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Why do people who have never consumed eddibles, insist on eating more than one???

well i'll add this........ i never used hash for cooking but today i put a gram of bubble, 2 tbs olive oil, and some garlic in a water bath for about 20min,,,then poured it over my food....steamed carrots and zuccini...was way too much....first time i bugged out on thc, well i wouldnt say bug out, but it wasnt comfortable//


Do you all think eating too much at one time can be bad for you? Last night I made some oil and of course ate a little more than I needed to... I have made oil many times and I usually understimate the potency, probably because I usually cook with weed that didn't get me that high from smoking. I like getting really high, the first hour after it starts to kick in is awesome... but I usually get very drowsy after 2 hours or so. Last night was no exception. When I'm that high and paranoid I'm afraid that if I let myself fall asleep I might never wake up, haha. I always feel fine the next day, I was a little groggy this morning but now I feel normal. It doesn't seem like it's bad for your health.. I just wonder.

Haha I was so high I wouldn't even answer my phone. The idea of having to speak was very overwhelming.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Yea, I've heard that one Dope. Pretty funny chit.

Shi.... I dont think eating too much can be "bad" for you. Just make you feel sick and give you a bad experience. There's never been a case (that I've ever heard) of anyone dying from too much cannabis. You might feel like your gonna, but its never happend that I know of.
If you can rate the potency diffrence from smoking a good joint of IGH quality ...vs EATING something made with high qality cannabis..what would you say is stronger...
1-10? Is it stronger than smoking hash???

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Its hard to compare eating to smoking, because you get total different highs with the same product..... In my experiences.

Its been a while since I've cooked with cannabis. I should make a batch of cannabutter.


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
well well ! i love those threads on edibles...

if i could rate edibles vs buds, i say 1 for bud, 10 for edibles...

if you have high tolerance, then try eating :)
No way it will harm you, or any animal, it can just get very unpleasant (too me high dose is very much like mushrooms) and longgggggg.

I have tried to overdose on purpose (well i know it can t kill you), and yes sometimes it is unpleasant, but no way you can overdose on that. i think i ve been up to eating the equivalent in homemade cookies of 30g of quality buds in a meal. Love it, got me soooo high, but not to use if you have anything important to do in the next... let s say 36h for 30g ^^

My edibles are always really concentrated, and i ve made understand a lot of people the potency of cannabis and how it can pretty much really fuck you up !
like you guys say, insisting on more then one is really dangerous. usually even one is too much :)
I really enjoy cooking edibles for friends and having edibles parties, it is very fun, and it is always good to see how people react to your herb in quantity !

i Always warn people that it is strong, but that nothing dangerous can happen. Infact if it was any kind of dangerous i would never share them.
so they tend not to take too much at a time, especially if they did it once with me already.. lol ...
guess i m too much of a stoner !!

i have some oil and some milk around, well well... time for a bhang !


It's funny how we all have a story and similar they sound! haha. Yeah telling a 280Lb guy to just chill with one is hard, but now I listen...

I had a friend who would smoke with us occasionally but would not get stoned and often complained. One day I made some brownies and left them on the table all nice and presentable. My friend comes over and eats one, I tell him, he reaches for another and I say "hey dick they've got weed in em", to which he responds "you can't even taste it these are weak, I dont get high anyway" about 7 2 x 2 brownies later he was starting to trip a lil and we started riding him a bit. started a session and about half way through, right before I hand him the bong. he takes off running. I go look for him and can't find him, walk into the rooms to check for him, the bathrooms you know everything. Then as I am checking my brother's room I hear him in the closet, open the door and he is in fetal position talking about "they are gonna kill me", "they are after me", "I posioned himself" and finally "protect me, take care of me I think I am gonna die!". I am sorry but we laughed the whole time knowing he would be okay and that we did give him proper warning. it was his own doing...Why can't they just listen?
What would you guys say is better..peanut butter firecrackers..or anything made with canna butter?....is canna butter the BEST way for making edibles..does it dissolve most of the thc?....
There is a 'sound-bite' on Youtube of a 911 call of some guy calling in DIEING from eating one brownie out of a batch made with one-eighth!

Me KILE eating. Ima big person. BIG. I eat what I cook, but, I also stay in and dont even try to socialize.
Did a bunch of canna butter with a friend over a few days of cooking and WOW way differnt being around people!
I KILE eating, and napping and reading and listening to music. The NEXT day is even better. THEN I like being around people... very calm, spiritual.

my brownies are usually made with oz os trim. Dried and coffee grinded and dumped in whole. Then spend a morning with brownies for breakfast, usually half the batch... then float through the day... I am a one hit wimp when it comes to smokin, but I can gorge meself with weed-food.
Too high? Maybe a bit rough sometimes, but, if I cant be up and running all day, I like to be able to sit and spin all day.
Ate nothing but weed-food for a week once. After a week I was done in, cashed, kaput...
A week is too long. TOO LONG. But, three days later I felt better than I had in years.

Remember, you dont smoke medicine. Historically, cannabis has been consumed in the societies the produce it, not smoked. Smoking only comes in after it has been traded off to far away place. More bang for your buck for pain relief, if smoked, but very little medicinal value. The health benefits are in the ingestion: leaf, flower, stem and roots.. umm... but I wouldn't recommend eating the roots of chemically grown weed..... blech...

Mmmm, doughnuts....
One of my patients recently ate 4 lozenges (I make them with BHO) and these were out of my personal stash and 1/2 of a lozenge is a dose, which she was aware of. Well after eating the 4 lozenges I guess she fell asleep and a friend of hers called and she thought it was 7am and got showered and ready for work, called a cab, took the cab to work, showed up to find out she was 12 hours early for work, went home, went to sleep, woke up the next day and went to work and said she still felt stoned.

It goes to show, that sometimes stronger edibles aren't the right things to give to people thatthink they're so bad ass. I mean if 1/4 of 1 small blueberry muffin knocks you on your butt, then eating 8 doses of BHO lozenges is teally going to do a number on ya.
When i was in college this happened to me:D

i ate 2 slices of spacecake from the coffeeshop. I didn't feel shit after 30 minutes so i smoked a joint.

After the joint we was hungry so we went to a snackbar.

All of a sudden just when my order was ready shit started kicking in. I had to pay , dropped all my money on the floor. Everyone was looking , got up and cuz of the down-up movement(and the cake) my eyes got blood red and i had troubles with pronunciation started sweating paid and ran out of there so i could it in peace.

After eating i fell asleep
:laughing: lol that sounds hilarious


Active member
i eat too much every time. last time i made brownies i ate one and smoked a joint. then i got stoned and got the munchies. by the time i realized it i had eaten 5 brownies. lets just say i didnt do much for the next 6 hours.


donut engineer
I've made this mistake twice. Once it almost cost me professionally.

The first time was in college. I baked an ounce of mids into some brownies and ate them with a friend. 45 minutes in we didn't think they were working and gobbled up the remainder of the plate. I slept for the rest of the night and the next day I was unable to function - couldn't even order a pizza to my dorm I was so sick.

The second time almost cost me my job. My buddy (who I met through ICMag!) made some BHO brownies. He gave me a small slice and I ate it on the cab ride home. I call him later and tell him "wow man, that brownie was good, I didn't taste any butter". He was like "you ate the whole thing?". He had ultra-concentrated the brownies with the BHO.

It was a Saturday evening when I ate the brownie. Sunday I woke up late (5pm!) and missed the dry cleaners so I didn't have clothes for Monday. Monday I was supposed to fly out at 7 am to a client so I was pretty much fucked. I had to go downtown to Macy's, completely blasted on the brownie from the day before and buy new clothes. My eyes were dark red and almost entirely shut. I told the men's clothing dept sales guy my sizes, explained my situation (using the term "over-medicated"), and asked him to pick out three shirts and two pairs of pants in my size. Macy's is great for this because they get payed on a commission and welcome the business any way they can get it.

I woke up the next day still completely blasted. I went to the airport early only to find out my flight was delayed. I had to be assisted by security to walk through the metal detector because I kept stumbling into the sides and setting it off. You can get away with almost anything in an airport if you're dressed in business casual on a Monday morning.

I landed at the client's city 6 hours later still pretty stoned but coming down severely. I rented a car, made it to the client, and hooked up with my team in a conference room with like 20 people including the CIO of the company. I sat at the opposite end of the table from management and fell asleep in my hand 15 minutes later. I was awoken by my project lead who told me nobody saw me, but that I should go to the hotel and get rest.


guest 77721

I started making brownies with shake after my first grow. All I did was grind up the trim and mix it in with the brownie mix. Usually 2-3 brownies would make up a standard dose.

The first time I tested making a proper oil infusion, I added about 1/8 oz of sugar trim and some popcorn bud to my oil and simmered it with water on the stove for an hour before adding it to the brownie mix. Believe me, bud needs to be bound to a fat and heated to be fully activated.

I had 2 brownies maybe 3 and felt it kick in immediately. Within an hour I was couchlocked and the high climbed for another 3 hours before levelling out. I remember watching TV that looked like I was going into Warp on StarTrek. This was Friday night. I was still stoned Sunday night at bedtime and felt pretty burnt Monday morning to go to work.

So you'd think I'd learn. The next time I tried just one brownie and was fried for a whole day. I worked out the dosage, a 1/4 brownie was a full dose for a 6 hour buzz.

Needless to say I had a lot of time to play with that pan of brownies, all cut up into little 4 dose squares.
First time we made 50 cookies from 50grams and I ate 7 cookies.
Didn't feel to my maximum but wasn't that bad anyway!

The day after I was still high, kinda funny feeling :)


New member
I went with my boyfriend to visit one of his friends, and they offered me a cup of coca. Laced of course. Well, Ive never tried MJ before, worst thing I have ever done was to get smashing drunk.
So, I figure, they know what they are doing,a nd drank the coca.. Oh lord!
Nothing for an hour, then I got lag like in a computer game when I tried to move my arms, could only focus on one thing at a time, and got so sick i puked. That was friday evening. Today, wednesday, I can still feel the aftereffeects of tiredness and trouble concentrating...
Turns out, the friend dosed it as he would himself. So about 20 times more than I ought to have had.

Very fun first try... Not! Im still debating whether its worth giving it another try.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
Aw Im sorry to hear about that! What a horrible first experience! I would recomend giving it another try with a canna cookie or brownie. Are you a grower? It would be best if you made your own eddibles, or had someone you trust make it for you. Its never cool when someone gives you more of a dosage than you would need.

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