know organic perlite existed........didnt know perlite could NOT be organic...ya learn everyday one way or the other.

organic is great, but my overarching principle is using products that i can get real local or make/fashion myself AND provides the best conditions for my plants......besides, in light of the current status of industrial civilization and our "economy" do you think people will be going to the hydro store to lay out $$ for powerbloom3000 in 2-4 years?.....just spekul8tn


senior member
Because organic is the shit. Serious, if I could grow better buds another way I'd do it, but so far organic is the shit. That, and if I can keep my paws off it, the plants do just fine.
All that save the earth stuff is a nice side benefit, of course..........scrappy
Organic is love. Organic has soul. Organic is like preparing a divine meal with your own special touch added to the recipe, as opposed to buying a pre-made meal from the freezer aisle. Organic is like making a Get Well Soon card for a dear friend, instead of buying a Hallmark. Growing organically is of unparalleled depth.

That and honestly i like the organic soil forum better than the rest. The organic fanatic collective eats so much of my time and i enjoy every second of it. I feel that learning about growing organically helps me understand plants and the way they work better than anything.

I also grow non-organic hydro and i do enjoy that as well, I just enjoy organic soil the best.


Weed Cannasaur
I grow organics because:
1. Its easier for me to mix a soil once then mix a reservoir every few days.
2. I hate PH and EC checks.
3. I need to water less.
4. They look to my biased mind happier.
5. I find the organics top bar higher than chem in all aspects.
6. Grew both ways and found this one suits me better.
7. Its cheaper (that being the last reason)

That doesn't mean I won't grow chem, I plan on doing so pretty soon.
1. Its faster.
2. Its easier to yield more.
3. It needs less preparation in advance.
4. Its easier to use a pot for each plant, and smaller pot per plant.
5. I have 150 bucks worth of fertilizer left and its turning bad.
6. Its easier to make buds swell a LOT in the end of flowering and so the bag appeal is usually better.
7. If you run a certain formula that proven to be sound you don't have to think too much - you just add the dose and water. Once dialed in - its easier to get constant results.
8. Its cleaner.
9. I have all the gear already.


Because it's about learning a system that can be translated into growing food anywhere using what's locally available. Because it is in balance with a natural system, sustainable. Because if you start using biochar it can be part of a carbon negative cycle.
It's part of a greater whole, learning concepts rather than following directions on a package.

Because I can't believe the flavor and aromas coming from it - my god the scissor hash from fresh green beginner's stuff tastes incredible - fruit, spices... no metallic aftertaste.


Alchemical Botanist
I was into organics from the beginning, but i came from a very mechanistic background and that stunted my initial learning curve.

why i love organics
1) As much hubris as humans have, i just don't think that we can "improve" on the processes that plants and microbes have been doing for millions and millions of years. Plants certainly know how to feed themselves. All we need to do is ask them what they want and give it to them.

2) even going from soup style organics to a balanced mix of organic, but still store bought, nutrients in my own soil mix along with some teas there has been a huge difference in the smoothness and potency and flavor of my plants. next up: soil recycling and more microbial diversity via homemade EWC, compost, etc

3) if i can do what Jaykush does... only or primarily use locally sourced organic and free ingredients? That's a resounding success in life in my opinion. :D

4) other people love the smoke that we share together. I've gotten very positive feedback from patients and aficionados alike with organics. Even so far as having people who would not normally try/like it really get to finally understand cannabis and enjoy it. :)

5) As i like to know as much as possible about what i'm putting into my body i find that the shorter i keep the supply chain, the more overview i have. When it's me growing/foraging/collecting/slaughtering all my own food, then i know as much as i can about the food.

6) ^^^ that also means that my patients can count on me for quality control during all the stages of the plants life and subsequent preparation. I still have to test for molds/mildews and other contaminants, but i've found that a balanced growing environment along with strong healthy plants greatly reduces the occurrences of pathogens

7) the flavor.. oh i said that didn't i? :tiphat: it's worth mentioning again... proper lights and organic soil... you can not find flavor that i like better in any other medium. Even had some growers give me anonymous samples to try. Organic grown, done correctly, is my favorite.

8) ecological conservation/diversification all worthwhile goals in my mind

i'm high :jump:

edit: i detest that metallic after taste i get from chem grown. Burns me when people try to pass off chemmy crap as organic. Once you've had good organics you'll catch it every time. ;)

Yankee Grower

Besides what everyone else has said organics follows 'natural law'...meaning the 'laws' developed by nature over millions of years of evolution. You can manipulate things a bit but for me the further you get away from the way nature functions to worse off you will be. It's super simple actually. Nature did just fine before Advanced Nutrients came along...and this from an old 'salt' grower...lol!


Weed Cannasaur
Besides what everyone else has said organics follows 'natural law'...meaning the 'laws' developed by nature over millions of years of evolution. You can manipulate things a bit but for me the further you get away from the way nature functions to worse off you will be. It's super simple actually. Nature did just fine before Advanced Nutrients came along...and this from an old 'salt' grower...lol!
Yet there are quite a few things a lab does better than nature -
The plant doesn't have many enemies, the plants gets constant 12\12 light during flowering, the plant gets regular watering.
When the plant gets the OPTIMAL conditions (which he rarely gets in the wild) it has no worries other than growing up and have more energy to do so.


My lungs are sensitive to chem grown weed. Most of what I've bought in A'dam is hard on my lungs. The outstanding exception being buds bought at Homegrown Fantasy...just like home. Every item on there menu is organically grown. I don't enjoy the metallic aftertaste you often get toward the end of a joint of chem weed, either.

lol, I really do enjoy people like you. I'd bet a whole pound of weed you couldn't pass my blind taste test. Been growing with "chems" most of my life and the weed that results will burn just as clean as any other stuff out there grown in organics. We need to stop letting our biases be used as definitive statements. You enjoy growing organics b/c it lends towards a cleaner smoke for you, so be it, I do believe you. You saying "chem" weed will always smoke bad just isn't true.


**AWD** Aficianado
Organics will bring your risks of getting cancer down for sure, for sure for sure.

:laughing: Those who know me will se the irony in that...:ying:

I grow organic because it's cheap, totally under the radar and simple or as complicated as you wish to make it.
Personally I have grown perfectly smooth and clean toking hydro, my OPINION is that some commercial growers don't give a shit about anything but weight and like to keep them well fed until the end.

Glad this hasn't turned into the usual shitstorm yet, God I missed even the troll bait threads.


Paint Your DreamStrain
Hey Suby!

I swear that was just the weirdest thing, that cute micromachine DistortedPerceptionCar avatar popped into my peripheral and I thought for a second that I was in an old thread. Really nice to see ya Subbers!

heady blunts

prescription blunts
that's how i grow my vegetables. wouldn't do my medicine any other way!

there has to be some loss of complexity in the end product of chemically fertilized plants. the more i read about the rhizosphere, the more i believe the plant knows what's best for itself. bypassing that whole beautiful system is pretty arrogant on the part of us humans.

plus fertilizer systems are so expensive! i have to question the motivation of those companies. are they really keeping our plants best interests at heart? or are they just trying to sell as much shit as possible?