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Why do people who have never consumed eddibles, insist on eating more than one???


Awww.... I always feel bad for people who have a bad experience like that. Poor girl. I've always heard that you cant overdose on THC..... Sooooo wrong!

you can't overdose on THC. Unless you consider OD'ing passing out and maybe getting a stomach ache? I consider OD'ing meaning serious physical harm to you...like death, or near it. 9 times out of 10 requiring you to visit the hospitol.

I read somewhere some scientists injected monkeys with PURE THC and they were fine. And we're not talking a big 4-5 hundred pound gorilla here, just a normal monkey.
you can't overdose on THC. Unless you consider OD'ing passing out and maybe getting a stomach ache? I consider OD'ing meaning serious physical harm to you...like death, or near it. 9 times out of 10 requiring you to visit the hospitol.

I read somewhere some scientists injected monkeys with PURE THC and they were fine. And we're not talking a big 4-5 hundred pound gorilla here, just a normal monkey.

I'm a serious med user and in my opinion eating medibles can get you seriously stoned.
I've never been scientifically tested, since i'm not a monkey or guerilla :dunno:
Perhaps it depends how strong you make them or get them?
To me sometimes it feels almost like a mushroom high.

Of course I have never gone into the emergency room with the complaint that I O.D.'ed on brownies.:laughing:
Wasn't talkin' THAT kind of over indulged.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Has anyone noticed a buildup of effects over a 3 or 4 day period?

Mr. M

Yea, there have been many times that I've felt the effects for extreamly extended periods of time after eating eddibles for days straight. For me, it gets to the point where Im like..... Ok.... I wanna feel normal again.

you can't overdose on THC. Unless you consider OD'ing passing out and maybe getting a stomach ache? I consider OD'ing meaning serious physical harm to you...like death, or near it. 9 times out of 10 requiring you to visit the hospitol.

I read somewhere some scientists injected monkeys with PURE THC and they were fine. And we're not talking a big 4-5 hundred pound gorilla here, just a normal monkey.

Yes... you can overdose on eddibles. No, its not going to kill you, but the term "overdosing" refers to taking more than needed for the desired effect. Its quite uncomfortable and can make you pretty damn sick, along with the inability to make rash desicions.


Active member
Yea, there have been many times that I've felt the effects for extreamly extended periods of time after eating eddibles for days straight. For me, it gets to the point where Im like..... Ok.... I wanna feel normal again.

Yes... you can overdose on eddibles. No, its not going to kill you, but the term "overdosing" refers to taking more than needed for the desired effect. Its quite uncomfortable and can make you pretty damn sick, along with the inability to make rash desicions.

From the miriam-webster medical dictionary:

"too great a dose (as of a therapeutic agent) <an overdose of exposure to the sun—Morris Fishbein> ; also : a lethal or toxic amount (as of a drug)"

So I guess it is possible :D

My experience with edibles was always plesent until I moved to california. I used to cook with it a lot, put it in my spaghetti sauce etc.

I went to a local dispensary and decided to try their edibles. They had two pieces of carmel for $10. I was told if I had a high tolerance 2 pieces would be fine but I decided to do try 1 at first.

On my way home from work, I ate my first piece. I waited about 30 - 45 minutes and did not feel anything so I took my second piece and kept driving. I got home 15 minutes later and was greeted to dinner. I felt AMAZING, better than anything I have ever felt. Just RIGHT on the tip of "Too Much". Then I realized that was probably piece 1 kicking in and I hadn't digested the second piece yet.

well the 2nd piece kicked in and I started to panic. Felt like I couldnt breathe. I got real nauseous and threw up a few times. I spent about 4 hours curled up next to the toilet in pain.

I've never had a negative experience from using bud until this.

Reminds me of the time I got some fly agrarics from a friend. blech!

Now I take it easy and only do the recommended dosage.


Active member
Man i just found out that a friend of a girlfriend of mine ended up in the emergency room after eating half a piece of cake i made lol

she started panicking and she started freaking out so bad , they called the ambulance , the worst thing anyone could do , and they pumped her stomach clean

unbelievable , this is not good for the statistics , , she shoudl just have layed the fuck down and chilled , some people can really over react


^^it sounds like her friends were uneducated in how to handle a extremely high person on edibles, one of the many problems with prohibition of cannabis, this shit isnt taught mainstream. Usually food and fresh air help, and if that doesnt work, stick your finger down your throat in your own bathroom, you dont need to pay someone to make you throw up.


Active member
i know and i am really amazed that the girlfiend i gave the cake to was also there

i asked her why she didnt do anything to stop them from calling the ambulance , cuz she knows what weed is , but she replied she was too high and went down to lie on the bed while all this was going on

luckily that girlfriend of mine is from england , and has brougth the cake back with her , so I don't have any connections to those people over there that where freaking out , if this happened in my close surroundings i would be pissed cuz i would feel somewhat responsible


wow that sucks! I had a friend pull a whitey in Amsterdam in the Cannabis College grow room. It was pretty funny after the fact, but we just calmly got him upstairs into the fresh air and gave him some sugar water. He was fine within 10 minutes. thats what happens though, after a 9 hour plane ride, no real food, tons of weed, hash and a few edibles on an empty stomach!


Awesome thread!

I am one of the few who have been really careful with edibles. Perhaps cause I read alot about it on the net? I dunno...

Anyway, first time I made brownies I used some SweetCindy99 (BOG) trim. Don't remember how much but one cookie each would have me and other smokers feeling pretty stoned. Just the right amount I suppose. Beginners luck. Speaking of beginners...

I lived at my moms house at the time. She has never smoked. I told her about the cookies in the fridge and what was in them. Even told her that she could let me know if she wanted one and I could hang with her but NO... Told me she didn't want to.

I come home one day and find her freaking out in the couch. "I don't feel good. This is very unpleasant." was pretty much all she said. Me and my brother talked to her, told her how it is totally harmless and that the best thing she could do was to have a snack and some water and just relax. She did and everything turned out pretty good in the end.

First time I tried those cookies I had one and went by myself down to some restaurant and ordered my food and a beer. Just as I had gotten my meal I started feeling it. Had one of the best meals of my life, was so happy and so stoned. Just left some cash on the table and left when I was done. I was feeling GREAT but was in no condition to talk to someone.

Thanks for sharing people!

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
I always thought it was a form of payment in Karma (taking more than you need) by giving you a cabaret as you watch them throw up/past out/etc


Active member
lol now you story is nice , i also went to get food after eating cake once , not a good idea..... hehehehe


Overkill is under-rated.
My wife made a double batch of banana bread the other day, made into little mini-loaves. She brought me about 1/3 of one and said here you go, ganja food, so I ate it (about midnight on Friday.)

2 hours later I'm laying in bed and it starts coming on STRONG, and keeps getting worse. Every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing the most ridiculous crazy shit, and it changed every second like someone sitting on the remote control. I kept twitching and twitching, and after a little while got out of bed. I could hardly walk! Certainly couldn't focus. I stayed up til 7 AM until the buzz wore off enough to sleep.

Next day I asked her what she put in them:

"Oh I used some of your ISO oil."
Me: Really? How much?
"I dunno, I didn't weigh it. I used about half of a chunk I found in the freezer."
You WHAT? (Running to freezer, finding the other big chunk still wrapped up) OMG, this stuff? You used like 8 grams of Jackpot oil in a double batch?
"Yeah, good stuff huh?"
FUUUCK honey, too much!!

I think a bite or two would have been a good dose for a heavy smoker. 4 bites was devastating. Several other friends that tried it agreed.


My wife made a double batch of banana bread the other day, made into little mini-loaves. She brought me about 1/3 of one and said here you go, ganja food, so I ate it (about midnight on Friday.)

2 hours later I'm laying in bed and it starts coming on STRONG, and keeps getting worse. Every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing the most ridiculous crazy shit, and it changed every second like someone sitting on the remote control. I kept twitching and twitching, and after a little while got out of bed. I could hardly walk! Certainly couldn't focus. I stayed up til 7 AM until the buzz wore off enough to sleep.

Next day I asked her what she put in them:

"Oh I used some of your ISO oil."
Me: Really? How much?
"I dunno, I didn't weigh it. I used about half of a chunk I found in the freezer."
You WHAT? (Running to freezer, finding the other big chunk still wrapped up) OMG, this stuff? You used like 8 grams of Jackpot oil in a double batch?
"Yeah, good stuff huh?"
FUUUCK honey, too much!!

I think a bite or two would have been a good dose for a heavy smoker. 4 bites was devastating. Several other friends that tried it agreed.

lol, this is why I only use dry sift hash for making edibles. :D Tried BHO before and it wrecked me far too much. Couldn't walk, couldn't speak right, and just a total helpless soul. People thought I was blacked out drunk.
Funniest thread I have ever read! Thanks for sharing everyone. Hopefully the cookies I make later tonight end up as spectacular as some of your stories! lol


Freedom Fighter
Guy gave me a small bottle of Everclear Tincture he made-- He told me is was very, very strong!! Said 2 or 3 drops in a drink should do you--
So I put about half a shot-glass worth, into a li'l gatorade...spent the next couple hours on the couch...sweating...feeling like I was gonna die!! Everybody else laughed at me--
So I take it a bit slower now with anything I ingest!!