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Why did miners used to carry canaries with them?


Active member
Anyone remember?

In the history of mining, canaries and other small birds were often put in cages and taken down into mines. Why though?

Turns out, small birds breathe much faster and are more sensitive to toxic gasses and lack of oxygen.

When the canary had problems or died... the miners left the mine because it was a sign of bad air or no oxygen.

Did the miners notice the bad air or lack of oxygen? Generally, no. Hence the reason for carrying a warning indicator.

Apparently I'm a human canary. I can feel, smell and taste things that 99% of the people around me cannot. I also, apparently, have a higher sensitivity to chemicals than the people around me.

I'm looking for other human canaries. Essentially, if we have issues with something... even if other people don't 'notice' it... they're having issues to.

Looking forward to working with other canaries in the future.

:thank you:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


The Tri Guy
canary here,
but we've seen in the past, others don't like these threads.


Well-known member
as i age i am getting hyper sensitive to stupidity ... it's all around me and it is really hard to just stfu. fortunately, i get lots of practice.


The Tri Guy
If the problem doesn't affect you, what right do you have to mock someone it does affect?


The Tri Guy
oh mate, everything.
I can't wear wool suits for work, have to find cotton ones. Have to sleep in untreated unbleached cotton sheets. Can't have the cleaners at work spray my desk with standard cleaning chemicals, (always leave a note on my desk at the end of the day saying "take a break, dont clean this desk"). Certain perfumes, or hairsprays women wear. Air freshners. Most of the washing detergents for the washing machine. The list goes on. Having to think about all sorts of things most people are oblivious to in everyday life can be stressfull at times, but once you get things down, know what to buy and where you can get it from, you can hide most of the probs from others. Saying you have to leave the room because "your perfume is making me ill" is one that's never easy to get around though.


Well-known member
Apparently I'm a human canary. I can feel, smell and taste things that 99% of the people around me cannot. I also, apparently, have a higher sensitivity to chemicals than the people around me.

Supertasters actually aren't that rare.

Wikipedia: Supertaster

The real rare sensory enigma are those born with 4 cones in the eye, and can see around 100 million colors.


Active member
oh mate, everything.
I can't wear wool suits for work, have to find cotton ones. Have to sleep in untreated unbleached cotton sheets. Can't have the cleaners at work spray my desk with standard cleaning chemicals, (always leave a note on my desk at the end of the day saying "take a break, dont clean this desk"). Certain perfumes, or hairsprays women wear. Air freshners. Most of the washing detergents for the washing machine. The list goes on. Having to think about all sorts of things most people are oblivious to in everyday life can be stressfull at times, but once you get things down, know what to buy and where you can get it from, you can hide most of the probs from others. Saying you have to leave the room because "your perfume is making me ill" is one that's never easy to get around though.
Yep... that's me. *sigh*
I usually find an excuse to leave the room... instead of confronting women with their perfume excesses. Ouch. :( No fun.

What about the folks obsessed with double fabric-softener. GACK That stuff tastes disgusting. :( Oily, greasy, bitter... nasty tasting stuff from 15' away.

Oi the stress of keeping my mouth shut and just taking the chemical assault. Ouch.

Hey... you have problems with the "Scent/Perfume/Dye" free laundry detergents? Sick and tired of them not washing out their equipment between batches. Tired of smelling grape cool-aid or "Fresh-Scent" on my NON-SCENTED DETERGENT! lol

lifebreather said:
Supertasters actually aren't that rare.

Wikipedia: Supertaster

Yep... but they're not quite like GMT and I. We fall into the 1 or .1 percent of the super tasters... been a while since I read it. LOL

Supertasters are people who have a sensitivity to bitter tastes... They run about 1 in 4. GMT and I have that same sensitivity to ALL tastes. Ouch! Wonderful in some aspects... extremely difficult to deal with on a daily basis.

Interestingly enough... 1 in 4 are considered NON-tasters. I remember one guy complaining that every strain he grew tasted the same. Wondering if they were a non-taster.

lifebreather said:
The real rare sensory enigma are those born with 4 cones in the eye, and can see around 100 million colors.
My wife is a tetra-chromat... used to drive me nuts that she'd point at two shirts colored the same color and tell me one was more yellow or blue or something than the other. LOL

You need to match colors? You want a tetra-chromat on your team. :) She can match clothes on people like you wouldn't believe. There's 'something' about the way she matches stuff that I can 'almost' see. Hard to describe but there's just something that 'clicks' for the eyes when everything matches colors properly. (graphic art school helped as well. lol)

The human body is truly amazing... right? lol

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Your life sounds difficult.



The Tri Guy
lmao at the non scented stuff. Yep, but not only the detergents. How about the non scented soaps that stink, or the non scented moisturizers some people use. Lol, then they top that stuff off with extra scents in their shampoo and deoderants and then put perfume on top of all that. Its like they walk around with a linus cloud around them. How the hell do they breathe? Can't be much oxygen left around them surely.
Then THEY have the nerve to comment on how smokers smell. No wonder they don't like to be around smokers, one spark near them, I'm sure there'd be a massive explosion.
Rather than soaps I prefer the antibacterial handwashes, getting non scented is impossible, regardless of what they say on the packaging, but there are one or 2 good ones out there. There are some detergents that are better than others, but those oxygen tablets that go in the balls are the biz. What solutions do you try to put into practice to help combat the problems in your own home?

lost in a sea

humans intuitively know essential oils when they smell them in certain plants, its still ingrained in our most basic instincts, it doesn't need to be taught when humans are or were in the real world and surviving for themselves, unlike this nipple of the devil we are all sucking on when we go to walmart or eat macdonalds/coke,, and all the big corporations are the same, in house with the government and courts.. yeah its one of the devils hairy tits, rotting minds and drip feeding people a new form of "nazism" for want of a better word for completely cold, apathetic future,, we are becoming the robots or have already..

anyway essential oils have some really important functions cognitively and all are anti-fungal, anti-viral or anti-bacterial and all of them are anti-septic.. they have some real power and people don't realise how much the olfactory sense is used against them.


Wendull C.

Active member
I can put my hands in airline stripper or other toxic chemicals with no problem, but if female members of the family even look at super glue or other toxins they will break out in rashes or sores so bad their eyes swell shut.
I see where you are coming from.
This has to do with azadachtrin in flower right?


Active member
Your life sounds difficult.
LOL... life is easy?

There are definitely a LOT of days I wish I'd stayed in bed. Yes.

GMT said:
lmao at the non scented stuff. Yep, but not only the detergents. How about the non scented soaps that stink, or the non scented moisturizers some people use. Lol, then they top that stuff off with extra scents in their shampoo and deoderants and then put perfume on top of all that. Its like they walk around with a linus cloud around them. How the hell do they breathe? Can't be much oxygen left around them surely.
Then THEY have the nerve to comment on how smokers smell. No wonder they don't like to be around smokers, one spark near them, I'm sure there'd be a massive explosion.
ROTFLMAO! No oxygen for sure... I certainly can't breathe around them. LOL

GMT said:
Rather than soaps I prefer the antibacterial handwashes, getting non scented is impossible, regardless of what they say on the packaging, but there are one or 2 good ones out there. There are some detergents that are better than others, but those oxygen tablets that go in the balls are the biz. What solutions do you try to put into practice to help combat the problems in your own home?
Antibacterial huh? I'll have to look into that. Lately I've been trying to find low-odor stuff for the wife. Saw an "unscented" soap at the store yesterday... ingredients list "Masking Scent". WTF?? lol

We don't let people wash their clothes at our place. We wash everything that comes into the house, several times. Had some folks use my shower with Pert+ a few months ago. Couldn't stand to sit and breathe in my house for 2 days. *sigh*

It's a matter of identifying and avoiding. heheh

lost in a sea said:
humans intuitively know essential oils when they smell them in certain plants, its still ingrained in our most basic instincts, it doesn't need to be taught when humans are or were in the real world and surviving for themselves, unlike this nipple of the devil we are all sucking on when we go to walmart or eat macdonalds/coke,, and all the big corporations are the same, in house with the government and courts.. yeah its one of the devils hairy tits, rotting minds and drip feeding people a new form of "nazism" for want of a better word for completely cold, apathetic future,, we are becoming the robots or have already..

anyway essential oils have some really important functions cognitively and all are anti-fungal, anti-viral or anti-bacterial and all of them are anti-septic.. they have some real power and people don't realise how much the olfactory sense is used against them.

I agree completely. I recently quit eating artificial/heavily-processed foods and found out I'm addicted to the chems they put in them. One wiff of a costco muffin and I feel like a cigarette smoker that hasn't had one in two weeks... and someone just blew smoke in my face. F'ing rude... that's for sure. Almost to the point I can walk through a store and not 'feen' for anything... took a looong time though.

Have you noticed the increased chemicals in the air at a lot of stores lately? Super stores, gas-stations, grocery stores... all full of scented chemicals. Just super gross. There are 2 aisles at my local tiny store I don't go down. Shampoo/soap aisles and the laundry detergent aisle.

Really makes me appreciate the smells and tastes of the real food I eat. Wow.

Stay Safe! :tiphat:

Sat X RB

I 'm one who thinks it's good you canaries can share yr experiences of life.

seems to me yr the thin edge of a wedge of humanity that is succumbing less or more to an increasingly toxic environment.

people like yrselves may be 'canaries' but how many people are observing yr behaviour and paying attention to the invisible environment around us?

cheers ...


Active member
I 'm one who thinks it's good you canaries can share yr experiences of life.

seems to me yr the thin edge of a wedge of humanity that is succumbing less or more to an increasingly toxic environment.

people like yrselves may be 'canaries' but how many people are observing yr behaviour and paying attention to the invisible environment around us?

cheers ...

LOL... yeah, that. :)

I've run into a few... just a few. Thanks for being real and human. :)

Stay Safe! :tiphat:


So, you're in an elevator and the guy next to you shit's his pants. Can you tell what he ate? Heh, sorry couldn't resist. How are really strong foods for you like habeneros, anchovies, etc also ever had Kala Namak salt?

lost in a sea

well said hydro that kind of stuff is exactly what i was referring to before i got sidetracked with those behind it..

crucially they are all mostly modern synthetic scents/tastes..all of our senses are being overwhelmed and replaced essentially with artificial stimuli..

women are targeted alot because they should be more down to earth than men and natural so they force anorexic fashion and vampire make up on them..

:smoke out: