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Why do you choose this site over other MJ sites?


Active member
I didnt think Gypsy ever actually put out a physical copy of tha MAg, or is it that he just no longer does??

....I can answer this one....
....There have been a couple of issues printed....Ask Old Pink if there are any about,for sale-I'm sure there are copies left around.
It's a slick mag,comes with a DVD (in NTSC or PAL!) and it's well-done-the nicest printed canna-mag,ever,imVho.



I'm here for the bud pr0n!

Actually when I started reading mj boards I found myself spending the majority of my time reading here from various links. I think the knowledge base here is the most comprehensive on the web. The answer to virtually any question you might have about growing can be found here.

Great community too. :)


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Granted it could be better: secure only session cookies and ALL https resources (images and other links included).

Props ICMag! Thanks for a great site!

h^2 O

because Narc Hemorroid has koodies and this is international, yo! - not Van island


You guys gotta admit, ICMag's forums have one of the best layouts vs. all the other sites. Nice and clean and simple to read.

Yeah man, I miss the actual ICMagazine. It must have suffered the print media fate, but I hope you guys can bring it back or do a DVD series or something.


btw...if i had to give him up...would someone here take him?

i dont plan on it, but its a question someone asked me about, and i dont have anyone that could take him if needed.

Would if I could bro, It always makes me sad when animals have to go to shelters =(

*jumps back on topic*

I love the wealth of information here. I was never a member of OG and only went there maybe twice. So I can't make comparisons on that front. I can say that this site has been more informative than any other I've run across, Aswell as having some of the nicest people(which is basically the only reason I decided to sign up as a member instead of continuing to lurk)



Active member
Would if I could bro, It always makes me sad when animals have to go to shelters =(

*jumps back on topic*

I love the wealth of information here. I was never a member of OG and only went there maybe twice. So I can't make comparisons on that front. I can say that this site has been more informative than any other I've run across, Aswell as having some of the nicest people(which is basically the only reason I decided to sign up as a member instead of continuing to lurk)


thanks man...he's ok i promise


For me, it's the vendor forums. Being able to get direct information from vendors regarding their strains etc is awesome. The 'couple only' swingers section is pretty cool too... :grouphug:


ICMag Donor
I'm really new here, but already I love this site! The way it's set-up and the huge knowledge base is impressive. I dig the reputation point system especially. I was a huge CC fan at one time, and even though they're trying hard to improve their site, I didn't care for their censorship. And I didn't appreciate being either ignored or shouted down for posting anything that was different than what they believed to be the "norm".

I really like the way people treat each other here. There's mutual respect and a strong sense of community! :)


Devil's Advocate
I think ICMag has a much larger body of knowledge in its existing posts than other sites. Maybe more importantly, there is a large enough body of active participants on IC that pretty much any question/topic can be answered/discussed.
IC does mostly have a good vibe. And being the way I am, I unsettle the calmness sometimes, but people are civil enough for sure.
I'm a big ol fan of IC, and don't go much anywhere else. I agree with the poster above who mentioned that it would be nice to see more organized instructional material for growing mj, compared to the OG GrowFaq. There are many detailed tutorials on this site, but if we could get it more organized, it would be even more effective. Organization of info is always key.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Members: 84,405 Threads: 128,608 Posts: 2,490,073

Since early 2004........and most of them are worth reading for educational or even entertainment value......

Sometimes I feel like a mechanic that started with a basic engine and over the years we have consistently tweaked it as it has grown in performance and power to what it is today thanks to all of you other mechanics that have taken the time and effort to contribute ........

Of course it can be improved......and we all collectively will try to make it run even better into the future.......so that all old and new members can benefit from the fact that the engine is still running relatively smoothly.........and I am sure that we all hope that it will remain so......

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