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Why do you choose this site over other MJ sites?


I came from another one which I still go to. This site is fun for the people and the growing aspect. But for politics and such Cannabis Culture is the place. But this is definitely a site for the art of growing and pretty bud.

I'm just glad some of those shit head numb nuts who talk about dog fighting and shit have kinda drifted off. I stopped coming here for a couple months cause of them. Not what this culture should be about.


I came to this site after reading International Cannagraphic magazine for awhile and figured if the magazine was that great, the forums should also be.

ICMag has the best layout, forum activity, information, community and other stuff.

I use to browse Cannabis.com but since then it's less active and I wasn't liking all their practices.

I use to browse Roll It Up but their layout sucks and the community is kind of lame.

I use to browse Grasscity's forums but you had to register to view pictures, and also too many shitty posts.

Only down side to ICMag was that it took them around 9 months to verify my account registration. I even e-mailed them twice over those 9 months and got nothing. I think they fixed that problem though.


Old School Cottonmouth
Well I'll be the first to admit I used to bitch about IC. I wasn't that crazy about this place. I came here a little while after the OG crash, and there was still a lot of paranoia, some of which involving folks on here. Also at that time IC was nowhere near the size of what it is now.

But now I'm really proud of IC. It's gotten huge and is indisputably the best mj site on the net. I go on grass city occasionally but honestly it is just for giggles. It's mostly 16 year old kids and most of their "grow mentors" would benefit from an apprenticeship from IC growers.

My only real complain about IC is it is still sort of self centered I guess. I don't know that this is the word for it but at OG there seemed to be a striving to make a productive herb community. We had the "grow faq" and the "overgrow book" and the members too writing articles for both seriously. It was about converting and teaching smokers to become growers. Truly the only real logistical attempt we have to "overgrow" the govt. And its working. The amount of small home grown gardens has EXPLODED since when OG started and it is mainly due IMHO to OG and now this place.

But I do wish members would make less diary type threads, and instead make more informative or "how to" type threads for new comers. When you get used to the grow scene you can forget how daunting it is to understand for a new comer.

I love IC but as far as I know we have still never had a community based building project like the "og faq". I really think that is the missing link, and the next step to making this place better than OG was. Those kind of things give a purpose to the amount of time we all waste here, they build a group sense of community, and last but not least they open the door to teach new growers.


the general great photography and the brilliant search engine.

also on the majority of other sites people tend to be real assholes and bitch.


Recovering UO addict.
I started out on other cannasites and they simply didn't have the resources and amount of info that icmag has..I think I followed a link to a ngb cabinet build here and the rest was history. I still go back to these other sites occasionally and try to spread the knowledge that I've learned here to other sites...(like pl-l's!)and honestly it's hard not to tell ppl "quit using this crappy site and go over to icmag, they're way better!!" ..but occasionally I do tell ppl that via pm when I have the chance...and I've probably been responsible for a few new members :woohoo:

go ICmag!

also It makes me laugh pretty good to hear ppl on other sites talk shit about how pc cases can't produce and no one ever gets more then an 1/8 out of them...rofl..*points to micro forum* here at ICmag, we know better.
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Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
I love the vibez at this site...have made quite a few friends here and there is soooo much info and forums here that everyone can enjoy!


I started out on GardensCure, great place to learn but doesnt hold much for the more advanced grower. Came over here and learned ALOT of sh!t, that has helped me produce some of the dankest herb around. This website holds the most information on genetics and growing compared to other grow boards, and theres alot of post acitivity to keep the information flowing.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
all my friends are here! and occasionally, when you run across a fukn tool, the mods let you call them 'fukn tools'!


It could be the fact that narcs, kids, and idiots inhabit the other sites
or possibly the slew of shitty information

but mostly the security issues


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
It's Family plain and simple.

Those that come here to stir up shit are quickly shown the door. If your new and are trying to learn you have THOUSANDS of people willing to try to help out.

Some say politics BUT IMO if you are trying to make a statement or a point as long as your civil about it you are allowed to do so. Now if you pick on a member or post bullshit or even start stupid threads that have nothing to do with MJ yes they are usually binned. Some are allowed like the bikini thread but even that one has been discussed in Mod rooms about binning because it strayed away from the forum RULES.

Rules are for everyone's safety. In order to prosper it is important to do your best NOT TO GIVE the non MJ folks in the world any reason to start a fire in our backyard. The Shark Tank at OG led to it's demise imo. So much hate and negativity is never a good thing in one place it breads it and then over runs the whole damn site as we witnessed in years past. This placed sucked big time when OG went down,why,because we got flooded with snot nosed disrespectful kids that wanted to be Tony Montana instead of part of the family. Now as time has past I've seen a ton of these kids get turned around and are growing some fine ass bud and MANY MANY others have been shown the door BUT it's all been done for the better good of the Family not because they were not welcome but because they showed us that they couldn't get along and follow one simple rule and that being RESPECT.

Respect here is not asked for IT'S REQUIRED. That in itself IMO is why I'm proud to call it home.

And disrespect will NEVER be allowed by anyone unless it's shown first.

In other words here at ICM you start with 100% respect and lose it or keep it as you go.



Active member
well when i first started to grow my own i was a memeber over at OG for a few years and then it just got congested and there was alot of infighting amongst oneanother over petty things so i started looking around and came across ic in there early stages, i lurked around for a few months liked what i saw an regestered and i have been here every sense! things have changed members came and went and i do visit other cannasite but there's no place like home .


Active member
cuz yukon is here!

...well he's over my shoulder constantly anyway....he likes it here, and who the fuck am i to deny him.



Active member
btw...if i had to give him up...would someone here take him?

i dont plan on it, but its a question someone asked me about, and i dont have anyone that could take him if needed.


Active member
I have tried other sites but they always seem to link back to IC for the info I am looking for. I just didn't see the point of going to a different site anymore when I always ended up here.

Owl Mirror

Active member
I enjoy the depth and breadth of experience available to those of us trying to grow our own. I don't know of any other site where I can speak directly with many of the major contributors in the Marijuana culture about growing this plant.
I joined in 2005 but, I drifted away for many years due to personal situation.
I returned after having bought seeds from Seedbay. Thanks Gypsy & Old Pink !

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