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Why did miners used to carry canaries with them?


Active member
coal miners also used to feed the rats in the mine, the rats were more sensitive to sismec activities and would head for cover before a cave in.


If anyone is looking for great soap that isnt full of toxic crap, check out Dr Bronners soap, made with organic oils. I like the peppermint one, but they also have one without scents added, but all the scents are organic as well. I had an ignorant family member laugh at me for having organic soap, hes like "how could soap be organic LOL" farkin idiots.

I for one don't understand how so many people just don't give a fuck about toxic crap or eating processed food full preservatives, anti biotics, growth horomones, etc. Some of my friends get pissed because I wont consume the garbage they cook at get togethers and look at me like really man its not going to kill you. When I go visit family or friends me and my gf will bring our own organic food and people who don't care about what goes in their body get really annoyed by it, I don't understand why, if you want to eat that crap you call food go ahead, but don't try an drag me down with ya. I feel people get this vibe like you think your better than them when you choose to only consume organic food, which is so fucking annoying.

Pet birds have be known to die from their owners cooking on teflon coated pans, due to the off gassing of toxins.

Scottish Research

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ICMag Donor
Synthetic fiber really bothers my skin. It is just not comfortable, especially in a really wet humid environment, like where I live.



Well-known member
If anyone is looking for great soap that isnt full of toxic crap, check out Dr Bronners soap, made with organic oils. I like the peppermint one, but they also have one without scents added, but all the scents are organic as well. I had an ignorant family member laugh at me for having organic soap, hes like "how could soap be organic LOL" farkin idiots.

I for one don't understand how so many people just don't give a fuck about toxic crap or eating processed food full perservatives, anti biotics, growth horomones, etc. Some of my friends get pissed because I wont consume the garbage they cook at get togethers and look at me like really man its not going to kill you. When I go visit family or friends me and my gf will bring our own organic food and people who don't care about what goes in their body get really annoyed by it, I don't understand why, if you want to eat your crap you call food go ahead, but don't try an drag me down with ya. I feel like people get this vibe like you think better then them when you choose to only consume organic food, which is so fucking annoying.

exactly what i was trying to say ... i agree about Dr. Bronner Peppermint -- been using it since 1972. isn't peppermint a pest repellent? well, it works that way in my mind anyway.
I'm the opposite of this, I have very little appreciable sense of smell. My dad and oldest brother were the same way. When someone asks "So I guess you have pretty much no sense of taste either then?" My stock (bad joke) response over the years has always been "Well, I think I taste pretty good". But seriously, I seem to have a more acute sense of taste than most because I don't rely primarily on the smell for taste. So 95% of the time I get a better perception of smells through their taste. All things considered I'd rather deal with a degree of insensitivity than the hyper-sensitivity being discussed here. I don't think most people can really fathom the unpleasantness in dealing with that all day every day.


Active member
So, you're in an elevator and the guy next to you shit's his pants. Can you tell what he ate? Heh, sorry couldn't resist. How are really strong foods for you like habeneros, anchovies, etc also ever had Kala Namak salt?
Natural stuff is fine. Ok, dog puke makes me want to puke when I clean it up... most biological nasties are fine.

Can I tell what they ate? Usually... because people eat stuff that's not right for their blood type. Can you tell the smell of rotten beef? That's what my shit used to smell like before I quit eating it. The A blood type does NOT digest most red meat (A's that have 'non-secretor' status can eat Goat and Lamb occasionally). Smells like it's been sitting in a warm wet spot for the three days it took to come out of me.

I LOVE strong tasting foods. Anchovies are the bomb! lol Haven't had the salt. no. :)

Midwesthighs said:
I for one don't understand how so many people just don't give a fuck about toxic crap or eating processed food full preservatives, anti biotics, growth horomones, etc. Some of my friends get pissed because I wont consume the garbage they cook at get togethers and look at me like really man its not going to kill you
It's amazing though... once one of the 'idiots' eats right for a month... they really don't want to go back. I know I was totally shocked at what that crap does to my body... I'd been eating hamburger helper and fast food for years.

Even though folks aren't as sensitive... they still have a huge reaction to the food. Amazing.

Thanks for the tip on the Bonner's soap. :)

coal miners also used to feed the rats in the mine, the rats were more sensitive to sismec activities and would head for cover before a cave in.
I did not know that but it makes perfect sense. How cool, eh? ;)

R. Fortune said:
Synthetic fiber really bothers my skin. It is just not comfortable, especially in a really wet humid environment, like where I live.
Yeah... same here. 100% Cotton socks or I get foot rot. Grrrrr!

The Professor said:
I'm the opposite of this, I have very little appreciable sense of smell. My dad and oldest brother were the same way. When someone asks "So I guess you have pretty much no sense of taste either then?" My stock (bad joke) response over the years has always been "Well, I think I taste pretty good". But seriously, I seem to have a more acute sense of taste than most because I don't rely primarily on the smell for taste. So 95% of the time I get a better perception of smells through their taste.
Wow... you have no idea how much that sounds like a vacation for me. LOL

The Professor said:
All things considered I'd rather deal with a degree of insensitivity than the hyper-sensitivity being discussed here. I don't think most people can really fathom the unpleasantness in dealing with that all day every day.
Me too. lol

Imagine walking through your typical day... only occasionally (or constantly... depends on what is in the air) you're assaulted by a baseball bat out of nowhere. No physical harm, but the blow to the consciousness is similar in nature.

I'd LOVE to ignore it... very, very difficult at times. Let's just say that I spend most of my day "Not Saying Something" about 90% of what assaults me. Big difference from when I was a kid... don't think I could have tolerated being around myself as a kid. Wow.

Midwesthighs said:
Pet birds have be known to die from their owners cooking on teflon coated pans, due to the off gassing of toxins.
That happend to a couple here in Fairplay. Husband got up and put a teflon pan on the propane stove to cook breakfast. Gets into argument with wife for 45min-hour and the teflon cooks off.

All the birds in the house died.

Did they air out that stuffy place? Hell no! They spent the rest of the day bitching at each other about that and whatever else. BREATHING THE FUMES. *sigh* Ex-(current?)coke heads.

Just goes to show... there are miners out there that won't leave a mine when the canary dies.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


New member
My husband and I are both canaries. My husband is a supertaster and connoisseur of weed. The taste matters almost as much as the effects.
Myself, I can't stand synthetics. Syn fabrics make me feel like my body is hot and suffocating. And dag nabbit I love the look of lycra, spandex, latex but it makes me itchy and causes a rash then respiratory wheezing....:blackeye:
I feel bombarded by people and their syn scents. Clean is okay but all the spray on, rub on, spritzing etc. ugh! killing me. Probably one of the reasons I love being on the farm working with ground.
When I changed to gluten free I could actually taste my saliva and my body produced more of it. Raw foods began to taste exquisite!
And I have also experienced fams and friends being annoyed by organic alternative lifestyle choices. I don't think I am better than them just want to be healthy and less chemically altered/hampered.


Active member
My husband and I are both canaries. My husband is a supertaster and connoisseur of weed. The taste matters almost as much as the effects.
Myself, I can't stand synthetics. Syn fabrics make me feel like my body is hot and suffocating. And dag nabbit I love the look of lycra, spandex, latex but it makes me itchy and causes a rash then respiratory wheezing....:blackeye:


It's all about the flavors. :)

My wife has used olive oil with a touch of vanilla extract in it. She'll dip a comb with a bit of it and brush the undersides of her hair a bit.

Delightful perfume. :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
Used to smoke cigs... when I would smoke a pack of generics (from time to time) I would get sores on my tongue and gums/cheeks. They would eventually go away, even if I kept smoking generics. Would always come back after smoking 'good' (lol) cigs for a while and then trying generics again.

Anyone else get this?

I don't eat out of cans anymore... but had a can of organic black beans the other day. I swear I picked up a sore or two from the metal bits created by the can-opener from opening the dang thing. I'd pick up one of those 'pinch' can openers (no metal bits) but I don't eat out of cans often enough. LOL Never got that before, when eating out of cans all the time.

What stuff have you found yourself to be 'sensitive' to that doesn't show up after repeated exposure? :)

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles: