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why do some people got the "munchies" when they smoke?


please help me explain.
when smoking even after meal, after smoking seems like the munchies always sneaks up
what are the causes of these? it cant be a mind game cause my stomach groans. lol

do you got the munchies when you smoke?

please help me explain.
when smoking even after meal, after smoking seems like the munchies always sneaks up
what are the causes of these? it cant be a mind game cause my stomach groans. lol
Cannabis helps secrete digestive juices that trigger hunger
It's actually helpful for people going through chemo for cancer due to vomiting, and many people with anoxeia to help them eat better
Plus a great many other things besides getting more hungry:dance013:Its all good stuff.
Just eat:laughing:


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I will tell you why in rough form.

Your brain has a receptor that communicates via cannaboids. Believe it or not your body makes cannaboids as well, and has a receptor specifically for them. Because of marijuana this receptor was found.

When you smoke weed, the cannaboids "cloud" the receptor, making it difficult for it to recieve messages from the body. One of the messages the recpetor recieves is wether or or not you are full. When you smoke the recpetor fails to find out if you are full or not, inducing the munchies.

Little rough been a while since I read, maybe I explained something wrong, but that is the jist of it.

Foud this:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

"Why pot causes the munchies

Last Updated: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 | 5:20 PM ET
CBC News

Scientists have found that marijuana-like substances naturally produced in the brain stimulate appetite. The finding not only offers clues to treating obesity but also explains why people tend to feel hungry after smoking up on pot.

* MORE SCIENCE NEWS from: cbc.ca/science

The study suggests endocannabinoids are part of the brain's complex system for controlling when and how much we eat. These chemicals are similar to the active ingredient in marijuana but don't make people high.

To find out how endocannabinoids work, scientists genetically engineered some mice so receptors in their brain couldn't respond to the chemicals. This caused mice to eat less than normal.

Smoking up an appetite

The findings support the assumption that marijuana activates receptors involved in increasing appetite.

Dr. George Kunos is the scientific director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and led the study.

Kunos said his results suggest endocannabinoids are part of the complex neural circuitry controlled by leptin, a hormone that tells the brain when it is time to lose weight. Leptin also reduces levels of other appetite-enhancing substances.

Scientists don't know how the body creates endocannabinoids or precisely how they work. But this study shows they can work independently of other appetite triggers.

Kunos suggests efforts to control weight gain or loss with a single drug likely won't work because there are many back-up systems to overcome.

The study appears in the April 12 issue of Nature."


Active member
Cannabis helps secret digestive juices that trigger hunger
It's actually helpful for people going through chemo for cancer due to vomiting, and many people with anoxeia to help them eat better
Plus a great many other things besides getting more hungry:dance013:Its all good stuff.
Just eat:laughing:

Might be good if you are a stick and bone... I hate the damn muchies. If it didnt help me sleep so good, id probably quit. Dries the fuck out of my nose, and stuffs me up something fiers too. Must be an alergic reaction...
I will tell you why in rough form.

Your brain has a receptor that communicates via cannaboids. Believe it or not your body makes cannaboids as well, and has a receptor specifically for them. Because of marijuana this receptor was found.

When you smoke weed, the cannaboids "cloud" the receptor, making it difficult for it to recieve messages from the body. One of the messages the recpetor recieves is wether or or not you are full. When you smoke the recpetor fails to find out if you are full or not, inducing the munchies.

Little rough been a while since I read, maybe I explained something wrong, but that is the jist of it.

Foud this:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

"Why pot causes the munchies

Last Updated: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 | 5:20 PM ET
CBC News

Scientists have found that marijuana-like substances naturally produced in the brain stimulate appetite. The finding not only offers clues to treating obesity but also explains why people tend to feel hungry after smoking up on pot.

* MORE SCIENCE NEWS from: cbc.ca/science

The study suggests endocannabinoids are part of the brain's complex system for controlling when and how much we eat. These chemicals are similar to the active ingredient in marijuana but don't make people high.

To find out how endocannabinoids work, scientists genetically engineered some mice so receptors in their brain couldn't respond to the chemicals. This caused mice to eat less than normal.

Smoking up an appetite

The findings support the assumption that marijuana activates receptors involved in increasing appetite.

Dr. George Kunos is the scientific director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and led the study.

Kunos said his results suggest endocannabinoids are part of the complex neural circuitry controlled by leptin, a hormone that tells the brain when it is time to lose weight. Leptin also reduces levels of other appetite-enhancing substances.

Scientists don't know how the body creates endocannabinoids or precisely how they work. But this study shows they can work independently of other appetite triggers.

Kunos suggests efforts to control weight gain or loss with a single drug likely won't work because there are many back-up systems to overcome.

The study appears in the April 12 issue of Nature."
This is rough form?:laughing:
Nice!:thank you:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
last night 9 40 pm. an extra large pizza arrives

10:10 pm, I am throwing out the box

I am blaming it on munchies


I don't get munchies, and haven't ever since the first few weeks of beginning to smoke pot, back when I was in high school. This is regardless of strain, or how much indica or sativa it contains, whatever... so I personally believe that people get the munchies because they've read that they are supposed to get them.

In other words, mostly placebo.

(This is just my opinion).


In search of Genetics
i was told mj takes the sugar levels of your body down and makes u have munchies

That actually makes sense to me.

I have a relative who has been smoking for 40 years, he has diabetes and his doctor is constantly on him about smoking irresponsibly and dropping his sugar levels like crazy!


PK- thanks for your "rough form" of explanation
guess with scientific facts you cant be wrong. :tiphat:

I don't get munchies, and haven't ever since the first few weeks of beginning to smoke pot, back when I was in high school. This is regardless of strain, or how much indica or sativa it contains, whatever... so I personally believe that people get the munchies because they've read that they are supposed to get them.

In other words, mostly placebo.

(This is just my opinion).

The 1st time i ever smoke, i didnt read up or "to be told" to have the munchies. and i still got it!!!!!
you know its not a mind game when your stomach groans,
its weird because i have a friend that smokes 24/7.
wake up he smokes for breakfast, lunchtime he smokes for lunch, dinner time he smokes before he eats n every break time. basically smoke every 2 hrs of the day.. and he doesn't eat

i get sleepy when i use to smoke before, smoke and then knock out for 10-12 hr of great night sleep.:cathug:
now i learn to stay awake and enjoy it for a while.


Well, like I said, it happened to me, too, when I first started smoking. But after a few weeks went by I don't remember it really ever happening. I almost want to go so far as to say that, for me, it's an appetite suppressant. But when I'm not so high anymore, my appetite comes back fierce!

So I wonder if it only gives us the munchies when we are not used to having cannabinoids in our system, and after that, it's more like power of suggestion.

B. Self Reliant

Well, like I said, it happened to me, too, when I first started smoking. But after a few weeks went by I don't remember it really ever happening. I almost want to go so far as to say that, for me, it's an appetite suppressant.

Me too! People come by my house and look into my fridge and say, "what do you eat?!" because there's never anything in there. I pretty much live off of white tea and cannabis.

If I run dry and then start smoking again though, that's a different story. . .
I don't know about munchies, but I feel like my brain isn't receiving a signal telling me my stomach is full, so I continue chomping brainlessly.

pine boy

My friend got a gram of some (suposedly)g-13 yesterday.we toked my doobie and were chillin.Then we smoked a bowl of his g-13.
we started talking about burgers,bacon ,grilled cheeze Mmmm.....
Munchies are awsome but all I got to do was salivate...No food.Fuck
in 35yo been smoking since i was 13 and way past the munchies when i was young and on probation for street racing my ride i had to goto drug classes and that was the answer i was given bout lowering blood sugars and stuff


Active member
munchies is always there for me, i can fight it or indulge it and quite a few times ate and ate and ate untill i couldnt really move and felt like i was going to pop, think the next morning i was still full and threw up, my god that was a relieving feeling.

@ moonchild, say for the first hour or so after smoking, your too busy being fucked out your brains, if you let it start to wear off a little.. then munchies will come. your still affected by the cannabis and it is the cannabis causing those fierce munchies.
i imagine its the same for most people.


*Stoned User*
When you smoke weed, the cannaboids "cloud" the receptor, making it difficult for it to recieve messages from the body. One of the messages the recpetor recieves is wether or or not you are full. When you smoke the recpetor fails to find out if you are full or not, inducing the munchies.

The munchies(hunger) is caused by cannabinoids but the cannabinoids act more as an initiator than a blocker of information.The signal that you are hungry is transfered by the cannabinoid to the receptor which relays that info to the body. Even from a young age we are introduced to different cannaboids, one of which is found in mother's milk.

Starting from birth, cannabinoids are present in mother's milk [135], where they initiate the eating process. If the activity of endocannabinoids in the mouse milk is inhibited with a cannabinoid antagonist, the newborn mice die of starvation. As life proceeds, endocannabinoids continuously regulate appetite, body temperature, reproductive activity, and learning capacity.

~Interesting Read~

one Q

I like to have a bunch of healthy shit to munch on in the case of munchies. You will forget how good grapefruit (not the C99 pheno) is or watermelon or peaches... or some almond butter with bananas and chocolate chips when youre always slamming down XXLpizzas when your high. Not a dis to ppls that DO this cause I have done this also.